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Emergency Ward Triage

72 replies to this topic

#41 OFFLINE   Healer Richard Oplev

Healer Richard Oplev

    Pediatrics / Emergency Care Healer, Hufflepuff Alumnus

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  • Blood Status:Muggle Born
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 16 August 2020 - 10:14 PM

{Bringing in ORANGE #14. Royce Nzyk}


Apparating into St. Mungo's with CeCe in his arms had been quite a challenge as he was deadly worried he'd hurt her even more. He hadn't been capable of examining her at a greater extent since they had been surrounded by chaos and it was just too dangerous to stay in the area she had been injured. They had left the craziness of the stadium to arrive to the madness of the EW triage. Rich's eyes scanned the area quickly and, moving as fast but as carefully as possible, found an available bed to place his fiancée down. He winced every time she breathed differently as it seemed she still was in a lot of pain as he had only been able to treat her arm. By their movements and her whimpers, he was able to tell there was something wrong with her rib cage, and helped laying her down. "CeCe? Look, we're at the hospital. You're gonna be alright." He looked up, searching for any available Healer that didn't need to go back to the stadium. He'd have to since he had been there and knew, to some extent, what had happened and had seen many injured people on his way to finding Royce. His oath as a Healer meant he had to help, but would first make sure CeCe didn't need anything. "Tergeo..." He took his wand out and pointed at the cut on her head, carefully moving her hair out to wash the dry blood and the biggest cut. "I need a Healer over here, please! Broken arm I already dealt with, apparent broken ribs and the biggest cut on her head," he tried to stay calm, smiling reassuringly at her. "Don't move too much." Rich took her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. "I'll be back, I promise, but I need to help bring others..." It was so difficult to leave her when she was injured. Once she gave him the okay to leave, Rich disapparated.


{Available for claiming}

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#42 OFFLINE   Maja Moretto

Maja Moretto

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 11:43 PM

How? How could they ask her to calm down when everything around them was absolute chaos and uncertainty? She knew losing her cool didn't help, and that it was pointless, but she couldn't help it. At least she wasn't causing some scene, her worry and fear manifestinf only through the tears streaming down her face. Maja was about to snap at Josef, but his nickname and the beating of his chest to keep her grounded aided her to focus on it instead. She looked into his eyes, inhaling slowly and then exhaling in a shaky breath as she felt a lump forming down her throat due to the stress, the overwhelming emotions and the fear of her siblings being gravely injured. Luca couldn't move for he time being, at least not as he should, but he was doing alright; in fact, she had to cover her mouth to not laugh at the scream he had let out when they were fixing his hip. Ryan looked confused and scared, but when he started receiving attention, he seemed to start calming down. Now all she could do was waiting for some other Healer or just anyone else that would bring Zora in, or tell her she wasn't in danger. Maja had spent years mad at the lot of them, but that didn't mean she didn't love them. It was a very twisted and awful way to let them know when they possibly felt the opposite, but her worried to death just showed it was true.


She looked at Josef as he spoke to the Healers as if he hadn't been injured, and it brought a tiny piece of happiness back as he showed how he cared for her, never letting go of her hand and having protected her like he had. It was a tender moment wherein she'd say something sweet and thank him for that, but they weren't in some fairytale and she was weak and nauseous despite having an empty stomach. Maja lied down as instructed by a second Healer, staring at the ceiiling and the closing her eyes as everything spun. She was so done with the dizziness overall, her foot only hurting when she stood up but it seemed they had already fixed it, or were working on it, she wasn't sure. She was then showed her insides with the help of some spell, but didn't understand a single thing and that sight only worsen it all.


Maja would open her eyes and tried to look around to see if Zora had been brought, and turned to look at Healer Lazarov as she was told they would give her a potion for her stomach. Thank Merlin and all the heavens for that. She nodded, but then frowned, turning to Josef for a double take. Had she listened correctly? She lifted her head, looking at the woman with big eyes. "I'm sorry, very bad for who?" Now she was hallucinating. Maybe she was talking about Ryan and had thought he was her son? That theory was completely discarded as soon as a check-up was mentioned. Maja managed to sit up, feeling her heart racing as she turned to Josef for a second time, her brain starting to digest the news. What? She accepted the the vial in silence, looking dumbfounded as she placed her hands on her stomach. Maja was overwhelmed, yet again, her eyes glazing over as her gaze moved downwards. She had no idea how to feel about it, how to react, but didn't dare looking back at Josef. He had already thought she had slept with someone else, and knew where he was when it came to kids. She wasn't ready for him disappearing from her life for good, or losing his cool at this very moment. She covered her face and started sobbing, unsure if Luca had heard the news. Such great timing...

