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Food Stands

69 replies to this topic

#41 OFFLINE   Jaxon Mathews

Jaxon Mathews

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 12:12 AM

Well, this is just horrendously disappointing. Jaxon had moved around his work week and finished up everything quickly so he witness the stadium explode, and now? Now he stood here, arms just moving as if to shrug or say, “what the hell?” His question to Ellis was pointless, he knew the first explosion was the only one. He helps himself to a pretzel from a stand, taking a bite of it as he looks forlorn at the destroyed stadium. What’s even worse that it’s not even that destroyed. Like come on, at least put some heart into your work. ‘Dude. You think the fireworks went bad?’ Jax rolls his eyes, taking another bite of her pretzel before turning to his oldest (if not brightest) friend. What are you talking about now? It wasn’t fireworks, El. If Jax’s eyes had rolled with Ellis’ first question, well, they’re about ready to roll completely out with his second. Sometimes he asked himself why he chose the friends he chose. Ellis is literally dumb as a rock. No, actually, that’s insulting to rocks. And perhaps that’s why Jax enjoys their friendship. He enjoyed that Ellis and his world didn’t overlap and further that the man was certainly not bright enough to ever betray him. Not many people got hurt. I mean, look, the stadium is still standing for the most part. What a waste of time. He finishes off his pretzel and tosses its wax paper into a nearby bin. Well, unless they wanted to be the perpetrators of another explosion, there isn’t anything left to do in this shit hole. Another voice catches his attention, and Jax turns, guard up until he sees who it is. Stanislav Chervenkov. A familiar, if not inviting, face. The two worked in similar circles, and he’d procured a thing or two for Stanislav. He didn’t trust the other man, but he hardly trusted anyone so there was no offense meant there. Honestly, the business with the other man had netted a good price, and, well, he’s not one to turn down business. An easy smirk rests on his features as Jax gives the other man a nod in greeting. Stanislav. Yes, I had the time wrong unfortunately. Pity. He pauses, eyeing the man’s cut up face. Looks as if you caught it.

Edited by Jaxon Mathews, 17 August 2020 - 12:14 AM.

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#42 OFFLINE   Veronica Ghalaway

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 02:12 PM

(You can rp around me)

Veronica was very excited about the match, she never have been to one. It has been a while since she had this fun.

(After the explosion)
One the ground Veronica felt like her face was on fire and the one of her legs was not feeling like it should. "What happened? Owwww! Somebody help me" she screams hoping that there would be a healer close by.
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#43 OFFLINE   Austin Berquire

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 10:49 PM

Austin was now being handed his enormous amount of food, which he saw some people ordering onion rings, and decided to throw in one of an order of those, which the food stand workers grunted with a roll of their eyes, jeez, he thought to himself with a shake of his head. So, once they returned to fetch them and probably spit on them or something, next thing you know there was a loud BOOM and a shake, hmm, this wasn't normal on a game, right? like, what the heck was happening, were they firing cannons or something? and would you know, there were screams of horror, some people running past him and this big football built guy who was running for his life, tackled Austin by accident down to the ground and left off running. having fallen down on his back, he hears a few more screams and then slowly blacks out.


for a few seconds of pitch black, he starts to dream of himself being stuck inside a stand with a full blast tornado hitting it and taking the stand with him, spinning, spinning, and more spinning. looking out the stand in a fright seeing as they were both inside the tornado, whoa! now obviously if anyone was to pass by to help them, they could just shoot I don't know some water at him and wake him up.. or even a kick to him, though that probably wouldn't really wake him... anyways, back to the dream. he's holding into one of his cats, auntie em, they are spinning up thru dust and wreckage. looking out as quidditch flyers on their broom being caught in it along with people in the seats as well, oh no! cows floating thru above and below them, auntie em hissing and Austin holding back from barfing...

Edited by Austin Berquire, 17 August 2020 - 10:54 PM.

#44 OFFLINE   Dean Wesselton

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 11:57 PM

(You can rp around me)

Veronica was very excited about the match, she never have been to one. It has been a while since she had this fun.

