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Quidditch Pitch

170 replies to this topic

#61 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

    Niflheim Alumni; Castelobruxo Transfer; Pyrokinetic; Animagus; Ballycastle Bats Chaser & Captain

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Posted 13 August 2020 - 06:00 PM

Astrid tried to make a goal but it was blocked by the Kestrel’s keeper. She cursed out loud and she was getting more and more aggressive with her flying. She knew she had to stay calm and she tried to do that. Taking a few deep breaths as she followed the other players. The Kestrels have the quaffle right now and they were all racing to the other side of the pitch where they were sure to attempt another goal. Astrid dodged another bludger that was coming her way and she was leaning hard on her broom to make her more aerodynamic. Before they can attempt a steal for the quaffle, it soared on the air and unfortunately, Alec was unable to make the save. Noises can be heard from the disappointed Bats fans and Astrid felt herself getting warmer and warmer. She had to control herself or she will burn her broomstick. Alaric took the quaffle and they were off to the other side of the pitch again. She flew just behind Alaric, shadowing him and watching him for any kind of signal about what they were going to next and when she saw one, her lips curled up to a smirk and flew at an angle towards the goal posts. Alaric had took his shot but they all know that was a fake and as soon as the other team's keeper was on its tail, Astrid flew by in a blur or red and black robed to smack the quaffle with the back of her broom to send it flying towards one of the other unguarded hoops to score a goal to tie the game. 



Answer: his left shoulder


*editing to match the scenario 

Edited by Astrid Alcantara, 13 August 2020 - 06:12 PM.

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#62 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

    Son of Adreia Kragen and David Byrne, Byrne Twins, Hogwarts Transfer, Animagus, Terrakinesis, Official Ydalir Alumnus, Ballycastle Bats Chaser

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Posted 13 August 2020 - 06:01 PM

Alaric could hear the crowd getting wild as soon as the other team shoot the quaffle into one of the hoops. He was annoyed for a moment when the other team finally scored and he’s not going to just let it slide. The moment the quaffle was back to their possession, Alaric caught it. His jaw set into a grim line as he made his way to the opponent’s goal post in his attempt to change the status quo. Alaric glanced at his fellow chasers and gave a curt nod, signalling them of their next plan. Let’s get this show on. He leaned down to increase his speed and without further ado, he made a sharp turn and whacked the quaffle with his broom, but not to shoot to the goal post but to transfer the quaffle to Astrid as they just love this technique. Astrid then attempted a goal, aaaaand shooooot!!!! Alaric cheered for his fellow chaser and even whistled there. "About time Poppy!" Oppsss, Astrid isn't gonna like that, but what the hell, she will understand.


Answer: newt's left shoulder


EDIT: edited my post to make it applicable for Astrid's post

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 13 August 2020 - 08:13 PM.

  • Jason Hennings Jr. likes this

#63 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 13 August 2020 - 06:03 PM

**Astrid is correct!

The Bats were able to SCORE! 20 points to the Bats team!

It's a tie: 20-20!


The quaffle is back in Kestrels' possession!**

  • Alaric Severus Byrne and Jason Hennings Jr. like this

#64 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 08:03 AM

Kestrels Chaser vs Bats Keeper 

1. If Kestrels chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Bats Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Bats possession again.

3. My next update is 7PM EST.


Question: She doesn't like the dark. She normally wears her hair down with a hairpin above her ear. She has a cat the color of night and day and she usually keeps to herself. Who is she?


Clue: Read between the lines and be creative.

(OOC: If you can't find the answer in 15-20 minutes, message my writer. Both team members have access to my messenger. Happy finding! :P)


Suggested prompts for the rest

(Remember, you're free to do as you wish as long as it makes sense and reasonable)

-cheer for your team

-send a bludger towards the opposing keeper

-miss hitting a bludger

-boo the opposting team

-help block someone from catching the quaffle

#65 OFFLINE   Seth Alexander Ryuu

Seth Alexander Ryuu

    Ballycastle Bats Keeper, Xander and Nearra's Son, Official Gryffindor Alumnus, Psychokinesis

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 08:10 AM

Alec missed it—the opposing team managed to score and vexation hit like a bludger as he shut his eyes tightly. He can't let it get in his mind or mess with his psyche. That's merely one goal, he'd thought. He rallied then, refocusing as the action continued, trying not to get too upset. The Captain was going to murder his arse should he end up getting distracted by one failure. The Bats Chasers were on the move and he was relieved to see them score a goal. The scores are tied now and the action is picking up again! He squared his shoulders and prepared to defend the goals once more.


ANSWER: Asha (Brantley) Rutledge

  • Healer Ralph Smith and Lucy Weasley like this

#66 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 08:12 AM


The Bats blocked the Kestrels attempt!