  • Healer Katerina Lazarov and Josef Klaasen like this

#43 OFFLINE   Healer Ailsa Keating

Healer Ailsa Keating

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 11:50 PM

[Bringing in Orange # 4 Levi Amherst]


Ailsa had seen a variety of injuries today. All varying in level of intensity, but aside from the chick with a baby, this new one was probably one of the grosser patients. The minute she's through the doors, she calls out, Need immediate attention here! Even though she would only be handing this patient off, she pushes the floating stretcher further into their unit and over to the nearest free bed. If the man didn't get immediate help on his leg, he could probably kiss it goodbye so when she says immediate, she meant it. When a healer or nurse arrive, she launches into her report, Male, hearing loss, second degree burns to left side. Blunt force trauma to his left leg. He was pinned under a slab of concrete. Leg was crushed. I wrapped and splinted best I could in field, but I don't know if it's salvageable. Get him some pain meds ASAP. Ailsa waits around just long enough to answer any additional medical questions posed to her about her patient before she apparates off once more. Hopefully, there wasn't too many people left needing transport, and she could report back to St. Mungo's where help was probably needed quite desperately. 


[Available for claiming]

#44 OFFLINE   Josef Klaasen

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 12:46 AM

The entire time Josef was completely invested in Maja and their course of treatment for her. He had heard stories of smoke inhalation not being properly treated and resulted in fatalities. Although this didn't seem to be a severe case it still made his heart pound at the thought of anything happening to her. The explosion had definitely given him the clarity that he needed, even though he was more than sure that he wanted her in his life, this event had cemented that idea in his head. He knew that she worried for her sister's safety but he reassured her with another smile that she was going to be okay and perhaps in a different part of the hospital. His attention wasn't really on Luca or Ryan, especially when he was talking to the healers about any additional tests, so he had missed Luca acting like a complete baby. He had only seen her chuckle, which in turn made him feel a bit more at ease, though the concerned expression never left his face.

He felt relief that she was feeling better or at least seemed that way. The awful retching had stopped at the potion she was being given would soothe her stomach. "See? Everything is going to be okay, love." Whew. For what he could tell this was going to become more of a routine thing than requiring any observatory stays. Honestly he just wanted to get home and get rid of the clothes he was wearing and hop into a hot shower. The healer was did another overpass with her wand, which made him raise his brow, curious as to what she had found and narrowed his eyes in confusion at her words. "A...wait...who?" He was just as perplexed and stumped as Maja and as if sharing the same mind looked at Ryan, thinking they were referring to the little boy instead. No. This wasn't the case and looked at the healer silently as the information processed in his mind and turned to look at Maja. They were both digesting the information and despite it all - despite his own personal feelings about having children and not ever wanting anything serious this news didn't...bother him? Granted he was still standing there dumbfounded, but as the idea began to form in his mind, his face turned from a hardened, concern one to that of a surprised happiness. The thought of whatever Ministry official she had seen that night left his mind because as far as he was concerned nothing had came into fruition from that encounter. He knew she hadn't gone through with it because at the end he knew how much she loved and cared for him. Her sobbing broke him out of his racing thoughts and turned to her with the most apologetic and gentle gaze as he grabbed her hands carefully, one by one and lowered them. "No...no don't. Please don't cry." He began trying to calm her and then with his good arm wrapped it around her slender frame and chuckled out nervously, "Oh, Cara. This...This...it's good. It's good news." He welled up suddenly with emotions as so many thoughts ran through his mind and leaned back to face her, their noses touching as he spoke. She'd be able to see his eyes glossy but they were filled with hope and merriment, something that Josef rarely ever felt in his life. "I- I wow. I don't know how to be a father..." He said as he tried to control his breathing, "...but does anyone, really? It's going to be okay, baby. We are going to be okay." He hugged her again, burying his face in her hair and held her as tight as possible. This was inadvertently the second change he had hoped for. This. This was what he needed. This was what he didn't know he longed for until it came knocking at his door and here he was ready to receive it. Once again he looked at her, kissing her cheeks and leaned back so they could lock eyes. He looked at her adoringly as he said, "Maja I love you. I love you. I'm in love with you. Merlin I've been in love for so long, but too scared and foolish to say it out loud." And in that moment repeated his I love yous to her before asking her, "Let's make this work. Give me a second chance? Be mine? I want everyone to know that you're mine and I'm yours. Please....say yes. I promise you I will do everything in my power to make you happy." Titles were never his thing, but needed to make it official. He hated the situationship he had allowed them to be in for so long and could finally take a step into being an exclusive couple.
  • Maja Moretto likes this