(After the explosion)
One the ground Veronica felt like her face was on fire and the one of her legs was not feeling like it should. "What happened? Owwww! Somebody help me" she screams hoping that there would be a healer close by.

Dean was very excited, he was about to go to his first ever match of quidditch. He walked about the food stands when he spotted his sister Veronica. Walking up to her where she is at a food stand. "Hey sis, anything good to munch on?" He asked.

As soon as he asked the ground began to shake and all went black for a few second. When he came by again Veronica was on the floor screaming in pain and he himself felt that something was off. Could not place anything out of the ordinary he just new that his ankle was paining every time he try to step on it. "Someone please help!"
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#45 OFFLINE   Sebastian Cameron

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 12:11 AM

It was the first time that Sebastian went out since he got back to Hogwarts. He knew something about the sport but not enough to gave in an assignment on it. Sebastian was starving so he went to go get some grubb to eat.

He was not even very far in the food stands when a sound went off and the floor began to shake. He knew he must get out of the way of the people that is running around. Making way from the oncoming people he tripped over a tent pole and fell. Knowing the sound he knew that something was wrong but could not place it yet.
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#46 OFFLINE   Alejandro Guerra

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 02:45 PM

Let's face it. Ellis wasn't exactly the smartest person in the world. He had barely passed school and was constantly on the brink of staying back every single academic school year, so it should have been to no ones surprise that the things he say make little to no sense. Though in his defense he truly had been godsmacked by all the destruction, so that had definitely taken him off guard, thus having to use more neurons than he usually did. Jax's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, but his already confused expression, turns into that of perplexed surprise. No...fireworks? How could that be? Isn't that what they were going to come see from the beginning? "Wha..." His voice lingers off as he scratches his cheek and gazes around with a raised brow. "Dude." He emphasis the word in an almost exasperated way as he highlights all the mayhem that surrounds him with his hand as a response to the stadium is still standing comment. Honestly the shrill noises coming from the distance made him feel weary and then was slowly getting the picture. "This was intentional?" As the question leaves his mouth, he already knows the answer and his eyes nearly pop out of his sockets. He is no saint, but didn't understand these types of violent actions. Before he could inquire further a guy approaches them, someone who is chummy with his friend and takes a step back. "I still wanted to see fireworks." He randomly comments because damnit he was promised this. 

Edited by Ellis Fordham, 18 August 2020 - 02:46 PM.

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#47 OFFLINE   Lilia Tomorokoshi

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 06:49 PM

Treating Orange #10 Veronica Ghalaway


Lilia was talking to Annabeth and was about to response when she felt the world rock around her exploding. Searing heat flowed over her tossing her lightly through the air. Watching in horror, she saw other people flying through the air. Once debris stopped flying through the air, Lilia stood up shaking dust from her robes. Scanning around, she saw a girl laying on the ground in pain. Dashing over, Lilia kneeled next to her. "Hey, you're all right." She scanned over the girl looking for injuries. Spotting a broken leg and some burns littering her body. "Brackium Emendo!" Lilia pointed her wand at the broken leg to heal it. Then she wrapped a loose splint around it. "Mobilicorpus!" Lilia lifted up the girl to transport her to the triage.


(Exit Lilia and Veronica)

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#48 OFFLINE   Veronica Ghalaway

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Posted 19 August 2020 - 10:54 AM

Treating Orange #10 Veronica Ghalaway

Lilia was talking to Annabeth and was about to response when she felt the world rock around her exploding. Searing heat flowed over her tossing her lightly through the air. Watching in horror, she saw other people flying through the air. Once debris stopped flying through the air, Lilia stood up shaking dust from her robes. Scanning around, she saw a girl laying on the ground in pain. Dashing over, Lilia kneeled next to her. "Hey, you're all right." She scanned over the girl looking for injuries. Spotting a broken leg and some burns littering her body. "Brackium Emendo!" Lilia pointed her wand at the broken leg to heal it. Then she wrapped a loose splint around it. "Mobilicorpus!" Lilia lifted up the girl to transport her to the triage.

