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Quidditch Pitch

170 replies to this topic

#101 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:56 AM

**Alaric is correct!

Another goal for the Bats!

Bats: 80, Kestrels: 40


The quaffle is back in Kestrels' possession!**

#102 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:58 AM

Kestrels Chaser vs Bats Keeper 

1. If Kestrels chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Bats Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Bats possession again.


Question: In Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald movie, after Newt got rid of the parasite from Yusuf Kama's eyes, he asked Jacob to hold the tweezers with the parasite. What did Jacob compare the parasite with?


Note: This is my second to the last question.

#103 OFFLINE   Seth Alexander Ryuu

Seth Alexander Ryuu

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:00 AM

Alec was getting a bit tired, honestly. But it feels wrong to call for a timeout. He gave himself a pinch to wake up. Turning his attention back on the rest of the pitch, he saw that they were headed this way again. He can't help but sigh and tighten his grip on his broom as he got ready.


ANSWER: Calamari

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#104 OFFLINE   Tyler Joseph

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:00 AM

Tyler cursed as the Bats were taking more lead than he could think. He held his broomstick tightly, take the quaffle and making way towards the Bats goalpost hoping to take back the lead.


Answer: Calamari

Edited by Tyler Joseph, 15 August 2020 - 09:00 AM.

#105 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:01 AM

**Correct, Alec!

The Bats blocked the Kestrels attempt!


The quaffle is back in Bats' possession!**

#106 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:05 AM

Bats Chaser vs Kestrels Keeper 

1. If Bats chaser answers first: he/she gets a goal.

2. If Kestrels Keeper answers first: The keeper blocks the attempt and the quaffle will be in Kestrels possession again.


Question: In Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald movie, Newt talked about Tina's eyes while they were inside the French Ministry of Magic. What creature did he compare her eyes with?


Note: This is the last question.

#107 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:05 AM

Astrid got the quaffle. She was flying in a zigzag formation to avoid incoming chasers who are trying to steal the quaffle from her. She and the other chasers are assisting each other on their way to the goal post and once one of them had an opening, they took the shot and threw the quaffle to score another goal.



Answer: Salamander

  • Roisin Doyle, Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Alaric Severus Byrne and 3 others like this

#108 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:09 AM


Another goal for the Bats!

Bats: 100, Kestrels: 40**


That concludes the "game"!

The explosion post will happen in a few hours so for those of you who signed to get hurt, be ready!


Thank you everyone! This was fun! Especially on my end ;)

You guys rock! <3 

  • Lucy Weasley, Alaric Severus Byrne, Seth Alexander Ryuu and 2 others like this

#109 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:09 AM

Alaric whistled at Astrid when they got another score! "Hell yeah Astrid!"

  • Lucy Weasley, Seth Alexander Ryuu, Jason Hennings Jr. and 1 other like this

#110 OFFLINE   Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:20 AM

Kate observed and tried to ensure that there is no bludger that will hit their chasers. At least this was the thing that she can do to help their chasers. It was a fast back and forth of the Quaffle. She cheered in every points they get and she just looked at her captains on what to do next and follow their plan. As the Bats scored again, it was a bit sigh but she never lose hope. She hold on tightly to her broom and her bat to continue trailing and looking after their chasers. 

#111 OFFLINE   Jason Hennings Jr.

Jason Hennings Jr.

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:47 AM

The game picked up speed like nothing else. They were all going back and forth from one end to another and Rockwell seemed to be losing focus and control with the two goals in a row. Jason took a deep breath as the Bats scored yet another one taking a 60 point lead over them. Dammit! He knew they could still recover so he caught the quaffle back. They were only 60 points up and had a lot more to go until the snitch was caught. He had to give to the Bats though. The team may be new but they were keeping up their record of being one of the best Irish teams and Jace couldn't help be impressed as a quidditch player but that was just for a moment. His irritation and annoyance resumed as he moved further down the pitch.

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#112 OFFLINE   Laurette Atwood