#45 OFFLINE   Healer Richard Oplev

Healer Richard Oplev

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  • LocationGamla Enskede, Sweden
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  • Nickname(s):Rich, Richie
  • Blood Status:Muggle Born
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 17 August 2020 - 01:08 AM

{Bringing and treating ORANGE #11: Vladislav Dimitrov}



Rich came back with The Daily Prophet's Editor in Chief. "Vladislav Dimitrov, found unconscious at the quidditch pitch. Got several broken bones and discolated joints. His wrist, right leg and foot have been treated so far. Several parts of his body present multiple bruises, burns and cuts." The stretched hovered in front of him, and transfered the man down onto one of the few available beds. He checked for his vital signs, which were still faint but there, the blow he had gotten to the head no longer bleeding, though Rich hadn't touched it so far so they could perform a scan before messing with such an important organ. He glanced up to where CeCe was and smiled reassuringly at her. At least he could keep an eye on her, just in case, so decided to stay at the hospital as it seemed many had the remaining victims at the stadium covered and they needed more in here. "I need Burn Healing Paste over here, please." Rich took out his wand, now aiming to treat the man's dislocated joints since the bones had been restored to the best of his ability and situation, though he'd need to keep an eye on those, especially when he woke up. "Ferula," the bandages left the tip of his wand, and those worked, he managed to cut the man's robes to expose the skin on his arms so he could apply the paste in each and every burn. So many years working as an Emergency Care Healer gave him the ability of getting rid of Vladislav's clothes and replacing them with a patient gown while also cleaning the cuts and all the dust and debris from his hair and skin. "Videre Internus," the greenish hologram appeared before him, giving him the possibility of inspecting each and every organ, though the one he needed to first was the man's brain. It seemed it hadn't received any damage so far, but he'd have to wait for him to wake up to make sure all the functions were working correctly. In the meantime, Rich kept on applying the paste and monitoring his vital signs.

#46 OFFLINE   Healer Gabriel Dimitrov

Healer Gabriel Dimitrov

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 02:23 AM

Treating ORANGE #7 Dylan Eklund


It was peaceful in the hospital for a moment and then there was chaos. Gabriel was playing cards with the other staff that were left to stay in the hospital to keep it running while most of the healers including the head healer are away watching the game. He wasn’t expecting something like this to happen, but then weren’t they just talking about a storm coming in after the calm they just experienced earlier that day? He can’t believe that the stadium was attacked and that a lot of people were injured. The chaos in the emergency ward was so extreme that all hands on deck was required. That mean him as well. He prepared himself before stepping into battle. Addie arrived with a patient and he immediately focused his attention on the things that were being narrated to him. “I got him.” He gave her a curt nod too and took the floating stretcher to one of the available beds and connected an IV for fluid and blood. There was a complete set of potions needed for emergency by the bed and Gabriel went to work on the patient only to find out that it was Dylan. Dylan from school. Gabriel went to work right away and did the videre internus spell and did another scan. Addie was right. Everything looked okay in the scans but his consciousness going in and out was something that could be serious. He checked for the dilation of the eyes and his was responsive to that was a relief. It looks like he will be fine as long as he gets enough rest. He will need some fluids in his system though so the IV will have to stay until he regains consciousness. As for now, he needs to rest. Gabriel waved his wand over the small cuts and bruises that Dylan has all around and made sure to secure the splint on his previously broken arm. They don’t want any swelling happening there. With the check up and treatment done, he wheeled Dylan to the recovery rooms to…well recover.

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#47 OFFLINE   Healer Gabriel Dimitrov

Healer Gabriel Dimitrov

    Vanaheim Alumni, Swedish Canon, Creature-Induced Injuries / Spell Damage Healer

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 03:00 AM

(Not sure if we are allowed to double post. If not, I'll delete this.)