(Exit Lilia and Veronica)

Screaming of pain Veron was surprised that a healer heard her over the notice that is going on. "I think my leg is broken!" Veron yelled to the healer, making sure she would be heard over the noise. "Thank you!" She yelled when she felt tears running down her cheeks.

Edited by Veronica Ghalaway, 19 August 2020 - 10:54 AM.

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#49 OFFLINE   Molly Weasley II

Molly Weasley II

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Posted 19 August 2020 - 10:14 PM

Treating Green #17 & #19 Sebastian Cameron, Dean Wesselton

Molly had gotten word that she was needed at the food stands, so that's where she was now heading towards at. Even though she wished to herself being able to be at both places at once, she wasn't capable of doing such a thing. This was really chaotic and had never been in a situation like this, and she hoped nothing worst could happen, though she hoped it wasn't a real feeling this time, prior to the one she felt when all hell broke loose. Arriving at the food stands she witnessed there were two boys injured and a man who seemed to had passed out, oh dear, well at least she had arrived and hoped to be able to help them three out. But first was gonna be the children, obviously, and from what she gathered the man was still breathing fine, so that was a good sign and less for her to worry about. She spotted the back of two woman whom seemed to be a fellow healer and another patient who had dissaperated, probably to the hospital, so she herself had just arrived on time..
"Hello boys, I'm Molly. Your going to be fine. I'm at St Mungo's. I'll have you both patched up and escort you to wherever it is you need to be, ya'll shouldn't be alone at this moment.."
​She spoke concerned for the both of them since they were so young and wondered where their guardians were at... but she was gonna make sure the both of them would be back with them. She approached Sebastian and ran her wand over his knee. "Tergeo"And with that his knee was cleaned up, she ran her wand again over it "Episkey" and with that the knee was back aligned again. though it would probably still hurt for a few more seconds, but it would go away. "Ferula " she casted on the knee to create a bandage while it fully healed.And now for the scrapes the boy had over his face, Molly opened up her medical bag and retrieved a swab with some ointment to help healed those scrapes and make them go away. and slowly she reached carefully to apply them over him. "Where you boys all alone down here? where you with someone?" she asked them both as she finished applying the ointment over Sebasitan.
Once she was finished with Sebastian, she headed over to the other boy, Dean.   With her wand she ran it over his shoulder "Tergeo" and once his shoulder was clean, she pointed at it "Episkey" and with that she shoulder was aligned again. "Ferula" she casted on it to create bandages and then ran her wand over his knee and stopped where a broken bone was located  "Brackium Emendo" and with that the bone was unbroken and used Tergeo to clean it up his knee. Looking over to the man who was sleeping, she wondered if he was the guardian of the boy, who was now talking in his sleep and mentioning something about a yellow brick road, mmkay, odd. she looked at both the boys. "Is he with you both?"


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#50 OFFLINE   Dean Wesselton

Dean Wesselton
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Posted 20 August 2020 - 06:56 AM

Dean thought he was going to pass out from the pain. He also knew he was not alone since his sister was with him and a boy in his class Sebastian almost tripped over his sister. A young woman healer came to his and Sebastian rescue. "My sister was here, a healer like yourself tend to her, I think she took her away, she had very bad facial burns and her leg was broken" he answers her question.

Once the young healer (Molly) performed the spell to realign his shoulder, he could not helped himself to started to cry for the pain was to much to bear, for he was only so young.

Looking over to the man that Molly pointed at Dean said "No I do not know him, it is the first time that I see him"
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#51 OFFLINE   Sebastian Cameron

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Posted 20 August 2020 - 07:04 AM

Sebastian tend to think of himself as a young boy with no exception to pain he does not dwell on pain it happens and he forget about it, but this time he could possibly not forget about it.

During the blast that came from the stadium he almost tripped over a girl about a year older than him. He knew there was fault.

When a healer arrived to tend to him, he noticed the other boy from his house. Molly greeted them telling them that everything is going to be alright.