Laurette Atwood

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 11:44 AM

After leaving Carl, aka Mathias, to fend for himself, Laura started making her way below the VIP section of the stadium. It immensely helped that she knows the ins and outs of this place. This is one of the main reasons why she prefers to scout the site of the crime and be familiar with everyone's routine; it provides her the comfort and confidence of knowing what she's supposed to do and what she can do in case things go south. Not that this plan would fail, it's pretty much fail-proof because Laura concocted everything from the start. It also helped that this section where she is right now can only be accessed by Bats employees. This area of the stadium was the first thing she checked upon getting the 'job'. Laura even thought that she has to flirt with the stadium manager just to get her way. A little charming smile here, a wink there, a bit of showing her assets and he'll do her bidding in a heartbeat. See, she loves her damn job! Plus, some people are just plain dull-witted, it's too easy to take advantage of them.
After double-checking the bomb, she flipped the switch that will start the three-minute count down that she set before all hell breaks loose. What? Laura has priorities. She needs to make sure that the Bats are winning. She has a half mind to set another bomb on the other side of the stadium if she ever finds that her team is losing. Closing and locking the door behind her, Laura walked back to a secluded part of the stands, noting the score and smiling proudly when she saw that her team's leading by a huge number. Good job, Bats. The other side of your precious stadium will live. She snickered at the thought as she made her way to the exit. Cheers from the north side were defeaning because of the current lead. It's funny, all of them has no idea what's going to happen in the next few seconds. But isn't that what they wanted to happen? With all the excitement and adrenaline going on, the Minister and her posse of useless people will not realize the tragedy until it's too late. Her watch glinted, indicating that only a few seconds left before the fireworks start...
The blast from the bomb was extremely loud, combining with the high-spirited shouts from the current festivities. Laura could hear the start of wails, cries, screams of shock and fear, the once cheerful environment becoming one huge source of panic and terror. It even felt like the whole stadium vibrated at the sudden shock wave from the explosion. There were some players flying near the epicenter, but does she really care? No, it's just too bad they were around that zone. Normally, she would stay and watch the sufferings of these pathetic and feeble-minded poeple but she got no time. After one last glance to make sure that she hit on the target, Laura whistled as she quickly disapparated from the stadium amidst the chaos. Job well done, Laura...
Soon after, the sections surrounding the VIP stand started collapsing... 
For reference:
The red box is the VIP section.
The green box is the affected/collapsed section(s) of the stadium.

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#113 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

    Son of Adreia Kragen and David Byrne, Byrne Twins, Hogwarts Transfer, Animagus, Terrakinesis, Official Ydalir Alumnus, Ballycastle Bats Chaser

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 12:46 PM

The loud roar could be heard as the spectators cheered for their team. Alaric turned his attention to the other chaser as soon as the quaffle was turned over to the other team. He was flying so fast, his mind and eyes focusing solely on the task at hand while tuning out the cheer around him but then an overwhelming blast of sound could be heard and light engulfed the area, and him, overloading his senses for a moment. It was a though the orange flame had decided to punch its way to one portion of the stadium. Windows shattered, smoke and fire rushed out. Thousands of pieces of glass and steel showered down. The fiery ball of yellow flame was flowing outwards, filling up the stadium and then seeping through the sections shattered by the blast wave. The blast wave emanated in all directions of the explosion site. The sudden blast pushed him so hard and thrown him off his broom. Alaric moaned while trying to comprehend what's happening. Out of shock, Alaric felt a mass of terrible sensation all over his body and then the flying debris hit him hard in the head, triggering extreme pressure wave in his head. Just as he was falling, his body was thrown by force against another object, there was a searing pain in his shoulder and leg. Alaric lost consciousness and fell on the concrete bleacher with a loud thud.

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 15 August 2020 - 12:50 PM.

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#114 OFFLINE   Vladislav Dimitrov

Vladislav Dimitrov

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 01:51 PM

While there had been no time to ask more questions from the team, as the match had begun almost immediately, Vlad had taken off on his broom with his camera in hand. He knew his other journalists would already be around so that they could capture the relevant shots and video the entire match; which had to be stored in tapes in the prophet archives. It had been quite an interesting match, and while everyone had their reservations against the Bats, it seemed like they were slowly and steadily winning the match. The new rookie chasers seemed to have really pushed themselves hard to prove themselves, and it was showing. Clearly a glowing cover of the two followed by an interview would do wonders. 


The quaffle was just being passed to Kites for now, and Vlad had been hovering very near to the stands when it happened. A deafening sound reached his ears first, and before he could turn towards the area, or disapparate away, the force and the heat touched him with an immense pressure. Almost knocking the breath out of him. He collided against the bleachers, and was thrown out off his broom as his body was engulfed with shards of the glass that had broken, along with the fire that was roaring from the VIP booth. Immense pain washed through him and he was sure some of his bones were broken, and then there was the extreme burning sensation all over his body. The last thing he remembered was the stampede, before he passed out because of the pain.

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#115 OFFLINE   Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 05:26 PM

Kate was focusing in her role as a Beater. She was by the side of the Bats when she didn't expect the explosion. She was in her broom and the force and heat pushed her hard but she didn't let go of her broom. She dropped her bat as the forced pushed her away. She got knocked off her broom but her hand didn't let of of the broom. She hit the wall and felt the pain of the hit but avoiding her head. She was thinking of her kid JK and Jay. She didn't notice that there was a wood that got her by the leg. She felt the pain in it and she got bruises too in her hit. She felt her whole body in pain. But, she cannot help but check on her boys. She crawled trying to mount her broom. She cannot remove her mind out of her boys. She has the eagerness to check on them. She can't move her left hand properly. Maybe because this was the one that hit the wall first. It's evident she was bleeding but she would rather walk and check on her family than worry about herself. She mounted her broom painfully and she tried her best to fly with her broom going to the Kestrels Fans Area. 