Treating ORANGE #15: Sherlock Thorns


After treating Dylan, Gabriel immediately went back to the emergency room and took on another patient. More and more healers are coming in with more patients from the stadium and it was the busiest that he had seen the hospital since he started working. He went towards a boy who couldn’t be more than 15 and had lost a lot of blood. Gabriel grabbed a few bottles of the potion needed and approached the boy and Lilia. “I’ll take care of him.” Gabriel’s face darkened at the sight of the young boy and he immediately did a scan with the videre internus spell. He saw the extent of damage the boy’s ribs took. It looks like the right side of his body had taken the worst of the blow. At least, the arm was already mended so he quickly put his arm in a splint to help the bone recover from the trauma and then put the boy’s arm on the side so he could take a closer look on his broken ribs. The boy’s blood pressure was also normalizing so that tells him the blood replenishing potion was already working its magic. He only had to be careful with the ribs as to not puncture the lung. He pointed his wand at the area where he found the broken piece of his rib and tried his best to realign it to the other pieces with a charm. It was a tedious process but necessary because he will run a risk of puncturing the lung if he doesn’t align the bones first. It will be like two magnets coming together regardless of what was in the way. After a couple of excruciating minutes, he was able to align everything back up. “Brackium Emendo.” The boy’s chest puffed up on the right side as the bones mended. Gabriel quickly did another scan of the boy’s chest to make sure that there was no bleeding and that the broken off parts of the bones are indeed back where they are supposed to. When he saw that everything looks to be in place, he was able to breath properly and put bandages around the boy’s chest to keep it steady for the mean time. He was lucky Lilia brought him when she did or he may have been in a worse situation that he is right now. His head wound also looks like it was healing nicely so he will have to be under observation for a few hours to see if he has a concussion. He made sure to put notes on the patient’s file about potions that he might need and asked a medical staff to wheel him to the recovery room.

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#48 OFFLINE   Healer Varun Kapur

Healer Varun Kapur

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 04:54 AM

(Sorry, my bad!)

Varun could not expect a young kid to handle so much pain, so his tears were understandable, but the moving is making it exceedingly difficult for him to do anything at all. Procuring a calming draught, Varun handed the vial to the boy, “Drink this. It will help with the pain.” The bruises and scratches were mild in some places and critical in some. Varun asked the junior healer who assisted him to clean them with a wound cleaning potion as he scanned the boy for any further injuries. All seems clear till this point and the wounds were cleaned giving him a proper overview of what needs to be fixed. “Keep still Mr. Evans, I am going to make this quick.”

Maintaining his posture, Varun took a deep breath as he covered the wounds on the legs with the bruise healing paste. The paste spread out evenly to cover the bruise preventing further infection. Dittany was applied to some of the areas which required immediate attention. “Episkey,” the final touches of the spell sealed whatever balance cuts were left. “Mr. Evans, you will be moved to the recovery room where your mother can come and see you.” Varun motioned the assistant helpers to move them to the recovery room for further nursing.
  • Healer Beckett Evans likes this

#49 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

    Freyja Alumni; Head of Creature Related Illnesses Care, Physical Therapist

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 06:38 AM

Treating ORANGE #20: Imogen Brimstone



In all the chaos of the emergency ward, it didn't take all that long until he was summoned by one of the nurses once again. The patient was apparently a child; the wounds sustained are bad but nothing fatal. Still, Christian was not too accustomed to working on children and there's a reason he stays off the pediatric ward. But he can use a break from more serious cases and he really shouldn't be picky, not with the way things are going, so he retrieved the chart then went to get his patient. Dislocated shoulder given first aid, bruised ribs with potential cracks… but conscious. Christian sighed then asked that the girl be moved to an open station and he'd followed.


"Imogen Brimstone?" he read the girl's name off the chart. "I'm Christian, your healer. Your mother should be along soon," he murmured in reassurance. "Why don't you lie down and let me see what needs fixing. Can you tell me what happened? Where it hurts?" Christian kept his voice low and soft and soothing as he spoke, drawing out his wand. There's a running commentary amongst his colleagues regarding his 'problematic' bedside manner but he was determined to play nice today so he'd given the girl a kind smile as he set her chart aside and then prepared a couple of potions he might require while he waited for a response.