After a spell has been cast Sebastian swallowed his tears and his pride and saying "Thank you" to the healer. Why on earth would he wonder off since his sister gave him a fair warning not to go wander off.
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#52 OFFLINE   Molly Weasley II

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Posted 20 August 2020 - 08:16 PM

Molly listened to Dean mention his sister was being a healer who had just been here moments ago, ah, she wondered if it was the one whom she had just seen momentarily upon her arrival at the food stand. She ran her hand over his back gently to try and comfort him. "It's okay, just count to fifteen and you won't feel anything more, I promise. And I'm sure your sister will be back soon for you, but if you want I can take you to her back to the hospital." She smiled warmly to Sebastian. "Your welcome. You both are very brave boys." Turning towards the direction of Austin who neither of the boys knew, she didn't feel safe for the man to be sleeping on the floor where anyone could trip over him or be stomped... so Molly moved towards the man and ran her wand over his body just to made sure there wasn't anything broken and especially around his head area... but nope everything seemed normal.


She gently tugged on the man's shoulder to try and wake him up. "Erm, time to wake up, Sir. Wakey, wakey up.." she spoke overseeing him as he was talking during his sleep, but he wasn't really still waking up, so she reached into her medical bag to retrieve a potion vial that would wake him instantly from his deep sleep, she popped it opened and poured just a tiny bit into his mouth. and with that in seconds he should be waking up. So she returned back to  Sebastian and Dan. "Should we head out of here?" she spoke to them. hearing as Austin was now slowly waking up and getting off the ground, good, she thought.

#53 OFFLINE   Jaxon Mathews

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Posted 07 September 2020 - 09:45 PM

Let's face it. Ellis wasn't exactly the smartest person in the world. He had barely passed school and was constantly on the brink of staying back every single academic school year, so it should have been to no ones surprise that the things he say make little to no sense. Though in his defense he truly had been godsmacked by all the destruction, so that had definitely taken him off guard, thus having to use more neurons than he usually did. Jax's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, but his already confused expression, turns into that of perplexed surprise. No...fireworks? How could that be? Isn't that what they were going to come see from the beginning? "Wha..." His voice lingers off as he scratches his cheek and gazes around with a raised brow. "Dude." He emphasis the word in an almost exasperated way as he highlights all the mayhem that surrounds him with his hand as a response to the stadium is still standing comment. Honestly the shrill noises coming from the distance made him feel weary and then was slowly getting the picture. "This was intentional?" As the question leaves his mouth, he already knows the answer and his eyes nearly pop out of his sockets. He is no saint, but didn't understand these types of violent actions. Before he could inquire further a guy approaches them, someone who is chummy with his friend and takes a step back. "I still wanted to see fireworks." He randomly comments because damnit he was promised this. 



Perhaps one of the main things Jax appreciates about his friendship with Ellis is that he could literally conduct business in front of his friend, and it wouldn’t matter. As far as his friend knew, he’s a “businessman.” If asked by…err….the man, Ellis would say that Jaxon owned a pawn shop. Hell, he’d even invited to his “shop” one day. It was some front he’d bought such purposes, but he’d really hammed it up for his friend. Ah, Ellis. His best alibi, I mean friend. Anyway, Jax turns his attention away from the new arrival to move a few paces to his right to..ah, there we go. He can see the destruction a lot better now. He’s still bummed he missed the show, don’t get him wrong, but at least he can enjoy the aftermath. Besides, it’d take awhile for Ellis to catch up. Hell, if he hadn’t given his friend a hint, the man would’ve contacted him by owl three days from now realizing they were at the site of a terrorist attack. Merlin knows it wasn’t the first time. ‘This was intentional.’ Yeah, though I don’t know if they wanted something better or if this was the goal. Jax vaguely knew from his sources what the goal of this little event was, and though he was curious if that goal was accomplished, he was more curious about whether this small explosion was the only goal. Couldn’t they have done better? Seriously, what amateurs. Do you want me to buy you a sparkler? Jax comments dryly to his friend. Unfortunately part of him is serious in making this comment. If it helps Ellis move the hell on with his life, he’d buy the man a damn roman candle.

