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Food Stands

69 replies to this topic

#21 OFFLINE   Official Harley Summers

Official Harley Summers

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 03:15 PM

When Harley got to the front of the line, he ordered some fries and a hot dog to bring with him and made a note to come back during intermission for a soft serve cone dipped in chocolate sauce. He couldn't take it with him or it would melt in the heat before he finished his fries and food. He didn't like melted ice cream, unless it was in a milkshake. Those were very specific circumstances. Once he paid, he turned towards Carina. He didn't want to distract her while she was signing autographs but he did want to wish her luck before the game. "Good luck today hun," he said. "I'm rooting for you. I'll catch up with you after the game." He said, nodding towards her and then turning towards Georgeanne. ​"Hey, I see you got your autograph. That's great! Oh, I didn't see him. I'll totally join you. I'll wait until you finish getting all your autographs."

  • Carina Thomas and Healer Georgeanne Hockings like this

#22 OFFLINE   Annike Parker

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 07:16 PM

There was no way Annike was missing this game. She knew that Ace and Luca were already there somewhere in the crowd. She would be sure to get up with them soon. Besides, she had gotten the baby something and she wanted to make sure to give it to Ace later. As she entered the food stands she noticed people gathering around some of the players that were playing today and she couldn't help but smile at them. Honestly, she couldn't wait to be in their shoes. Being able to play in an event like this. She was ready. She walked over to the stand and got herself a drink and a burger before looking back to the players. She wanted to pick a side but she honestly couldn't. Both teams were great and she was nervous for both of them. She couldn't help but giggle a little as she watched the kids get their autographs. Maybe one day that would be her. 

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#23 OFFLINE   Austin Berquire

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 09:10 PM

As people looked towards him with a shake of their heads or answering a "no" Austin was wondering if there was a found and lost area or what to do with it, obviously leaving it in the ground would probably just make it being stepped on and broken, which luckily he did pick it up just in time, noticing as some gals were running to catch up with other gals and asking them for their autographs, which Austin wasn't sure as to who they were or why, but he hadn't had a clue at all of whom they were, so as he was about to just save the charm bracelet, and moved up to the counter to order his snacks, Austin turned to (Pippa) who claimed it to be her's, and well Austin didn't second hand think it over and simply trusted it to be her's, so he handed the charm bracelet to her. Moving to the counter, giving a second glance of what was going around with a daily prophet photographer now taking pictures, oh my, those two gals seemed to be part of the game, perhaps? eh, who knew for what team though. Stepping now to place his order, he recalled the list he had already made in his mind."I'll have four hot dogs, some cracker jacks.. three of them.. , throw in two nachos, do you happen to have cotton candy? throw in maybe three of them. whichever color you have. and I'll take four water bottles, please."

Edited by Austin Berquire, 09 August 2020 - 09:27 PM.

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#24 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 10:23 PM

Alaric rolled his eyes at Carina, “I shouldn’t even have asked that.  Of course, you are.” He grinned when his friend agreed to pay for his food, feeling his tummy tumbled again. “Thanks, appreciate it. And no, that will not be a consolation prize, wait for my commemorative treat for you later.” He looked at the candy in Kate’s hand, “I can see that, but which souvenir did you buy? Anything interesting?” He looked around the food stalls area, “There’s so many people, have you seen the shirts and other merchandise they’ve brought with them? Wow, it’s overwhelming!” He can be talkative when he’s nervous and honestly, he is nervous. At this, he nudged Carina, “Is it always like this during final match?” He’s curious since it’s the first time for him to be included in one. When you watch in the news, it doesn’t show you much and they can sometimes exaggerate things which made the news unreliable.  


Alaric waited on the side while the two girls are talking to Kate and Carina and asking for their autographs. He expected once the girls were done, they will go on their way but one (Pippa) of them talked to him directly, claiming she’s a fan and asked for his autograph. Alaric chuckled and scratched his head, a little embarrassed at the attention given to him. She’s even wearing a shirt with Bats on it. “Thank you, we’ll do our best to win today. And sure, where do you want me to sign?” She was quickly followed by the other one (Georgeanne) who told him Carina’s team is better than Bats, at this Alaric laughed out loud, “Well, that’s your opinion Miss, and I can’t contradict seeing as Miss Thomas is here. But watch us kick some ass in that pitch today.” He briefly looked at Carina and then back to the girl. Alaric winked, “But yeah sure, I’ll sign wherever you want, give it here.”