  • Imogen Brimstone likes this

#50 OFFLINE   Healer Katerina Lazarov

Healer Katerina Lazarov

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 07:32 AM

Acts of love were always so heartwarming... weren't they? Katerina held her expression although internally she was amused by the fact that neither was aware of the child. "Your child, you're pregnant." She confirmed to the woman and glanced at the man. Giving them some privacy, Kat quickly finished some paperwork as the patients had been healed. Coming back to them, she smiled at the two. "You should be fine now but we will shift you both to the recovery room for further examination." Asking the nurse to do so, Katerina turned to the next patient who was a woman and pregnant as per the information given to her.


Maja & Josef, you can move to the Recovery Room

  • Maja Moretto likes this

#51 OFFLINE   Healer Elvira Stainslavska

Healer Elvira Stainslavska

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 08:04 AM

Treating Orange # 14 Royce Nzyk


Elvira once done with the operation re-entered the Emergency ward as her mind thought back to Cam. He was still in the field as a healer but he didn't come in with any patient. She knew he was working on the pitch so her mind when unoccupied was doing rounds of stress. Maybe she could apparate out and check but before she can decide further on this, another patient was handed over to her. "Here, let me help her." She led her stretcher to the bed and performed a quick spell, "Videre Internus." Moving her wand over the body, Vira was able to pick up the major areas of injuries which were broken ribs and cuts. The arm was fixed and she saw that as not an area of concern. "Hi, Ms. Nzyk. I am Elvira and I'll quickly fix your ribs so please try to stay still because this will hurt." She waved her wand so that the hologram disappeared and pointed towards her chest where the ribs were located, broken badly. With the help of a spell, she was able to align it together which took some time but they were bones and she had to be careful. It was also very painful for the lady but they were only a few minutes of pain. "Brackium Emendo." The chest lifted for a bit and went back to its normal size. Vira did another assessment to make sure her ribs were mended and her blood was neutralized. Moving onto the cut on her forehead, she cleaned the wound with a quick cleaning spell before moving her wand in a circular movement thrice, murmuring the spell all three times. "Vulnera Sanentur." Slowly but the gash on the forehead closed. Elvira pulled out a small box of knotgrass paste, applying it on the minor cuts on her body and checked her once more for any further medication. The arm was fixed by the healer who brought her in but she still put a splint to make sure it was secure and in place. "Alright, I will be moving you to the recovery room and come see you in a bit." She smiled at Ms. Nzyk and asked the nurse to take her to the recovery room

#52 OFFLINE   Healer Katerina Lazarov

Healer Katerina Lazarov

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 08:16 AM

Claiming RED #8: Nienor Riverwinds


Once the couple was shifted back to the Recovery room, Kat was called for the next patient who was pregnant. She took the file from the healer, taking in the details given to her. "Gotcha!" Asking a junior healer to prepare the operating room, she performed a quick scan to avoid any wastage of time and checked her body for all serious points of attention. She was going through fetal bradycardia which needed her immediate attention. As soon as the operating room was empty, Kat wheeled her in, asking for another healer to help her out.


Neinor, you are here

  • Nienor Riverwinds likes this

#53 OFFLINE   Healer Cameron Stainslav

Healer Cameron Stainslav

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 09:40 AM

Bringing Orange # 13 Jason Hennings

The first thing Cam did as soon as he lands in the hospital is to put Jason on a bed from the stretcher. "Need a healer here, urgently." He pushed handed over the file to the healer who came to take over the case. "He was out so I haven't done or performed any first aid. The case is of broken ribs, the gash is almost touching his eyes, his body is covered with bruises and cuts." The information was passed from his side and he moved away searching for Elvira. She was working on one of the patients but he caught her eye and smiled. Her face relaxed peacefully and it told him she had been worried. He knows he has been a terrible fiance but after the attack today he realized time is short and he will make amends.

Available for Claiming
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#54 OFFLINE   Healer Simon Nystrom

Healer Simon Nystrom

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 11:35 AM

Simon is almost trained to be a healer but he has a long way to go. He is only nineteen and despite going through vigorous training, there are times he feels he is not prepared at all. This is one of the times. Fixing bones, growing and mending them is his favorite part, bruises and cuts are doable as well but how in the blooming heck do you fix a concussion or brain injury? It's his first time doing it. Nystrom knows this is no time to freak out but he is.