[Exit Kate here]

#116 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:33 PM

Carina was trying to decipher what was happening in the game by the reaction of the crowd. For a time, there was almost a constant uproar coming from one side or the other. Was the scoring tight? Regardless the situation, her catching the snitch would end this all and secure the win. She needed to catch it before the Bats got too many points to outweigh the total offered from the snitch. She'd zeroed in on the tiny golden ball, speeding after it with her body almost flattened to her broom, but then...




Her broom tilted sideways as a gust of air blasted her aside. She wrangled with her broom, aiming it for the sky to escape whatever was happening. From high above once she levelled out, she had a view of everything below... and it was not pretty. The Seeker blinked at what remained of the VIP stands and part of the fan stands. The stands had exploded and caved in on themselves. Apocalyptic was one way to describe it, now as she cheers had turned to screams of pain and screams of fear. People were fleeing, and rightfully so. She quickly scanned the skies, seeing how many players were still left in the air. She could see a few dots still in the air, some green, to her relief. Now that debris weren't flying anymore, she flew back down towards the wreckage. She looked around at the Bats players, taking stock of each player she could spot. "Alaric... Where's Alaric. ALARIC?" she called out, letting go of her broom to cup her hands around her mouth. Maybe he'd flown off to check on Lavi? Those hopes were dashed as she flew over a distorted body. "Shit shit shit shit." She looped back around and jumped off her broom when she was still a few feet off the ground. Some of Alaric's limbs were bent in ways that she definitely knew they weren't supposed to be, and as she knelt down beside him, she didn't quite know where to put her hands. She would pick him up in a heartbeat, but what if that damaged his limbs further? She cautiously took one of his limp hands in both of hers. "It's gonna be okay, Al. You're going to be okay. Just hang in there, alright? I know you can do it." She looked up from her unconscious friend, at all the people running around. "CAN SOMEBODY HELP"

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#117 OFFLINE   Healer Ralph Smith

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 10:09 PM

Treating RED #4  Alaric Severus Byrne


Ralph apparated down to the Quidditch Pitch to help out. Debris were still raining down everywhere and from where he was on the pitch, he could see smoke coming out from the VIP area and the part of the stadium that collapsed. It was chaos as people rush to the exits and he felt a little overwhelmed with the way things have transpired. He took a few seconds for himself before focusing on the work on hand. He saw the fallen figure win black and red quidditch gear with another one in green and yellow screaming for help. Ralph rushed towards when and immediately kneeled on the man’s side. It was Alaric Byrne, one of the chasers and with him was the Kestrel’s seeker Carina Thomas. He quickly went to work on Alaric by taking his pulse and dilation of the eyes. "He needs to be transported to the hospital quickly."


Ralph waived his wand and proceeded to move his wand above his unconscious body to assess the damage. "Videre Internus." The wand emitted a greenish hologram like image above Alaric. He started with the head and he was immediately alarmed. He did not show any expression though, so he won’t cause any more panic. Shit, he thought. The injury was worse than he expected. He ended the spell and looked at Carina. "He broke some bones and dislocated his shoulder. There’s internal bleeding too so he need to be attended to quickly." He conjured a stretcher on one side and a neck brace. Ralph quickly worked, lifting Alaric’s head ever so gently before hovering the neck brace around it to cushion his injuries. Once his head was secured, he went to work on his shoulder. Feeling around the dislocated shoulder, he found where the bone was out of alignment. "Ms. Thomas, I need you to hold him still, I need to realign his shoulder quickly. I just need you to hold him here," he pointed at the area just around the shoulder. "Try not to move his head. Okay?" Assuming that Carina had done what he said, he put his wand on the ground and felt around for the bone that was stretching the skin, grabbed Alaric’s arm and pulled it, to move the bone back into place. Ralph felt the pop of the bone sliding back into its proper location and he quickly wrapped the area with bandages. "You did great, Ms. Thomas." Ralph then focused on the man’s leg. It was bent in a way that it was not supposed to be and he felt bad for him. This will take months of rehabilitation to heal fully. He carefully fixed the position of the leg and waved his wand again. "Brackium Emendo," A brittle sound came from the leg as it started healing itself. That will do for now. Just like earlier, he created a splint to wrap around the injured leg. "Mobilicorpus." With the stretcher ready on the side, Ralph moved Alaric’s unconscious body to it and summoned a portkey that would transport him to the hospital. "I will take Mr. Byrne to the hospital’s emergency ward where healers are waiting. They will take good care of him. " The stretcher was hovering in the air and Ralph strapped Alaric tightly on it. He grabbed the portkey and the stretcher, activated it and soon, Ralph and the patient was sent to the Emergency ward.

