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Quidditch Pitch

170 replies to this topic

#1 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 11 July 2020 - 05:15 PM


Let the games begin!



#2 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 10:43 AM


Credit to Deep In A Fantasy


Are you Team Bats? Scream loud and clear for your black and red players!

  • Roisin Doyle, Alaric Severus Byrne, Seth Alexander Ryuu and 2 others like this

#3 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 02 August 2020 - 10:49 AM


Credit to Deep In A Fantasy


Are you Team Kestrels? Scream loud and clear for your green and yellow players!

  • Roisin Doyle, Alaric Severus Byrne and Émilie Selwyn like this

#4 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

    Son of Adreia Kragen and David Byrne, Byrne Twins, Hogwarts Transfer, Animagus, Terrakinesis, Official Ydalir Alumnus, Ballycastle Bats Chaser

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 05:52 PM

Alaric was anxious, both from anticipation and nervousness of being able to play in a final match for the very first time since he went pro. He just arrived at the stadium together with his twin sister, Lavinia, whom he left with parting words ‘Be careful and don’t flirt with any guys out there.’ Not that he doesn’t trust her, it’s the guys whom he doesn’t trust at all. But aside from that, he’s happy that his twin sister came to support him and this match, she didn’t know how much this means to him. They’re still a work in progress, but it’s getting better and better. Unfortunately for his parents, they're currently on vacation when they heard about the news and won't be able to make it on time due to some pressing matters. He also told Bella about the game but he's not sure if his letter would reach her on time. He doesn't even know where she is exactly at this point, she's constantly on the go. He could see a lot of people are already making their way to the Quidditch stands, some of their team's fans even greeted him and asked for an autograph and to have his photo with them. While the reporters are asking for his comment regarding the game. He mentally winced but reminded himself it's part of his job to deal with their fans and reporters. What did Carina told him before? Just play it cool...he can do that.. he smiled as soon as the photo was taken, he answered few questions coolly, and then continued on his way. His heart swelled with pride as he finally focused on the Quidditch pitch while on his way to the Bats locker room to meet with his teammates. He was happy that this year’s been a lucky one for their team and they’re not easily run over by other teams. All their efforts and practices brought them to this moment…the final match. He’s confident that his team will be all right. He was lucky too since he just came from an injury few months ago. When the healer announced that Alaric’s head and cheek were healed and will be fine for the finals, he instantly got into training and made sure his body wouldn’t do any unexpected problems whilst he was flying. Kenmare won’t know what hit them. Alaric grinned at that thought, suddenly remembering he’ll be seeing Carina later. They’re both been waiting for this moment, the two of them expressed their desire to compete in the finals and now, that moment finally came. He can’t wait! He’s actually taking part in a Quidditch League Championship, his actual dream coming true before him. He arrived in their locker room, dropped his sports bag, and changed into their uniform.

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 07 August 2020 - 06:40 PM.

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#5 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

    Niflheim Alumni; Castelobruxo Transfer; Pyrokinetic; Animagus; Ballycastle Bats Chaser & Captain

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 07:14 PM

This is it! This is what Astrid and the rest of the team was working for in the past couple of months. This was the reason she barely had time for anything and why she always come home late. Astrid has never been this nervous. Even when she led the Durmstrang team for the Homecoming game, she was cool as a cucumber. Maybe that was mainly because she knew that they are up against students too. This time, they are up against seasoned players from all around the country. She is quite confident but she is just a ball of nerves right now. Sebastian kept on assuring her that everything will be okay and Laeticia had snapped at her to get it together. It was easier said than done and as soon as they parted ways when they went to find their seats on the stands, Astrid was left alone to fend for herself. She had seen some fans on her way to the lockers, signed a few autographs here and there, and took some pictures too. That last, she doesn’t even want to think about because she might have been slightly grimacing in a couple of them. Soon, security was able to pry her from the fans and was led to the Bats’ locker rooms and she was able to breath easier when the door closed behind her. Alaric was already there, changing into his uniform. Astrid is already in uniform underneath her cloak and her gears are in the bag that was slung over her shoulder. "Oh my god, did you see the people out there? It’s crazy!" The semi-finals was crowded, but she did not anticipate this many people to come to the finals. But then again, it is the League Championship and that in itself if a big deal.

