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Emergency Ward Triage

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#61 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

    Freyja Alumni; Head of Creature Related Illnesses Care, Physical Therapist

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Posted 19 August 2020 - 07:19 AM

Christian didn't anticipate the response he got on his reassurance but he merely shrugged in turn and then concentrated on his work. When he was told his patient was a child, he was expecting a toddler or something but he was relieved that was not the case. It seems she didn't require a lot of reassurances which is fine with him as he preferred to not talk. The young girl began speaking about the events at the match, how she got hurt. Christian mostly filtered the story as he'd heard it. There's many different versions going around for a while now but he's got a decent perspective at this point. What his mind latched on in particular though is the simple fact that she fell then got trampled on... and that was how she got hurt. While she laid there, Christian gave his wand a wave, muttering, "Videre Internus." Then a greenish haze appeared; he moved his wand above her shoulder first, checking the situation there, and deciphered the problem with her shoulder easily. Just need to pop it back in place, he'd thought as he moved his wand lower, over her chest then above her ribs where he paused upon a discoloration of sorts on the analysis. There was something that was like a break but... no. Christian narrowed his eyes on that then dispelled it. "You will be good for anything after I finish with you," he said as he set to work unravelling the splint on her shoulder.


"Take a deep breath for me, this might hurt a bit," he advised her as he seized her arm, giving a sharp tug as she took a breath then cast the spell, "Brackium Emendo." There was a loud cracking sound as the shoulder popped back in place. The Ferula spell provided him with more bandages which he carefully wrapped through the girl's upper arm and shoulder, making sure it was securely in place. "Try not to move it too much for now, okay? Later, after some rest, it's going to be much better." Now, he needed to see what he can do about her rib. If it were a break, it would be easier to detect. But the earlier hologram revealed a certain discoloration. Christian reached over and pressed his probing fingers carefully across her ribs, feeling out for any sort of crack. He was able to pick one out from when he'd felt it dip under slight pressure... it might've hurt the girl a bit. He quickly drew away and raised his wand, resting it carefully over what he perceived as the crack then gave it a swift flick, muttering another healing spell. That ought to suffice, he'd thought as he grabbed bruise-healing paste, applying some over her ribs and then along her arms and legs efficiently. "There, we're done," he'd declared then stepped back. "How are you feeling now?" Christian asked, grabbing the charts again. "If there's nothing else that needs my attention, I'll have someone bring you over to a quieter area where you can rest. I'll come and check on you again later."

  • Tallulah Brimstone likes this

#62 OFFLINE   Healer Adeline Zolnerowich

Healer Adeline Zolnerowich

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Posted 19 August 2020 - 12:34 PM

Bringing in ORANGE #6 Harley Summers

First Aid: Did some work on his ribs to heal them up, removed glass from his legs and healed the cuts


Addie arrived at triage with Harley on the stretcher at her side. He'd be able to speak to the Healers who took over and help them tend to him. Thankfully, the amount of people still stuck out at the stadium was dwindling, so she hoped she'd only have to make a few more trips before all of this was over. It was nightmarish at best, but the Healers had been working their butts off to act immediately and tend to those who needed it most. "I've got another patient here," she called out. "Male, conscious and in stable condition. Had broken ribs and some glass stuck in his legs. Glass was removed and cuts were healed. I did my best to patch up his ribs, but he'll need some follow-up. The patient also has head pains, which might need further investigating." She looked over at the patient, shooting him another reassuring smile. 


Available for claiming.

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#63 OFFLINE   Healer Marthine Homstad

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Posted 20 August 2020 - 04:45 AM

Bringing in and Treating RED #12. Blaine Totterdale


As she felt her feet landed on the floor of the hospital's emergency room, Marthine didn't waste any time and moved the injured patient to an empty bed. His bones in his arms and torso area have been severely fractured and simple healing spells won't work in his condition. "Get him a ventilator and give his IV blood replenishing potion." The patient was suffering from head trauma so his needs stable oxygen and adequate blood to prevent further injury to his brain. She then turned to the other junior healer. "And you, prepare the operating room one and the anesthetic potion." She said to the junior healers in duty while she prepped herself for it. Glancing at the watch, she wondered if the surgery for his pregnant girlfriend has started. Marthine sincerely hoped nothing serious would happen to the couple and now trio with the baby on board. Finally, she tied her blonde hair up into a bun and put on surgical cap. As she finished her washing her hands, she immediately headed to the operating room where her unconscious patient waited to be treated.