Edited by Healer Ralph Smith, 15 August 2020 - 10:36 PM.

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#118 OFFLINE   Sofiya Lorens

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 02:12 AM

Sofiya scribbled the responses of the Kestrels, glancing to find the other captain for a few words. She was unable to due to the Minister's announcement of the match and silently took a step back. Her broomstick was called for and after watching their Editor in Chief flying on the pitch to get some shots. Sofiya followed the lead, closing on the Kestrels as she was covering them. She needed a few more of her questions to be answered which she will do so later. The match was promising, both the teams giving each other equal competition until the Bats were in lead. Sofiya focused on the two seekers, one who dived down and Thomas, who followed. Was the snitch caught? She was in the middle of contemplating this when the sound of the explosion knocked her off. Sofiya was not within the close range of the blast, thank merlin for that, but she was still impacted. The force had her sprawling from her broom on the ground which was inches away and she groaned as her back hit the hard surface, giving her some bruises. Shards of debris rained down on the pitch, piercing her as she cried out in pain. Sofiya was very sensitive and even this minor blow wasn't doing well with her. To make matters worse, she was bleeding and she has hemophobia. The sight made her nauseous and Sof took a ragged breath, closing her eyes so she didn't have to see the blood.

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#119 OFFLINE   Healer Cameron Stainslav

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 02:35 AM

(Treating GREEN # 13. Sofiya Lorens)

Cameron was instilled by the pitch in case any medical remedies were required for the players. He kept the first aid kit to the side, watching the match as it progressed from a tie position to Bats taking the lead. Sports, muggle or magical, was always of deep interest to the man. The blast was unexpected and Cam was lucky to be on the other side of the stadium to not be affected by it.

The players were.

Cam watched in horror as one after another the players rained down on the Quidditch pitch. Some who were able to disapparate while the others weren’t moving. Healers apparated as the man ran towards the lady (Sofiya) who fell off her broom. She wasn’t a team player by her robes but she was still Injured. He retrieved the items from the first aid kit, verifying her injuries before starting the treatment.

With the help of Tergeo, Cam cleaned her bruises. “Episkey.” Some of the cuts were sealed shut while there were bruises on her arms and legs and the back. He searched for the bruise healing paste from the box, applying on the bruises. The damage on the other wounds was not a red flag for which he applied the essence of murtlap. “Here, drink this.” Cameron provided her a small goal of calming draught making sure the rest of her body was in the healing process. “All your wounds are patched up although I suggest for you to go home and take rest.” He helped her out of the pitch and headed towards the stadium where the cries of help are still audible.

#120 OFFLINE   Victoria Noelle Armend

Victoria Noelle Armend

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 04:34 AM

Adrenaline filled Tori’s veins as the game went on. She was busy tailing one of the bludgers that looked like it had developed a liking for her teammates. She had to whack it away from the chasers more often than not and it even tried to attack Alex on its way to the other side of the pitch. She remained focused on her job and hit a few more bludgers towards the other team to stop them from scoring but it looks like Alec has got that covered because he had blocked quaffle a couple more times. Tori cheered. They are definitely kicking ass right now and she can’t help but feel so proud. This is why they’ve been working so hard for months. They need to score more goals so that they could still win even if the other team catches the snitch. She knew Alex is great at being Seeker but she knew that Carina is great too. She found the bludger heading towards Alaric from the other side of the pitch near the VIP area so she flew towards him from the opposite direction. She was still a fair distance from Alaric when it happened. The VIP lounge exploded and collapsed almost immediately and Tori was taken aback by the sheer force of the explosion. She gripped her broom tightly while it spiraled down towards the ground trying to get it under control again. "Come on!" That was not the only thing that she had to worry about because she suddenly felt pain from her left leg and the force of a breaking wood underneath her. A blasted bludger hit her leg which shattered her bones and broke her broom in the process. She screamed in pain. Her bat was long gone from her hand. She didn’t even realize she had let go of it in the confusion of things and now, she’s in free fall, pieces of what once was her prized broom falling to the ground with her. She was in excruciating pain and hit the ground hard. She was on her back but the force of the fall and the sudden halt from where she hit the ground made her hit the back of her head so hard that her vision blurred. Her left leg was bent at an unnatural angle and she could feel every bone and muscle in her body screaming at her. She couldn’t scream though. The fall had knocked the air out of her lungs and she coughed for air to no avail. She could feel herself slipping away and her eyes slowly shut, the vision of the darkening sky being the last thing that she saw.

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