  • Alaric Severus Byrne and Vladislav Dimitrov like this

#6 OFFLINE   Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 08:02 AM

After all these years, after she let go of her ministry work and staying with her family in Japan. This is her come back. She had to work harder than before since the last time she really played was when she gave assessments to some Quidditch players when she was still in the ministry. Now, this is a real deal. The team has been practicing and she herself has been practicing her skills too even in a cementery. She has been leaving JK to his nanny a lot of times as she got busy . Until this moment, they are part of the championship. That was so amazing, all the hard work really paid off. She cannot help but be excited and nervous. She knows Jay and JK will be there to watch her and she never want to let them down. 
As she arrived in the Quidditch pitch, this feeling was so familiar. The cheers of those people that she can hear all of them. She is wearing already her uniform. Kenmare Kestrels has been her team and she makes sure she will try her best to show the best of her skills.  She put her bag in the designated locker. She held a family photo of Jay, JK and her. Her family is her lucky charm. She remembered the crowd like it was the Triwizard Tournament but this time she was not holding a wand but it is a broom that she is holding. She kissed the photo before keeping it. She can hear that this was the biggest crowd ever where she will play for. Semi-finals was a challenge but as they moved to Finals. She can hear more crowds. She decided to do some stretches while waiting and also stretching with her beaters bat. This is it. League Championship and she just hopes for the best that they win the game as champions. 

Edited by Kate Marie Samja-Hyun, 08 August 2020 - 08:03 AM.

  • Carina Thomas, Jason Hennings Jr. and Sofiya Lorens like this

#7 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

Carina Thomas

    Werewolf, Gryffindor Alumna, Kenmare Kestrels Captain & Seeker

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 11:49 AM

This was the kind of stuff she lived for. Being on a broom was truly one of her life loves, but playing in front of a crowd was something else entirely. The rush it provided was incredible, and it was in those moments that Carina felt the most alive. The thunder of the crowd, the stakes of the game, and the prospect of winning a big shiny trophy and bringing glory to Kenmare. Many years ago, there had been no particular reason she'd chosen to join the Kestrels other than the fact that they had a Seeker opening. In retrospect, that had been one of her better decisions, because the Kestrels had turned out to be a pretty kick-ass team. One that she was honoured to be co-captaining. As Carina slipped into her uniform, she could feel the energy crackling in the locker room, a mixture of nerves and excitement from the rest of the players. Carina herself was mostly just a ball of excitement, unintimidated by the large crowd and pressure to win the game. They were in it to win it, and she felt perfectly confident that everyone would bring their A-game today. Some players were biding their time by doing stretches, and she figured she may as well do the same. She did some arm stretches, satisfyingly making her shoulder crack. "Is everyone ready?" she asked around the room as she transitioned into neck rolls.

  • Jason Hennings Jr. and Sofiya Lorens like this

#8 OFFLINE   Vladislav Dimitrov

Vladislav Dimitrov

    Swedish Canon; Freyja Alumni, Daily Prophet Editor-in-Chief

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 01:38 PM

[The Daily Prophet Press Post]


It was the first big event of the year; the championship game between the two big teams. Generally for the smaller matches, he would let his team under Jessica cover it  since she was pretty good at it; but for the big match he had asked the whole team to help around as much as they can. The Daily Prophet was a smaller team of really passionate journalists, and while each excelled in the area that they were a part of - in big events like these they had to support each other. That was one shift he had seen from the Oracle, where everyone was still very much into silos work. Working in a small team like this was certainly a lot more exciting for Vlad since there were a lot of chances of interaction between them. 


The match was about to begin in some time, and Vlad already had his team at every possible corner of the stadium. Different people covering different aspects. He had someone picked out for covering the videography of the main game, and the photos of the teams but he wasn't sure if the poor fellow would be able to manage it alone. Plus, maybe he could sneak in a pre-match interview with both the teams. Hence, he had joined as well, reminiscing his intern days when he used to be a photography enthusiast. The teams were in different locker rooms, and Vlad asked his fellow journalist to take the Kestrels as he went to the Ballycastle Bats locker room.