The quaffle is back in Bats' possession!**

  • Alaric Severus Byrne and Seth Alexander Ryuu like this

#67 OFFLINE   Victoria Noelle Armend

Victoria Noelle Armend

    Ballycastle Bats Beater, Chester and Vera's Daughter, Official Gryffindor Alumna

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  • Wand Type:Cedar wood with a Unicorn hair core, 12"
  • Nickname(s):Tori, Vicky or Noelle. Take your pick!
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 14 August 2020 - 12:50 PM

The match was getting more intense every second that passes. The quaffle was being passed from chaser to chaser and for the longest time, the score was tied at zero. Tori was doing he job protecting her teammates by batting the bludgers off their tails and out of the way while trying to knock some Kestrels off their brooms. She heard some boos and cheers from the crowd and the score was called. Kestrels had taken the lead. She looked at Alec who looked visibly frustrated and she can understand that. The game continued. Tori found herself without nothing to do for a while and she saw Captain Alex fly towards the ground like he had seen something. The other Seeker was also flying his way. Does that mean the snitch has been spotted? She thought that the game would be over but it looks like the snitch was able to sneak away. The Quaffle was still being passed around and this time, it was in their possession. Alaric and Astrid were working together and for an untrained eye, it was very clear that Alaric’s shot was going to be blocked but Astrid was quick to fly by and change the quaffle’s trajectory. AND THEY SCORED! Tori cheered from her broom and immediately went back to work. The Kestrels have the ball and they were heading straight back to the hoops where Alec saved the goal. Yes! Now, they have a tie again. This really is one hell of a match.


Tori was looking out for her teammates while she hovered for a few seconds on the middle of the pitch It appears that the other team’s beater was busy with the other bludger. However, she saw that the other bludger was now joining in the fun and was heading towards Alec’s direction. Oh no! Turning sharply with her broom, Tori sped towards the goal posts towards Alec. The bludger was on one of long side of the pitch while she was on the other. She can’t let that bloody ball near Alec. With laser focus, she gunned her broomstick and the air whipped around her face. It was a good thing she put her hair into braids but they are whipping painfully behind her because of how fast she was accelerating. The bludger was closing in on Alec but Tori was determined. She was almost a blur when she reached the line before the Keeper’s area before the bludger. She was not even holding her broom at this point because she was holding her bat with both hands. With a mighty downwards swing, she hit the bludger with so much force that she felt the vibration from her hands to her arms going through her whole body. The bludger fell to the ground and hit it, denting the green field. It got stuck on the ground for a few seconds before getting free and flew towards the other side of the pitch where most of the players are now clumping together. Tori is sure that Arianna got them covered for now. All that matters is Alec is safe from that bludger attack. She looked back at him to see how he was doing and she breathed a sigh of relief to see that he was still upright on his broom. She was able to relax for a second and with a grin, she blew him a kiss and a wink that says “you’re welcome” before she pulled on her broom and flew towards the center of the pitch to help Arianna with the bludgers.

  • Asahi Montgomery likes this

#68 OFFLINE   Tyler Joseph

Tyler Joseph

    Slytherin Alumnus; Pyrokinesis, Legilimency, Kenmare Kestrels Chaser & Captain, Animagus

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  • Wand Type:11 1/4", Black Walnut Wood, Salamander Scale
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Posted 14 August 2020 - 03:37 PM

They had scored! Tyler breathed in ecstasy which lasted for a second before he flew towards the other side. In this game, there was no moment to spare. Both the teams were equally competitive, fueled by the urge to win and he understood it well. The quaffle was in possession of the Bats who were aiming for the goal. Matthias had it covered so far but their trick must have been missed by him. They were wicked fast, he had to give them that. The aim from where he flew was easy to spot which was not directed towards the goal post but to the keeper it can be easily misinterpreted. Bats were the next to score and Tyler's fist curled tightly around the broom, his temperature flaring a little. He knew Rockwell was trying his best and after all the years, he had learned to remain calm when it came to situations as such. They were a tie now, loosing the lead and the quaffle was with Brady who attempted for another straight forward goal but it was blocked. They were all in a race to go back to their side, Tyler focused, his energy directed towards the chasers who were aiming to shoot another goal.

#69 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 05:58 PM

Bats Chaser vs Kestrels Keeper 

1. If Bats chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Kestrels Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Kestrels possession again.

3. My next update is tomorrow, 9AM EST.


Question: Her weakness is boys, she dislikes winter, she has a small dog, she's temperamental, she has 3 siblings and her name has color in it. Who is she?