He just received his hotdog and lemonade from Carina when his twin sister Lavinia came. He looked at her in surprise, “Lavi!” He snorted at her request, “Oh come oon, I just asked Carina to buy my food for me so I don’t have to queue you know…and now you want me to buy yours?” Urg! She’s always a pain in the ass even without even trying. He looked at the people on the line with apology an quickly squeezed in after Carina left the counter, he looked at Lavi, “Tell me what you want…and quick!” It's also getting crowded in here now, they should go back to the locker room asap.

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 09 August 2020 - 10:23 PM.

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#25 OFFLINE   Pippa Miller

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Posted 09 August 2020 - 11:02 PM

“Ooh G! Congratulations for getting the job!” Pippa shrieked, she’s very hyper today, must be the effect of being in a huge stadium and watching the game in person. “But please be careful in Azkaban and don’t ever ever change! I heard when you’re working there, you’ll become a very serious person.” G is a very nice gal and she’s very friendly, happy and a ball of energy too! She didn’t expect G will ask her about Rush and since her question is unexpected, Pippa blushed. “Geez girl, he’s not the guy I told you about before.” She looked at Rush, “But he’s not bad either, what do you think?” What? It’s just a girl’s curiosity, don’t judge her for it. Back to Austin guy, Pippa smiled, “Thank you, so much!”


Since Pippa didn’t expect to see any Pro-Quidditch player this early, she panicked and didn’t know souvenir she would ask them to sign and so she pulled out her hair clipper, it’s a white handkerchief which she just folded and gave it Carina and Kate, “Can you sign here too please? I would really appreciate it.” She borrowed G’s pen once the two were done signing hers. When Alaric came and Pippa asked G to pinch her, her friend literally did it. Pippa winced while rubbing her arm, “Yeoow! I wasn’t serious, goodness.” She grumbled and quickly smiled as soon as the guy greeted her back. “No worries, I really hope your team will win…” she gave an emphasis while narrowing her eyes at G since her friend commented about the other team being better than Bats. A lady (Lavinia) went to talk to Alaric, they seemed close and you can easily notice the resemblance between the two. “Urhm…I hope you don't mind me asking.but, are you siblings?” She had no idea Alaric Byrne has a twin sister.

  • Carina Thomas and Healer Georgeanne Hockings like this

#26 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

Carina Thomas

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 12:56 PM

Harley, who had been keeping his distance up until now, finally walked over and wished her good luck. "Thanks! I'll keep an eye out for you after the game." If the Kestrels won, then it was bound be beyond chaotic between team members celebrating and the press feverishly trying to get quotes and pictures from everyone, but eventually things would calm down. Though she'd be excited for the game regardless, it was always nice to know people were cheering for you. Looking over at Alaric, Carina snorted. "Regardless the result, you'd best get me the biggest ice cream cake there ever was. Maybe I'll even share if I'm feeling generous," she added with a smirk. He commented on the amount of merch floating around, and the Seeker would have to agree. Some fans were very passionate, going as far as getting tattoos on their person. Most commonly, though, you'd see people wearing shirts to show their affiliation, much like the two girls in front of them. "Oh yeah," she told her friend. "People go nuts for Quidditch, especially during finals. If you haven't shattered an eardrum by the end of today, consider yourself lucky. It's about to get real loud, and you are going to see a lot of weird stuff. And," she added, giving Alaric a pat on the back. "Brace yourself for journalists. Lots of them." The poor guy would just have to find a way to cope, because there was no getting rid of them.


Pippa asked to have her handkerchief signed, and Carina smiled as she took the pen and twirled it between her fingers. "Sure thing. Hopefully that shirt of yours will help bring the Bats some luck, cause they're gonna need it," she said with a good-natured laugh as she finished signing her name. She handed the pen and handkerchief over to Kate. The flow of people coming into the stadium was starting to slow, so Carina clapped Alaric on the back again. "A'ight, I should be heading back to the locker room. See you on the pitch, Chaser Byrne." With that, the Seeker slipped away as she happily munched on her two cookies.

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#27 OFFLINE   Fallon Steelgrave

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 04:34 PM

Fallon was situated in the VIP stand, meeting several staff members of the hospital. However, she had to excuse herself when the game was a few minutes way from starting. Using Sonorus, Fallon addressed the public attending the match. "Welcome quidditch fans from all over Britain and Ireland to the championship match of the 2020 British and Irish Quidditch League. Today, the Kenmare Kestrels and Ballycastle Bats will complete for the Championship, but first, I would remind you all to donate what you can for St. Mungo's. You can find donate boxes all around the stadium. Every donation, is greatly appreciated, and will be used to further advance our Magical Healing Processes. Now, I'd like to introduce Head Healer Jin Marrow, who'll give the start sign of today's game."