Only two chasers were there, and Vlad had knocked before going in. Byrne and Alcantara. "Hey Bats. Are we good for a quick interview before the match?" He asked the two, as the photographer positioned himself to get the photos ready.


[Note : Once the match starts, the Daily Propheters would possibly be flying around in the periphery of the pitch to catch the players in action. They will be completely out of the way, and you can totally pose for them if you want :P ]

Edited by Vladislav Dimitrov, 08 August 2020 - 01:45 PM.

  • Alaric Severus Byrne and Astrid Alcantara like this

#9 OFFLINE   Jason Hennings Jr.

Jason Hennings Jr.

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 02:53 PM

*deep breath*


Jason had to make a quick decision before entering the locker room. Should he make a quick visit to the Kestrels fan base or head directly for the locker room. He knew his mother had asked him to come to see her before the match if possible for the good lucks and what not but he was way too nervous to be greeted by his family and knowing all of them were there didn't help with his decision. He stayed on the ground shuffling his options when he ran into Savvi who told him about the situation. After knowing the whole lot was there, he took lesser than a minute to decide where he would be heading. Reaching the finals was a big thing, it was a big break because from what he's heard, the tickets were sold out like crazy and people were placed on the waiting list. Clearly, the interest in the league championship was huge. He was processing his thoughts, tension building up in his chest because of his anxiety. The whole reason Jason had given up his singing career was because of the crowd. It stressed him to no end but with Quidditch, he knew a few years would be a low crowd and basic games which will help build up his confidence but in his second year they were playing in a full stadium with people from around supporting their teams. To make it worse, the first thing he came across crossing towards his locker room was a handful of girls trying to get a picture. He knew it was terrible of him to ignore them and he will get shit for it later in the papers but he just can't alright?


Jason apologized humbly and sped towards the locker room without a look back. Now, not a smooth move for a future Quidditch player but he was hoping his apology would make up for it. The fact that he apologized was enough but anyway, this isn't about his ego. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear Savannah's thoughts which told him she within the close proximity. She did mention being on her way to the VIP box and if he wasn't wrong, it was close to their locker room. This brings him to the locker room of the Kestrels where captain Carina and Kate, beater from their team was already present. Jace gave them a nervous smile heading to quickly change into his robes. Cracking his knuckles, his mind was giving himself a pep talk over his anxiety. This was so not the time. Were first games always this stressful? Jace didn't doubt his ability to perform. He was really good which is why he was a part of the team but crowds weren't his strong forte. The captain asked them if they were ready and he gave her a quick nod.

Edited by Jason Hennings Jr., 08 August 2020 - 02:54 PM.

  • Kate Marie Samja-Hyun and Sofiya Lorens like this

#10 OFFLINE   Sofiya Lorens

Sofiya Lorens

    Tyr Alumni, Pyrokinetic, Daily Prophet Current Events Journalist

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 04:03 PM

[The Daily Prophet Press Post]


League Championship... it was huge! How huge? Sofiya only found out as she stepped into the crowd with a quick notes quill and her prophet pad to get the juicy updates. Except, hers were more based on the thoughts surrounding the players. She was never a quidditch fanatic but she was a journalist who lived and died for news. Journalism had been her passion ever since she had seen this girl in her school walk around with a camera clicking pictures. Sofiya had asked her about it and she had shared with her the passion she mustered for the profession, making her dream the same. Now here she was, working for a renowned magical establishment which was geared up for the League championship event. It didn't take much longer for the assignments to be handed out to each of them, Sofiya excitedly looking at her own. She was allotted the pitch where the Kestrels were located in their locker room. It took her some time to find the locker room, Sof preparing the questions in her mind as she entered the Kestrels Locker Room where the captain, Thomas, and the two players, Hennings & Samja were prepping for the match. If she had her facts right, there were two captains for this team which meant the other was not present in her view. "Hi, I am Sofiya Lorens from the Daily Prophet. I hope you don't mind answering a few questions for the paper?" Hennings was clearly nervous, she noticed it first hand, it's her job as a reporter and smirked inwardly.