(OOC: If you can't find the answer in 10-15 minutes, message my writer. Both team members have access to my messenger. Happy finding!  :P)


Suggested prompts for the rest

(Remember, you're free to do as you wish as long as it makes sense and reasonable)

-cheer for your team

-send a bludger towards the opposing keeper

-miss hitting a bludger

-boo the opposting team

-help block someone from catching the quaffle

#70 OFFLINE   Jason Hennings Jr.

Jason Hennings Jr.

    Official Slytherin Alumnus, Kenmare Kestrels Beater, Twin Telepathy

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 06:00 PM

They scored! The sensation lasted for a few seconds as the quaffle was back to the opposing team and they sped up to catch. This time they scored much to his displeasure. Jace backed Elena as the quaffle was with her now. She attempted to score and it would have been a good one had it not been for the keeper’s tact to stop them. Their precious goal must have fueled his energy higher and decreased their owns. A second goals threat loomed as the Bats caught back the quaffle and were speeding in the direction of the Kestrels goal post. A groan had immersed from the crowd below showing their fans displeasure at not being able to score. Jace grimaced as he followed his tactic to try snatch the quaffle from the chaser but they were quicker and aimed for another goal. Rockwell was ready this time around as he attempted to stop it.

Answer: Turwaithiel Greenleaf
  • Official Dominique Weasley likes this

#71 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

    St. Mungo's Head Healer, Tyr Alumni; Spell Damage and Potions & Poisons Healer

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 06:01 PM


The Kestrels blocked the Bats attempt!


The quaffle is back in Kestrels' possession!**

  • Jason Hennings Jr. likes this

#72 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 07:58 AM

Kestrels Chaser vs Bats Keeper 

1. If Kestrels chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Bats Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Bats possession again.


Question: Her father is a potioneer. She likes chocolates. She's a very tumultuous person and she owns a thin cat. Who is she?


(OOC: If you can't find the answer in 10-15 minutes, message my writer. Both team members have access to my messenger. Happy finding!   :P)


Suggested prompts for the rest

(Remember, you're free to do as you wish as long as it makes sense and reasonable)

-cheer for your team

-send a bludger towards the opposing keeper

-miss hitting a bludger

-boo the opposting team

-help block someone from catching the quaffle

#73 OFFLINE   Seth Alexander Ryuu

Seth Alexander Ryuu

    Ballycastle Bats Keeper, Xander and Nearra's Son, Official Gryffindor Alumnus, Psychokinesis

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  • Nickname(s):Alec
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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:01 AM

He was getting even more fired up now and he needed to chill. In the corner of his eye, he spotted his captain. This made him straighten up. He was reminded that he can't be slacking off. Alec narrowed his eyes and prepared himself for an oncoming attempt.


ANSWER: Mikayla Valadez

  • Lucy Weasley and Alaric Severus Byrne like this

#74 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:02 AM


The Bats blocked the Kestrels attempt!


The quaffle is back in Bats' possession!**

#75 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:07 AM

Bats Chaser vs Kestrels Keeper 

1. If Bats chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Kestrels Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Kestrels possession again.


Question: In Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone movie, while on their way to Diagon Alley, Harry and Hagrid were walking along a street. In real life, it's called the Leadenhall Market. For the sake of simplicity, let's call this the Leadenhall Street. What is the name of the store in 39 Leadenhall Street shown in the movie?


(OOC: If you can't find the answer in 10-15 minutes, message my writer. Both team members have access to my messenger. Happy finding!    :P)


#76 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

    Niflheim Alumni; Castelobruxo Transfer; Pyrokinetic; Animagus; Ballycastle Bats Chaser & Captain

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:09 AM

Their last goal attempt was again, blocked by the keeper. It was really getting into Astrid’s nerves but she did not let that get in the way of her focusing. The quaffle is again, in the possession of the other team and they were attempting a goal. Alec would take care of that. Alex had made sure that every one of them are trained to be the best that they can be in their respective positions. The Quaffle was back to the Bats and Astrid together with the other chasers made a quick work at it, bringing it back to the other side of the pitch for another goal.


Answer: The Leaky Cauldron

#77 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:11 AM

**Incorrect! Try again!**

#78 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

    Niflheim Alumni; Castelobruxo Transfer; Pyrokinetic; Animagus; Ballycastle Bats Chaser & Captain

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:12 AM

John Kent Fruiterers

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#79 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:14 AM

**Astrid is correct!

Bats scored again!

They lead Kestrels 40-20!


The quaffle is back in Kestrels' possession!**

#80 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:20 AM

Kestrels Chaser vs Bats Keeper 

1. If Kestrels chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Bats Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Bats possession again.


Question: In Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald movie, when Grindelwald asked Krall who represents the greatest threat to their cause is, what did Krall say?



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