Moved to Operating Room Two

#64 OFFLINE   Healer Ailsa Keating

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Posted 20 August 2020 - 05:11 PM

[Bringing in Orange # 4 Levi Amherst]


Ailsa had seen a variety of injuries today. All varying in level of intensity, but aside from the chick with a baby, this new one was probably one of the grosser patients. The minute she's through the doors, she calls out, Need immediate attention here! Even though she would only be handing this patient off, she pushes the floating stretcher further into their unit and over to the nearest free bed. If the man didn't get immediate help on his leg, he could probably kiss it goodbye so when she says immediate, she meant it. When a healer or nurse arrive, she launches into her report, Male, hearing loss, second degree burns to left side. Blunt force trauma to his left leg. He was pinned under a slab of concrete. Leg was crushed. I wrapped and splinted best I could in field, but I don't know if it's salvageable. Get him some pain meds ASAP. Ailsa waits around just long enough to answer any additional medical questions posed to her about her patient before she apparates off once more. Hopefully, there wasn't too many people left needing transport, and she could report back to St. Mungo's where help was probably needed quite desperately. 


[Available for claiming]


Treating Orange # 4 Levi Amherst


The relief at the stadium chaos calming down is ruined slightly by the knowledge that the chaos is calming as there is no other patients to help. Any that were barely injured had been healed and sent home. Worse injuries were transported to St. Mungo’s for further care. All that remained in the stadium were the dead and the Ministry officials. Ailsa hadn’t gotten a chance to touch base with Logan, but she figured he was safe and staying on scene to investigate. And if his dumbass went and got himself hurt, the Ministry would shove him off to St. Mungo’s. So, between that knowledge and knowing that she was no longer needed at the stadium, Ailsa apparates back to St. Mungo’s. The chaos of the ED has lessened, but they were still full to capacity. People running this way and that as they fixed up their patients. The girl by the door was gone, but oddly, the Meaty Leg Surprise is still on the bed where she left him. The surprise is that his leg will most likely need amputating. So much for “need immediate attention.” She’d think he’d rank higher than a little girl with cracked ribs but apparently not. With a barely suppressed roll of her eyes, Ailsa makes her way to her former stadium patient and forces a smile of greeting for him. Let’s get you help, hm? She tells him and turning away for a moment, she refiles in the cabinet next to the bed for a pain potion. The most logical place to start considering the man’s adrenaline had most likely worn off by now leaving him an immense amount of pain. She pours it into a small cup before offering it out to him and helping him drink it down. There, that’ll help a bit with your pain. Now, I’m going to take you off to surgery, okay? I’m going to put you to sleep and do the best I can for you and your leg, I promise. Ailsa offers him the briefest of smiles before she whisks him off to the OR. She wanted the space, quiet, and time to try to salvage the man’s leg and fix the rest of his injuries. The OR would provide that. Here’s hoping one is actually free though in this hot mess of an ED.


[/exit both for OR]

#65 OFFLINE   Healer Jared Wayland

Healer Jared Wayland

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 05:52 AM

Bringing in ORANGE#17: Claire Flamel

Firstaid done: Fixed broken leg bone and was put in a splint.


After a quick portkey trip to the hospital, Jared was able to bring the young woman to the emergency ward where he was immediately approached by one of the healers. ­"I fixed her broken leg but she has several broken ribs on the left side. Several shallow cuts and bruises but her ribs needs realignment before fixing ASAP." He brought her to one of the available beds in the room and left her to the capable hands of the healer who will take over.