#28 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 10 August 2020 - 05:57 PM

Using Sonorus as well, Jin followed suit. "Welcome everyone! Like what the Minister said, the Hospital would highly appreciate your monetary donations. We thank you in advance for your help. It will help fund a new wing we're planning to build focusing on the mental health of our patients. The money can also be of great service in terms of buying new equipments that would, no doubt, help more people in the future. Now, without further ado... let's watch something fun, shall we? Don't forget to cheer the loudest for your team! I'm honored to introduce to you... the KENMARE KESTRELS!" Jin and the rest watched in awe as they did their introduction. After half a minute has passed, she continued the introductions. "Now, please welcome the BALLYCASTLE BATS!" The other team had their own show to give and Jin grinned from ear to ear. "Wonderful! Players, take your positions, please." The players took their respective positions in the field and with a wave of her wand, the quaffle hovered at the center. "LET THE GAMES... BEGIN!" With another wave of her wand, the blugders and the golden snitch were also released and then league championship has begun!

#29 OFFLINE   Patrick Price

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Posted 11 August 2020 - 07:52 AM

There was no way Annike was missing this game. She knew that Ace and Luca were already there somewhere in the crowd. She would be sure to get up with them soon. Besides, she had gotten the baby something and she wanted to make sure to give it to Ace later. As she entered the food stands she noticed people gathering around some of the players that were playing today and she couldn't help but smile at them. Honestly, she couldn't wait to be in their shoes. Being able to play in an event like this. She was ready. She walked over to the stand and got herself a drink and a burger before looking back to the players. She wanted to pick a side but she honestly couldn't. Both teams were great and she was nervous for both of them. She couldn't help but giggle a little as she watched the kids get their autographs. Maybe one day that would be her. 


Rocco had agreed to go to the game with Annike, even though their own team hadn't made the championship. It sucked, but he liked the sport so much that he didn't see how he could miss this match. When they walked up to the food stands, Rocco glanced around at some familiar faces, then ordered his own meal - a bag of crisps and a bottle of cola. "So our tickets are for the Bats side," Rocco noted, having looked down at their seats. This was perfect because he had a couple of friends and former Gryffindor teammates on that team. He would definitely be supporting Alec and Tori.

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#30 OFFLINE   Healer Georgeanne Hockings

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Posted 11 August 2020 - 09:34 PM

"Dun worry, Pip, I'll be fine." G flashed her a grin. She doesn't think Azkaban would change her but she's hoping to change someone's life there. Does that make sense? Apparently, the Rush dude is not the guy she told her about but she did ask what she thinks of him. "Gotta say, he's very handsome." Nope, you won't ever catch Georgeanne calling someone a 'hottie' or something like that. She would have to be drunk or insane to be able to do that. 
Georgeanne could only nod at Carina's statement. "I know it will be. I fully support the Kestrels! You're the best!" Can she swoon even more? Goodness. She loved that Carina didn't mind what she asked her to write and after Kate, she even managed to shake Carina's hand. Oh my god, this really is the best day ever! "Thank you so much, Carina. Thank you, Kate." Turning to Alaric, G probably blushed when he winked at her. The man is so damn charismatic and handsome! Darn it. "I'd love to watch Miss Thomas kick your ass." G grinned and lets him sign the sleeve of her shirt. "Thank you, Mr. Byrne." 
It seems like the players are going back to the locker room soon. She also caught what Harley said and turning to Pippa, she grabbed her arm softly. "I'm heading back to the stands. I'll see you later?" She kissed her cheek and turned back to the amazing quidditch players. "Thank you so much again for your autographs. We really appreciate it." With that, she went back to grab the food she left on the counter and turned back to Harley. "Harley! Come on, let's meet Dax upstairs. I can't wait to show him my shirt!" With that, they both walked up.
/Exit G.

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#31 OFFLINE   Official Harley Summers

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Posted 12 August 2020 - 02:07 PM

Harley made a note to mention to Carina later that he wasn't avoiding her or keeping her distance but rather didn't want to overwhelm her. She was already surrounded by so many people and he imagined she wanted some space to mentally prep before the game. Naturally this was all based on pure assumptions. He didn't know how her pregame ritual was. And besides, she had a lot of fans that wanted to get their autographs and that looked like a job in itself. He would definitely be cheering for her. After all, he had on a Kenmare Kestrals t-shirt on with her number and also name on the back. 


Then he turned his attention towards G and nodded. "I'm right behind you," ​he said, but that was before he caught a scent of freshly made popcorn and turned his attention towards a random guy holding on a bucket of the stuff and walked towards the seats. Oh dear, now he wanted some of those to accompany his food. "Actually G, let me get some popcorn and I'll catch up with you, okay?" He said, quickly getting in line once more and once he got it and paid for it, made his way towards the seats.