#54 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 15 May 2022 - 07:19 AM

Pro-Quidditch RPC: Read fan mails

Tag: Tori and Astrid


There’s no scheduled quidditch practice today, Alaric has nothing to do except just stay at home and stare at the ceiling. Let’s just say that the closest gym from his place was closed today and Carina also has team practice so even those two things were crossed off his list of things to do. Sighing, he changed his clothes to that of his practice gear and went to their home stadium only to be stopped by a staff member, telling him he got mail and packages. Knowing which room they keep those things in, he went straight there. Might as well check it first before going to the pitch. This isn’t something he will put a lot of time into, but it’s part of being pro-quidditch players. They will receive mails, as well as gifts from their fans. It’s no joke going through them on a regular basis, sometimes he’ll just take them home but oftentimes, he will never get the time to read. He doesn’t throw them away though.  Arriving at the room, he opened the drawer with his name on it.

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#55 OFFLINE   Victoria Noelle Armend

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Posted 19 May 2022 - 04:46 AM

Tori had nothing much to do that day but she wasn’t in the mood to babysit her baby sister. She loves Camryn, but she is not up to run after her the whole time. That girl has the energy of a very active puppy and Tori is more like a senior dog who likes to chill. She’s not saying that she’s too old. Her sister is just too young. She can’t match her energy levels when every day Tori is training. So, because of that, she went to her ‘office’ for ‘training’. Her parents did not question it. She just hopes that Alec covers for her if ever her parents see him around the neighborhood. She was about to go to the cafeteria for a bite when she was told by one of the team assistants that a bunch of fan mails arrived and that she should check it out. Since Tori has nothing else to do, she decided to go ahead and check them out. She always loved reading fan mails. It makes her heart so happy! She went inside the mail room and saw that Alaric was already there. "Hey Alaric," she greeted him and went to her spot where a bunch of gifts are laid down. "You got a lot of fan mail back there."

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#56 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 06:02 AM

Being captain is more than being the face of the team. Astrid is also involved in a couple of management things. One would think that all of those tasks would fall into the manager but some of them  falls on her too, especially if it affects her teammates directly. Scheduling practice sessions is one of them. She’s the one who gets to work directly with the players so she’s the one who can tell if they can handle another practice the next day. The team has been training hard lately so she said that they will have the next couple of days off. But that doesn’t mean that she won’t come in at their training center to check on her mail. It has been a while since she had checked on hers so here she is. When she went into the room where they keep the fan mail, she was surprised to see Alaric and Tori there too, with Alaric already checking his drawer. "Looks like I am not the only one who thought about checking the mail today," she said as she walked into the room towards her side of the room. "How’s your day going?"

Edited by Astrid Alcantara, 23 May 2022 - 08:11 AM.

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#57 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 25 June 2022 - 05:25 AM

Alaric was currently checking just how many mails he got for that week, as well as gifts, when Tori came in and immediately greeted upon seeing him there. “Oh hey, Tori, you’re here too.” He grabbed one box from the corner and started putting all the mail from the drawer with his name on it. Might as well put in some time to read them before his practice. Tori commented about the mails he received, this caused the Bats chaser to chuckle, “I can say the same to you, you know?” Bats is one of the famous teams in the British league so it’s obvious they have a huge fan base here in the UK, even in other countries. And with their good standing, that fan base only broadened as years passed by. He’d been a part of the team for years now but until now he’s still not used to the fame, maybe because he still prefers his privacy and having followers isn’t working properly on his private life, especially with what happened to him during the blast. Whenever they see him, he will always receive a sympathetic look. Sighing, he also gave the gifts and put them all on the table before taking his seat. He just got seated when it was Astrid who joined them. “Let me guess, you’re also bored?” It’s no surprise there. “I’m fine, there’s nothing else to do at home today, so I came here to practice but I was told there’s a bunch of mail collecting dust here for me now. So yeah…”