One healer stepped in time to ask if he was doing well and he looked up to her in major relief. "I am. Can you help me with the brain injury?" He wasn't shy in asking help because this is a person's life. "Videre Internus." The wand flicked bringing up the hologram for assessment, Simon's eyes examining the figure before landing on the healer.
  • Healer Aurelie Descoteaux likes this

#55 OFFLINE   Healer Aurelie Descoteaux

Healer Aurelie Descoteaux

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 03:16 PM

Aura nodded as the junior healer asked for help. "Absolutely..let's see the scans." Just as Simon projected the hologram above the female's head, Aura started pointing at the relevant areas. "So, see..by this indentation, we can see that there definitely a blow to the head. Which we already know. But since there is no particular fluid flow in areas that are not supposed to have it..we can rule out inter or intra cranial bleeding." She nodded as she looked at the scan. "And no particular breaks as well else the fracture would have been clearly visible." Ruling out the possibilities in her head she decided it wasn't a serious case that possibly needed to be operated on. "Concussion doesn't show up on scans, so we need to check for it with physical tests. Check for her balance, ask her if she has problems maintaining balance in her head. If she is fine, get her to walk around a bit and check for inconsistencies. If nothing comes up, we can transfer her to the recovery room and do another check tomorrow." She added next steps, before her attention was directed towards another stretcher that had arrived. "I'll take that up, let me know if anything else comes up, okay?" She added a hurried smile, before walking towards the next patient.


Bringing Orange # 13 Jason Hennings


She quickly took the file from the healer that had wheeled in the man, who seemed to be pretty much out. Aura winced as she saw his face and the gash that was dangerously close to his eyes. It was a good thing it had missed, restoring vision was still very sketchy in magical terms. It could never really be completely healed. "Thank god it missed the eye.." She commented, and nodded to the healer just as she walked away. Getting the man transferred to a bed, Aura waved her wand to get the IV set up. "Blood replenishing, in here please.." She added to the supporting nurse. "And oh..skel gro." She took out her wand and cast the hologram spell on his chest region, clearly seeing the cracks on the ribs. "That looks bad, a pain killer as well..." She took the skel gro, and administered it to the man, before taking out her wand and waving it over the chest region. "Brackium Emendo." There was a crack and with another check of the hologram, she could see the bones repairing. The skel gro would probably do its job over the time he slept and strengthen the cage again. With a cursory check of the rest of the body and brain, she could easily rule out internal bleeding. "Bruise healing paste there..and there..and oh..essence of murtlap please. This can turn infectious very soon. And we can't risk that with the eye." Getting the latter, she let the nurse apply the bruise healing paste as she cleaned up the wound with another wave of her wand and then applied the essence very slowly and with great care. If it went into the eye, it could possibly cause greater damage. Once done, she nodded at the nurse. "We can transfer him to the recovery room. Will have to check the cut later in the night, in case it turns septic and needs more treatment. Family visits are allowed.." He seemed pretty stable, and while she generally didn't let any visitors come in for unstable cases because they might do more harm, his family could come in. As he was wheeled away, Aura looked around once for some red cases, before deciding go check on her previous patients in the recovery room. There was one man she was particularly worried about. 

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#56 OFFLINE   Lilia Tomorokoshi

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 08:03 PM

Bringing in RED #9 Esme Warren


Lilia had dashed away from the triage to rush back to the scene of the explosion. Glancing behind her briefly, she saw with relief a healer taking care of the boy (Sherlock). About ten minutes passed before Lilia found herself racing back into the triage with a more serious case on her hands. "I need a healer immediately!! Anyone please! Head injury red!" Despite rarely panicking, Lilia found herself looking for anyone to take care of this little girl. "There's serious concussion and I think some internal bleeding in the brain. I didn't perform any sort of medication or spell, but raced her here as quickly as possible." Setting the girl down as gently as possible on a stretcher, Lilia looked hurriedly around. Pausing for a minute, she stared at the girl's face. Despite how much pain she was in and how close she was to drifting away, her face was in a smile of peace. For a moment, Lilia felt like she was looking at a daughter, but the moment was breif. This time, she wouldn't leave until a healer arrived to take over. If needed, Lilia would perform the necessary measures which she was trained in.