  • Kate Marie Samja-Hyun and Carina Thomas like this

#11 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

Carina Thomas

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 06:16 PM

Legs weren't quite as important as her upper body when it came to sitting on her broom, but it was handy to stretch the whole body nonetheless. Sometimes if you had to pull a quick maneuver to avoid a bludger, you might find yourself dangling by only your legs. Carina had been outside earlier to grab a snack, and there had been quite a bit of people milling into the stadium, but by now it was surely packed out there, if the noise was anything to go by. And it would only get louder once the game started, when everyone was purposefully trying to make noise in support of their preferred team. Someone else entered the locker room, and at first you would assume it was another Kestrel, but it turned out to be a journalist (Sofiya). These folks really were determined to get their exclusive scoops. When asked if they could answer some questions, the Seeker cast a glance towards the door. The game wasn't going just yet, so she supposed there wasn't any harm in it. "Sure. Fire away," she told the woman with a relaxed smile as she stopped stretching.

  • Kate Marie Samja-Hyun and Sofiya Lorens like this

#12 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

    Son of Adreia Kragen and David Byrne, Byrne Twins, Hogwarts Transfer, Animagus, Terrakinesis, Official Ydalir Alumnus, Ballycastle Bats Chaser

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 09:12 PM

Alaric was trying to calm his nerves while in their locker room, and normally when he feels like this, few stretches will do the trick. As soon as he’s done changing into their team’s uniform, Astrid came. He smirked once hearing her reaction, “I know…I had a hard time coming here.” He rolled his eyes, still not used by the idea of being mobbed by fans and reporters. For a private guy like him, it’s too much to handle and a pain in the arse. “Is your family watching too?” He arrived early and didn’t bother checking the stands after he came in here. Seeing them will just distract him before the game and he can’t afford to lose focus now. Since they’re still waiting for their teammates, Alaric started performing the general warm-up exercise. “Are you ready? We are going to win this Astrid.” He looked at her while sitting on the floor trying to stretch his legs. Just then, another one came into their locker room, he thought it’s their captain, but it’s someone from the Daily prophet (Vladislav). He controlled the urge to do another eyeroll and instead just simple sighed. He would prefer it if their captain would deal with these guys instead of them. But oh well… Alaric shrugged as he glanced at the older guy, “Sure, no problem with me.” Patience Alaric and play it cool, remember it’s part of the job.

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 08 August 2020 - 10:55 PM.

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#13 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

    Niflheim Alumni; Castelobruxo Transfer; Pyrokinetic; Animagus; Ballycastle Bats Chaser & Captain

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 04:09 PM

Astrid strode towards the bench and dropped her bag on the floor. She plopped down on it and put her face in her palms, just thinking about the real scope of this game. She knew that Quidditch was a big deal in the UK but she didn’t know that it was this big of a deal. Thousands of screaming fans were up on the stands all waiting for the Bats and the Kestrels fight for the league championship. She straightened up on her seat with a worried smile on her face as she fiddled with the clasp of her cloak. She did not want to attract attention when she was out there on the stands by showing that she was already in uniform. "The fans are crazy." She agreed with Alaric. "I love them! I love the energy, the excitement. It’s all so overwhelming but it feels good too, you know?" When Alaric asked if her family was out there to watch, she nodded her head. "Yes. Both of them." The attendance of all the Waylands was overwhelming. She would have loved it more if Nina and Jorge and Ander were there but at least Rush was there to support her. That is good enough. They were her adoptive family but she had everything to do with how she grew up to be who she is today. She was finally able to get rid of her cloak and put it up in one of the lockers. She stretched her arms just Alaric. Just a few pre-game stretches. "Do we have a choice?" She chuckled. She had seen the Captain up on the stands too, talked to him for  a while. "Captain seems a little off though, I wonder what hat was about. Bumped into him when I was chatting with my family. But yeah, we are definitely going to win this thing!" It was in her daily affirmations and she was inviting all the positive energies in her life right now to help. They both looked towards the door thinking that it may be their teammates but it was a guy from The Prophet too. She already blew off that lady from the stands but she promised. However, she has no idea if she will see her again in this crowd so might as well. Astrid reached up to gather her red hair up in a tight ponytail to keep it off her face. Since Alaric is game for the interview, she nodded her head too. "Shoot."

Edited by Astrid Alcantara, 09 August 2020 - 04:09 PM.

#14 OFFLINE   Seth Alexander Ryuu

Seth Alexander Ryuu

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 04:44 AM

Game time!


