Treating ORANGE #9: Nicolas Alcaldo
Aura had just returned back from her gruelling previous surgery. The brain damage had been almost out of hand, and had been pretty acute. If they had waited for some time more, they might have lost the Bats chaser. Even right now though, the man was not stabilized and had to been overseen for the night. Aura made a mental note to check up on him later but right now she had other patients to tend to. The frenzy seemed to have gotten worse in the meanwhile, and seeing no other critical cases at the moment, she decided to check on the other ones. Coming up to a guy who seemed to be unconscious, Aura looked over at his clipboard. Nicholas Alcaldo. His bone seemed to have been patched up with a good job, she would just check on it later. Right now she needed to get some blood into this person.
"Blood transfusion. Asap." Taking her wand she quickly hooked the blood transfusion set up to the man as the nurse quickly placed a bag of blood. Going to the cabinets she pulled out a blood replenishing potion and administered the same to the man. Post that, she did the hologram spell on him quickly to check for other internal wounds, and while there were some bruises and burns; nothing more serious had occurred. Even the brain seemed to look fine. "Burn paste, bruise-healing paste.." She directly at the required areas, even helping with some of the spots to make quick work of the same. "Let me know if he wakes up, okay? Will need to check for concussion, while there isn't any apparent damage - but you never know." With that she walked to tend to other patients.