In the meantime, another one of the junior healers had approached him and said that he was needed at the recovery room for the minister. Jared cussed and nodded his head. ­"I’ll be right there." He should not have left, but he was needed somewhere else. With a determined stride, he left the emergency ward to the minister’s private recovery room.



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#66 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 06:39 AM

Treating ORANGE #17: Claire Flamel


Christian was barely done with a patient when the cot beside was suddenly occupied. He merely sighed as he approached the new patient, listening as he was given a rundown of the diagnosis and then quickly set to work. "Don't worry, Miss. We'll have you fixed up in no time," he muttered, flashing a faint smile. He raised his wand then used the 'Videre Internus' spell to get a closer look at the damages she sustained, particularly on her ribs and the one leg put in a splint. "This one looks good, healing quite nicely already," he was murmuring absently. Christian set his wand back down and hastily grabbed the chart that was brought over by a Junior Healer. He made a few notes on it then addressed the problem on her ribs. There's a couple of them on her side that needs resetting. "Just relax," he said as he came at her other side. "It'll hurt but it's going to be quick. Luckily, you didn't get any organs punctured." Gently, Christian set a hand over her ribs, manually but carefully straightening each one up and then snapping them right back in place with the aid of the spell.


He sighed deeply in relief when he'd finished that arduous process and turned the girl onto her side. "I'm going to need you to stay in this position while your ribs heal, alright?" he said then checked on her splinted leg, making sure it was properly elevated. Once he was satisfied, Christian examined the cuts and bruises on her which he quickly fixed with Episkey. Finished with that, he went back on her chart to make a few more notes. "I believe you're all fixed up, another healer will be along to get you something for pain and to speed up your mending. They'll also transport you over at the Recovery Room. Just take it easy for now and rest up. I'll be coming by and checking on you again later, we can see about getting you discharged."

#67 OFFLINE   Healer Simon Nystrom

Healer Simon Nystrom

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 10:23 AM

With the blink of an eye, Zoey was transferred to the St. Mungo's Emergency department. The healer that bought her to the hospital was gone as soon as the two arrived, but it didn't take long before a boy stranded next to her bed. She couldn't believe he was a healer yet, but his St. Mungo's uniform definitely suggested that he was one. "Wh-what are you doing?" Zoey asked as the boy just started to throw spells at her. Then it hit her that the healer actually mentioned she had a brain injury. "Wait- What's going on? Where's Lucy?" She said, her eyes unable to focus on the boy's face. Why didn't anybody tell her anything? A moment after, a female healer joined her bed as well, again without involving her in anything. And why was everyone speaking so loud? At least her leg started to feel better. Zoey glanced down at her feet, surprised to see it was already in a splint. But worse, the head movement only allowed the throbbing in her head to get that much worse. Zoey groaned as she slowly let her head relax against the pillow once more. "Please..."

Simon took note of everything explained to him by the Healer and at her departure turned to the girl who is in a somewhat conscious state. "Hi, you're awake." Simon took some seconds to assess the girl, making sure she is stable. "I am Simon, you had your ankle broken we have that fixed. We have also applied for the required medicine on your bruises and they should be healed within a few hours." Explaining to her the injuries she received, he pulled out a vial of the pain-relief solution. "Please drink this. I will shift you to the recovery room where we will monitor your movements. If there is anything serious in the next few hours, I can come and prescribe you something stronger. Meanwhile, you should rest. It will help your head." Simon waited to make sure if she has anything else.


(Zoey you can post in the recovery room if you have no further queries)

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#68 OFFLINE   Rush Markowitz