Finally, Alec went downstairs after greeting some friends and family members who attended to see him play his very first championship finals game. He was already half-dressed in his gear so it was only a matter of putting a few more pieces and he was set. It was reassuring that they were playing in their own stadium—homecourt advantage or whatever it was. It was almost time and so he retired back in the comforts of their designated locker room. Alaric and Astrid were already there and he'd flashed them a slightly manic grin that barely covered up his nerves. There was another man (Vladislav) with them, accompanied by a photographer. Alec already knew it was press people. "Excuse me—don't mind me, please," he said politely, moving toward the opposite corner of the room where he can get dressed in peace. He still had to put on the rest of his protective gear and finish preparing so he'd left the other two on their own and focused on securing his shoulder- and chest-pads and knee pads, tightening up the straps of his arm guards and shin guards and lastly, a pair of fingerless gloves.

#15 OFFLINE   Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 05:44 AM

Kate saw the arrival of Carina. She finished her stretching and hold on to her broom and bat. She then looked at Carina and said, "One beater already good and ready to face the Bats with my bat" She said chuckling on what she said. Well, she is really excited now as the time gets closer to the actual game. Suddenly someone from the Daily prophet came in. Sofiya from the Daily Prophet wants to have a quick Q&A with the team. She then said, "I am fine with any questions" Anyways, she was already done with her stretching and warm up. She saw Jason's arrival and just gave him a look. She knows later on her job is protecting the Chasers and Seekers from those pesky Bludgers. She just need to focus on the game and this time. Make the fans proud and her two boys proud about her. She just want to share that victory once again with her now kid and her husband. 

  • Carina Thomas and Sofiya Lorens like this

#16 OFFLINE   Alexander von Strauss

Alexander von Strauss

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 06:12 AM

Alex stepped away for a minute, going somewhere private to get some air. He regrets going up at the stands to collect his scattered troops. Jolly good time it always was, mingling with fans and making a surprise appearance at the stands pre-game. Alex even saw old familiar people he used to go up against in the pitch. It was nostalgic and even sorta poetic and it was great. But seeing his wife again after not seeing her in a long while? And discovering one of his own teammates was more than a teammate? It really screwed him up. He was upset, tensed, hella annoyed… it ruined his mindset, his concentration. It was such bad timing! But Alex was a pro at compartmentalizing and he was gonna need to rely on that. He never brought his problems in the pitch, he wasn't gonna start now. He's also not gonna let this affect his performance and cost them a win. The whole team worked so hard to get here and he's not gonna ruin it.


He slipped back in their private locker room, noting that most of the players were already in and was finishing up getting ready. There was also a reporter… whose presence he really didn't wanna deal with right now. They were quite taken with the rookie chasers so he'd left them alone, grateful that he was not a person-of-interest. He was still feeling a little off so he's not in the mood to answer questions, especially personal ones. Instead, Alex quietly retreated to a corner, shrugging off his old black hoodie and tossing it aside. He was already half-dressed so it was only a matter of putting on his cloak then switching to proper boots which he started doing as he struggled to get his head back in the game.

#17 OFFLINE   Tyler Joseph

Tyler Joseph

    Slytherin Alumnus; Pyrokinesis, Legilimency, Kenmare Kestrels Chaser & Captain, Animagus

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 07:41 AM

Tyler had a lot of things going on, one being the Quidditch Championship. They had been great throughout the league matches, scoring the highest team after team to finally reach where they were. His team had been great and he expected nothing less after the vigorous training all of them had been put through especially during the testing weather. It was truly a pleasure to be a co-captain for this team although now he was thinking ahead. All the thoughts were buried deep as he walked through the stadium finding his way to the locker's room. He wanted to go to the stands to see his family, they were his strength but he knew Aaira and her stubbornness when it came to something she wanted and she had been on about visiting the locker room. Denying her would mean the same situation they had gone through at home and he couldn't see her cry so it was best he didn't visit. There was no time anyway, he had spent much of time taking a walk and clearing his head, and as he stepped into the Kestrels Locker room, the hands were striking close to the time of the match. "You okay?" Tyler asked Jace as he walked past him giving him, giving him a slap on his arms. His lips twitched in a smile at Kate and Carina and assuming the rest of the team. There was another woman too, one who did not belong to the Kestrels although the notebook in her hand pretty much spoke where she was from. "I'll be back." He murmured passing Carina heading inside to quickly complete his quidditch attire, dropping the bags and appeared back fully dressed. This was going to be a long day and Tyler was fully confident they were going to come out at the top.