Available for Claiming

#57 OFFLINE   Lieke Levski

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 07:06 AM


Rush wasn't sure if there was anyone beside him or not, honestly. But since he was in a chaotic place, he was pretty sure that someone would be listening. And if they weren't, too bad for him. He might just die here not being heard. Pretty soon though, he heard a female voice near him, asking him to relax, which actually caused to be alert even more. Who were these people, was something bad happening. There were talks of nurses and the person introduced herself as the head of Emergency Care. Rush tried moving his head in the general direction of where he could hear the lady's voice, and saw a blurred blob of what seemed to be a person moving around his bed. "Is everything fine? Am I dying?..I can't move my arms and legs. It's like.. I try..but I can't." He spoke ahead, without telling his name. Because he was legit panicked at the point. He was surrounded by unknown people, in an unknown place, and he had no idea what was happening to him. "Rush...Nathan Russell Markowitz. My dad is Leander Markowitz...Will you be able to find him? He is somewhere in Russia.." He had to mention his full name because that is how he was mentioned in all his medical records, and honestly mentioning his full name sounded worse in his head. His father used it on him only during serious conditions; like when he had done something too wrong. The pain in his head had lessened considerably and he was assuming it was because of the thing that was plugged to his arm. Funny, he hadn't even felt it much because of the rest of the pain.




Lieke smiled in relief when the boy managed to clearly answer her questions. "We're going to help you, Rush. Just stay still." The healer told him with her soft voice. She instructed one of the nurses to reach the boy's family once things slowed down a bit more. "Stay with me, okay?" The last thing she wanted was for the boy to lose his consciousness again. "I'm just going to check where your injuries are." Lieke found it important to let her patients know what was going up, if their state allowed it. It could give them some piece of mind, especially when they were freaking out. The healer stated off with the boy's head, as instructed by JC. "Videre Internus." She said, inspecting the swelling in the head. It definitely was one of the more severe concussions she encountered, but it looked like it didn't require immediate surgery either. She moved on to the boy's spine and other internal organs. His spine and organs seemed fine, it was just the swelling in the brain she needed to focus on. She administered another potion to the boy's IV that would help reduce the swelling. "Rush, listen to me, okay? You've got a concussion. It's a bad one, but it doesn't require surgery, it'd be too risky." She explained. "I've given you a potion that'll make you feel better, but you'll have to stay here overnight. Maybe for a couple of days. Just to make sure it won't get worse." It all depended on the progress the boy was going to make. "You've had a bad fall and it's not uncommon to feel sore for the next few days because of the impact your muscles had to endure. All you need to do is to relax. Your dad will be here soon, but a nurse will take you to a more quiet room now." The boy needed to be in a low stimulus room and the busy emergency ward definitely wasn't helping the boy's state. "Is that okay, Rush?"

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#58 OFFLINE   Zoey McLaggen

Zoey McLaggen

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 09:01 AM

(Claiming Orange # 3. Zoey McLaggen)

Simon was only a junior healer but his few months had been a huge learning process for the boy and he has improved to the core, enough to be trusted to take the patients on his own. This was an emergency situation they were called at, Simon rushing to the scene of anarchy where healers brought in patients who needed help. He moved past as Healer Garstang brought yet another patient. "I'll look at her." Wheeling her to the closest available bed, he pointed his wand above her head. "Videre Internus," Simon cast the spell hovering the green hologram above her head to check the extent of her brain injury which needed immediate attention. He moved his wand to the rest of her body, pausing towards the ankle which was broken. "Hold tight." He informed murmuring, tergeo, episkey to clean and heal the bruises around and then, "brackium emendo" for the bone fracture. The hologram was able to show the fixing of the ankle which is bandaged it with the help of ferula for a few hours until he was not completely certain that it is fixed. Simon moved towards the head injury.

(ooc: feel free to join him to help out with the concussion since he is a junior healer :))



(Claiming Orange # 3. Zoey McLaggen)


[Helping out Simon]


Aurelie had been in between patients when she saw a bed where a junior healer of the team was attending to a patient. Generally, she used to let junior healers do their thing back in Broussias after she had been promoted, because this was in fact a crucial part of their learning. But this was a high pressure situation, and the patient had been flagged as a Code Orange, which meant it was mildly serious. She stopped by the bed for a brief while. "Hey, you doing good?" She asked Simon, before checking the clipboard of the patient. The bone breaks and the ankle had been solved for already and it seemed he had just moved towards the head. "It's written that she might have a head concussion. We should check for possible bleeding as well. Check for signs of fluid in the hologram, it would appear a little whiter.." She would rather have Simon do it himself, and she could assist in case he needed it. "If there is bleeding, we will have to move her to surgery asap." She nodded, and waited for Simon to cast the spell so that they could look at the hologram together.