Rush Markowitz

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 03:13 PM

Lieke smiled in relief when the boy managed to clearly answer her questions. "We're going to help you, Rush. Just stay still." The healer told him with her soft voice. She instructed one of the nurses to reach the boy's family once things slowed down a bit more. "Stay with me, okay?" The last thing she wanted was for the boy to lose his consciousness again. "I'm just going to check where your injuries are." Lieke found it important to let her patients know what was going up, if their state allowed it. It could give them some piece of mind, especially when they were freaking out. The healer stated off with the boy's head, as instructed by JC. "Videre Internus." She said, inspecting the swelling in the head. It definitely was one of the more severe concussions she encountered, but it looked like it didn't require immediate surgery either. She moved on to the boy's spine and other internal organs. His spine and organs seemed fine, it was just the swelling in the brain she needed to focus on. She administered another potion to the boy's IV that would help reduce the swelling. "Rush, listen to me, okay? You've got a concussion. It's a bad one, but it doesn't require surgery, it'd be too risky." She explained. "I've given you a potion that'll make you feel better, but you'll have to stay here overnight. Maybe for a couple of days. Just to make sure it won't get worse." It all depended on the progress the boy was going to make. "You've had a bad fall and it's not uncommon to feel sore for the next few days because of the impact your muscles had to endure. All you need to do is to relax. Your dad will be here soon, but a nurse will take you to a more quiet room now." The boy needed to be in a low stimulus room and the busy emergency ward definitely wasn't helping the boy's state. "Is that okay, Rush?"


Rush gulped as the healer in question tried to explain to him everything that was happening with him. It did give him some confidence as she kept speaking in that soothing tone, because he couldn't really see much. It was all a blur. And for someone who has relied on their sense of sight all their life, it becomes a terrifying experience when one of their senses is temporarily cut off. It seemed that the inspection was done, and Rush looked in her general direction as she spoke about the concussion in his head. Even the nod sent a shock of pain through his head, but at least he was understanding what was happening to him and it seemed a little less scary. Especially as she seemed to know what she was doing, and did say his father would be there soon. It did scare him that surgery was a risky option, because it meant the insides of his brain were in a bad shape, but he was willing to take that as long as his sight recovers. He felt practically handicapped. "Okay..okay.." He said slowly, as the medicines kicked in, and he started feeling a little better in the head. "Yes, that is okay. Thank you..healer." He added, really hoping his father would be there soon. 


[Going to post in the recovery room after this, if thats okay :) Thank you!]

#69 OFFLINE   Lilia Tomorokoshi

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Posted 22 August 2020 - 08:32 PM

Bringing in Orange #10 Veronica Ghalaway

First Aid: Burn Paste and Compress for Broken Leg


Walking into the triage, Lilia raised Veronica onto a bed. Things were beginning to calm down a little as the injured were being taken care of. "Can I please have a healer over here? This isn't an emergency case, but she needs to be tended to!" Lilia kept a hand on the edge of her bed as a source of comfort. As she was leaving the fan zone, Lilia heard the girl make some noise in thanks. Glancing down, Lilia could she the girl was conscious, but in pain. "Don't worry, you'll feel better soon. A healer will give you some paste and a compress for your leg, but I'll wait with you until some will take over." Now that the air was not dusty and congested, Lilia could get a better look at herself of her being covered in a layer of dust. Veronica looked just as dirty as Lilia.


Available for Claiming

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#70 OFFLINE   Healer JC del Valle

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Posted 22 August 2020 - 11:09 PM

Claiming & Treating Orange #10 Veronica Ghalaway


JC finished checking the current condition of the Minister. He just came out of the recovery room and was reading the Minister’s record to double check any inconsistencies and issues which they still need to re-check later when he heard the familiar voice of Lilia. JC closed the record book and greeted his fellow healer. Lilia. What do we have here? he looked at the patient on the stretcher with several burns on her skin and the bruise on her leg tells him she’s got injury there. I’m here, tell me what happened. JC gave the Minister’s record to one of the Junior healers there and left instructions to continue to monitor her blood pressure and brain activity. JC moved the stretcher to the side so he can check the patient properly while Lilia is telling her about the patient’s issues. JC grabbed the Burn-Healing Paste and started applying them to the small burns on her skin as gentle as possible. He looked at the patient, thankfully she’s conscious enough to be given instructions on what to do in the next few days. I’ll give you extra burn-healing paste which you can bring home. Please apply it daily until all burns were healed completely. He smiled and removed the loose splint there so he can clean the impacted leg Tergeo! before putting another bandage, this time, he added tightly. Ferula. The bandage rolled around her leg tightly into a splint. I’ll give you crutches to support you whenever you need to stand up, but I suggest you rest this leg for a couple of days. He motioned for one of the healers to give the patient crutches. Also, after 5 days, please go back here so we can remove the splint and then depending on the leg condition, you may need physical therapy to reduce stiffness and restore movement in your injured leg. He looked at Lilia, She may go home after this, you can ask the hospital staff to assist in bringing her home, or if you know her personally, I would suggest you assist her as well. I’ll also give her pain killer so she can drink it whenever applicable. JC grabbed the patient’s record and wrote the things he applied and instructions for the junior healers to take over in discharging the patient.