  • Kate Marie Samja-Hyun, Carina Thomas and Sofiya Lorens like this

#18 OFFLINE   Sofiya Lorens

Sofiya Lorens

    Tyr Alumni, Pyrokinetic, Daily Prophet Current Events Journalist

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 08:21 AM

[The Daily Prophet Press Post]


They were all such good sport, weren't they? Agreeing to give an interview and Sofiya as always beamed at their agreement. "Perfect! This won't take long." She knew there wasn't much time to conduct the interview and the mind wondered where the rest of the players were as they came one after another just as she asked herself the question. Her eyes landed on the second co-captain who excused himself and scurried inside. Shrugging, the woman turned to those present and gave them a big smile. "So, how do you feeling reaching the championship? Is it the first time for you as a co-captain?" The first question directed towards the Seeker. Kestrels were one of the strongest teams, and why wouldn't they be? They had Roisin Doyle as a player previously, the star of Quidditch. "Are you guys are all prepared for the game?" Sofiya glanced at Samja and then she looked over at the Chaser, Hennings who seemed a little out. "Maybe a little nervous?" A coy smile played on her lips. It wasn't wrong to be nervous, she would be if she were taking on a challenging team as Bats in front of the entire stadium.

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#19 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 12:01 PM

Carina smiled over in Kate's direction. "Glad to hear it. Give those Bats a run for their money." Having one of her closest friends playing on the opposing team added an extra layer of rivalry to today's game, and she was fully intent on teasing Alaric about losing to her. They had a superb team assembled, and so if everyone was playing their best, she was confident that they could win this thing. They'd most definitely have to have a big celebration afterwards. Carina nodded to Tyler as he moved past her. That was one of the benefit of having two captains, really. If one was busy or had to go tend to something, you could just toss things over to the other captain. While Tyler was off getting changed, she looked back to the reporter (Sofiya), who didn't hesitate to start firing away with her questions. The first question was specifically addressed to her, while the rest were directed at other teammates. "It feels amazing. I mean, playing any sort of game in front of the fans is always a thrill, but nothing quite beats the rush that a Championship game brings. We've all worked really hard to get here, so I'm immensely proud of my team, and I know we're gonna go out there and give it our all. Even greater still that this is all for a good cause," she replied with a smile. She didn't doubt that the hospital was going to come away from this event with all the money they needed and then some. "As for co-captaining, Tyler and I have been doing this for a little while now, and it's created a really great dynamic. Co-captains aren't terribly common in Quidditch teams, so it's really fantastic that Tyler and I have managed to make it work. This is, however, my first big event that I've be co-captain during, and uh... so far so good!" She flashed Sofiya her signature grin before leaving the stage for other teammates to answer questions. In the meantime, Carina poked her head out of the doorway, peering at the long stretch of green grass and blue skies, and catching a bit of a glimpse of the stands, which looked pretty packed from this angle.

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#20 OFFLINE   Kate Marie Samja-Hyun

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 03:07 PM

Kate agreed with Carina. They want to win this and they know they will with all their hard work. Why not? She knows they are all skilled and that every score counts. She knows Carina is one of the best Seekers. This is the best time to really show what the Kestrels can do. 


Kate saw the arrival of her big brother like Tyler. It is nice to know that this Championship was more of them being team mates and not competing with each other. It was like Hogwarts. Slytherin house. Well, Kestrels uniform are also green which is a good coincidence. She smiled at Tyler acknowledging his arrival there. She then focused herself to Sofiya who started her question. Are they prepared? That was the question. She can say that the preparation was really extreme as they practice a lot more as the Championship got closer. She then said, "I will assure that all of us are prepared. We practiced a lot. We won't let our Kestrels Fans down on showing a great game" She then gave a wink and showed her confidence in front of Sofiya. This was like a commercial answer but having a lot of fans also has a benefit of having a lot of sponsors too. So, better take these interviews seriously. 

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