With the blink of an eye, Zoey was transferred to the St. Mungo's Emergency department. The healer that bought her to the hospital was gone as soon as the two arrived, but it didn't take long before a boy stranded next to her bed. She couldn't believe he was a healer yet, but his St. Mungo's uniform definitely suggested that he was one. "Wh-what are you doing?" Zoey asked as the boy just started to throw spells at her. Then it hit her that the healer actually mentioned she had a brain injury. "Wait- What's going on? Where's Lucy?" She said, her eyes unable to focus on the boy's face. Why didn't anybody tell her anything? A moment after, a female healer joined her bed as well, again without involving her in anything. And why was everyone speaking so loud? At least her leg started to feel better. Zoey glanced down at her feet, surprised to see it was already in a splint. But worse, the head movement only allowed the throbbing in her head to get that much worse. Zoey groaned as she slowly let her head relax against the pillow once more. "Please..."

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#59 OFFLINE   Imogen Brimstone

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 12:47 PM

Treating [/size]ORANGE[/size] [/size]#20: Imogen Brimstone[/size]



In all the chaos of the emergency ward, it didn't take all that long until he was summoned by one of the nurses once again. The patient was apparently a child; the wounds sustained are bad but nothing fatal. Still, Christian was not too accustomed to working on children and there's a reason he stays off the pediatric ward. But he can use a break from more serious cases and he really shouldn't be picky, not with the way things are going, so he retrieved the chart then went to get his patient. Dislocated shoulder given first aid, bruised ribs with potential cracks… but conscious. Christian sighed then asked that the girl be moved to an open station and he'd followed.[/size]
"Imogen Brimstone?"[/size] he read the girl's name off the chart. [/size]"I'm Christian, your healer. Your mother should be along soon,"[/size] he murmured in reassurance.[/size] "Why don't you lie down and let me see what needs fixing. Can you tell me what happened? Where it hurts?" [/size]Christian kept his voice low and soft and soothing as he spoke, drawing out his wand. There's a running commentary amongst his colleagues regarding his 'problematic' bedside manner but he was determined to play nice today so he'd given the girl a kind smile as he set her chart aside and then prepared a couple of potions he might require while he waited for a response.[/size]

There was no two ways about it, Immie wanted her mom but she knew that the woman wouldn't leave a child, her friend, behind. So she sat there, scared alone and in a lot of pain.
With her left shoulder bandaged up and the arm in a sling, she looked at her Healer and frowned a little. Despite everything she was going through right now, she looked at the man and without missing a beat and without thinking. "What? Y'think she isn't gonna show?" Turned out that her California accent came out properly when she was annoyed. Her mom was tenacious and was annoyingly loyal to the point where it was a fault but there was a part of her that was scared and worried that she wasn't going to turn up at all. Like her dad, leaving Immie with Oscar and their grandparents.

Doing as she was told - a rare occurrence - Imogen lay back on the bed as best she could still in a fair amount of pain so opted for leaning against the pillows. "The match ended and I started going to meet my friend, she was sat really far up. The ground shook, I fell and like EVERYONE ran past me and over me like I was a bag. Got close to the hole and my mom came and got me," She started to play with the bed sheet which was scratchy and starchy and watched her fingers get tangled in it. "Just my shoulder and ribs. Will I ever do gymnastics again?" Her dark eyes looked at his, almost scared at what he was going to say because losing the one activity she loved and was any good at would hurt her more than a knackered shoulder nd ribs.
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#60 OFFLINE   Official Dylan Eklund

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 02:11 PM

Everything came in flashes for him, the lights, the blurry faces, the voices. At one point, he had felt an intense pain in his arm, but Dylan had no idea what had happened to it so far, nor did he know it had been already mended and had been unconscious for the tortuous fix that would surely pull another scream out of him. By the time they had arrived in St. Mungo's, he was out of it again, eyes half open as if he was fighting unconsciousness. He grunted while being treated, but somehow knowing he was safe, he dozed off while being wheeled towards one of the recovery rooms.

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