  • Lilia Tomorokoshi likes this

#71 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

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Posted 23 August 2020 - 01:05 AM

Treating ORANGE #6: Harley Summers


There was another stretcher being wheeled shortly after he passed a patient's chart to a Junior Healer. While she was being moved, Christian directed the new stretcher toward the open space as he was promptly regaled with the reported findings. "Okay, I'll take over now—thank you," he'd told Adeline. Turning over at the man, Christian drew out his wand to cast 'Videre Internus.' "Let's get a closer look first," he murmured as a greenish haze materialised, giving him a nice perspective of the extent of the wounds his patient has sustained. "Some of the ribs are a little crooked, but no vital organs were punctured, everything else looks alright…" he paused to glance at the man. "It was a close call but you got lucky. Just relax and we'll get you sorted quick." With that, he set to work. Christian, with the aid of a healing spell, manually but carefully straightened each rib, making sure they snap back in place correctly. With 'Ferula,' he wrapped the man's torso in bandages so the ribs can remain in place as the process of healing completes.


Finished with that, he continued to examine the patient's other wounds. They were minor scrapes that was easily fixable with 'Episkey.' He made sure to check that's covered everything. That left the possibility of a head trauma… which he really can't do plenty about. Christian reached for a vial of restorative. "Drink this, please," he said, passing it onto the patient. "Then we'll have you brought in the Recovery Room. I'll be checking on you in a couple of hours again."

#72 OFFLINE   Tallulah Brimstone

Tallulah Brimstone

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Posted 23 August 2020 - 04:46 AM

After coming in with Esme just to make sure that she was being looked after by the best, Talluah asked where she could find her daughter which got her a grin. By the face alone of the person she asked, the mother knew that Imogen was alright and possibly causing grief to the Healer that was helping her. After finding out where she was, Tally stretched as she walked covered in a few scratches and bruises but nothing substantial or life threatening and heard the questioning tone of her eleven year old and made her way to her.

Standing next to the bed, she gave a tired smile at the Healer (Christian) as she held her daughters hand. "How is she? She didn't give you too much trouble did she?" Tallulah smiled at the much younger version of herself, knowing full well that left to her own devices, Imogen could be more than a handful for anyone. Hopefully she would grow out of the 'Foot in Mouth' and think more of what she was saying. Right now the only thing on her mind was to get Mimi home and comfortable as she healed up for the start of Hogwarts.
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#73 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

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Posted 25 August 2020 - 10:56 PM

Christian was no stranger working in the Emergency Room. Even after he's gotten reassigned to a different ward, he'd found himself getting summoned there pretty often so he was accustomed to working in accordance with the standards of an emergency situation. It wasn't that long until a woman came up, checking on his patient. Christian's gaze drifted toward her and blinked once as he noticed her resemblance with the girl. This was the mother, he was guessing; he gave a brief smile and then went back to work. "She's alright," he replied in his usual 'healer tone,' "better compared to some others her age who gets sent in the ER." Once again, he was relieved he was not given a 'ten-and-below' case and got an eleven-year-old with quite a bark, so to speak. Christian preferred the snarkiness and rudeness to nonstop crying.


Upon finishing with his patient's treatment, he'd turned toward the mother. "She's going to be perfectly alright but for now, we're getting her moved in the Recovery Room. I'll be along to check on her in an hour or two again. Just to make sure everything's going well. Then we can see about getting her discharged."

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