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#58 OFFLINE   Victoria Noelle Armend

Victoria Noelle Armend

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  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 26 June 2022 - 06:42 AM

Tori had brought her own bag for the goodies. She was sad to see that she was given some flowers and that they are already wilted at that point. It would have been nice to have some fresh flowers in her room. She’s really excited about the letter mostly. Alaric was there and even Astrid arrived. Did they tell the whole team about the mounds of letters left in the mail room? She could see that the space for their teammates are also overflowing with letters and trinkets from fans. She chuckled when Alaric told her the same thing is so many words. "Well, there’s nothing better to do to fight off boredom than bask in my fame," she batted her eyelashes at her teammates. Tori always wondered about what his teammates receive because she had heard from their summer assistants last summer about the things that they had to sort out before these things were given to them. "What have you got there, Alaric?" she craned her neck to see what’s on his pile. She looked at Alec’s pile too, wondering if she could snoop around his pile as well. He wouldn’t mind… right?

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#59 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

Astrid Alcantara

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  • Relationship Status:In a Relationship

Posted 27 June 2022 - 04:46 AM

Astrid might have been told about the piles of mail gathering dust in the mail room by one of the staffs a few days ago. She totally did not forget about it until now. She’s totally not here because her boyfriend suddenly has a meeting to attend which left her alone in their apartment. That is not at all the situation here. The redhead is simply grabbing her mail and then she will spend the whole day basking in her fame, as Tori put it. She chuckled at that when the beater said it because she’s kind if right. She looked at Alaric and nodded her head. "Yep! Bored out of my mind." Again, totally not stood up by her own busy boyfriend who has a book coming out soon. "Didn’t I tell you guys to take the next few days off? Why would you still come here and practice?" Alaric is really dedicated if he came here to practice and the mail room is just a detour. "Take it easy, you two." Their next match is more than a month from now so they can afford to relax before the real work begins again. She grabbed a rather large box from her pile and saw that it’s from a fan all the way from Scotland. There was a note in there that says they are local sweets and snacks! Astrid grabbed it and opened it excitedly, almost tearing the box down.

  • Alaric Severus Byrne and Victoria Noelle Armend like this

#60 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

    Son of Adreia Kragen and David Byrne, Byrne Twins, Hogwarts Transfer, Animagus, Terrakinesis, Official Ydalir Alumnus, Ballycastle Bats Chaser

  • Pro-Quidditch Player
  • Others: Adult
  • 1323 posts
  • LocationUK
  • Wand Type:12" Birch with Dragon Heartstring, Swishy
  • Nickname(s):Al, Alaric, Ric
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 03 July 2022 - 08:33 AM

Alaric rolled his eyes at Tori for mentioning fame. “Really now? It’s too obvious for you.” He said good-naturedly, merely teasing her. “Although I have to agree, reading fan mails will surely kill time.” It might not be the main reason why he came to their stadium, but still, his presence has a different purpose now. Astrid admitted she’s also bored, hence why she came. She also reminded them to take it easy for the next few days. “I’m fine, I just want to have a leisurely fly around the pitch, maybe practice our strategy too.” He started removing the letters from the box and was about to open one when his attention went to a slightly smaller box, it was a gift from the fan. He grabbed that one and ripped the tape around it, creating a noisy sound that would surely distract the two. “Sorry, I hate removing packaging tape but deal with it ladies.” He chuckled as he finally removed all hindrances. Tori was curious and asked him what he got here. “Let’s see..” Opening the box, he found a plastic bag with a teddy bear inside. It has I love you written in a heart. “Err…” he raised it for Tori to see, “Do you want a new teddy bear Tori, you can have this one.” Merlin knows what Carina will tell him once she sees this gift. She’ll make fun of him again. There are also flowers, plastic ones on the side from different fans but the majority of them were letters. “Do you even reply to the letters you’re receiving?” He asked the two girls.

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 08 August 2022 - 06:36 PM.

  • Victoria Noelle Armend and Astrid Alcantara like this

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