[Exit Harley]

#32 OFFLINE   Annabeth Kane

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 02:34 PM

Annabeth was getting quiet packish and thought it be a great time to go and get something to eat. She asked the person who was sitting next to her in the stands to look out for her stuff and her seat. When she got the food stand and she stood next to a man (Austin) who was getting his food. "Woe did somebody forgot to have breakfast this morning?" Annabeth joke. She didn't know anybody here as she came alone. "Can I have one hot dog with fries and small diet cola please." She smiled as she payed and waited. She always thought it would be cool to have some friends to go to games with but sadly she didn't have friends who are sport fans.

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#33 OFFLINE   Austin Berquire

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 03:06 PM

Austin heard as the voice of the Minister of Magic was being announced all over the stadium, followed by someone else, whom he guessed it was the Hospital director or whatever the title was, Austin forgot what was the title of the head hospital person, even though the guy worked for one of them, but eh, titles were slightly different in the UK and France region, and the guy didn't know that much of the UK since having moved to France. Hearing their announcements and still waiting on the side for his food, he heard (Annabeth) joke, which he giggled and shook his head. "Oh, no, I never forget to have my breakfast or not have time for that, otherwise I can be rather cranky. I just ordered for myself and four others. and I don't feel like coming back down once the game is in play, which from the sounds of it... it's already starting and I'm still here waiting." he said with a small shrug and looked around the food stand as it had simmered down to a few and the crazy fans who were pushing others to get autographs had already left? so it was now calmer and the people in the kitchen were now working again. "You just missed some people. I take it they were famous or something. probably even players of... whichever teams are playing. I didn't see any guy players though, does neither of the teams have guy players in them?" he said with a low kick to the ground and slightly frowned on thinking such thing was possible. one of the reasons he came to watch the game was to googly eye the guys of the teams and see which one was the hottest or something..

Edited by Austin Berquire, 14 August 2020 - 03:07 PM.

#34 OFFLINE   Lilia Tomorokoshi

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 03:50 PM

Lilia wanderd around the food stands looking for something good to eat. The game had just started, so there weren't too many people racing for food. Arriving by herself, Lilia looked around for JC but didn't see him. He might be in the VIP section, but she'd find him in a bit. Up ahead, she spotted Annabeth whom she knew from the hospital and they'd corresponded with owls a few times, but Lilia had been too busy to meet up. Pausing in front of a drinks concession, Lilia just bought a bottle of water. It was still early in the game and too hot to drink much else. Maybe later when the game would pick up speed, Lilia would grab something else. Walking over to Annabeth "Hi! I hope I'm not interrupting, but I'm Lilia Tomorokoshi. We've yet to meet in person cause I've been a little frazzled. It's so nice to meet you!"

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#35 OFFLINE   Laurette Atwood

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 11:44 AM

After leaving Carl, aka Mathias, to fend for himself, Laura started making her way below the VIP section of the stadium. It immensely helped that she knows the ins and outs of this place. This is one of the main reasons why she prefers to scout the site of the crime and be familiar with everyone's routine; it provides her the comfort and confidence of knowing what she's supposed to do and what she can do in case things go south. Not that this plan would fail, it's pretty much fail-proof because Laura concocted everything from the start. It also helped that this section where she is right now can only be accessed by Bats employees. This area of the stadium was the first thing she checked upon getting the 'job'. Laura even thought that she has to flirt with the stadium manager just to get her way. A little charming smile here, a wink there, a bit of showing her assets and he'll do her bidding in a heartbeat. See, she loves her damn job! Plus, some people are just plain dull-witted, it's too easy to take advantage of them.
After double-checking the bomb, she flipped the switch that will start the three-minute count down that she set before all hell breaks loose. What? Laura has priorities. She needs to make sure that the Bats are winning. She has a half mind to set another bomb on the other side of the stadium if she ever finds that her team is losing. Closing and locking the door behind her, Laura walked back to a secluded part of the stands, noting the score and smiling proudly when she saw that her team's leading by a huge number. Good job, Bats. The other side of your precious stadium will live. She snickered at the thought as she made her way to the exit. Cheers from the north side were defeaning because of the current lead. It's funny, all of them has no idea what's going to happen in the next few seconds. But isn't that what they wanted to happen? With all the excitement and adrenaline going on, the Minister and her posse of useless people will not realize the tragedy until it's too late. Her watch glinted, indicating that only a few seconds left before the fireworks start...
The blast from the bomb was extremely loud, combining with the high-spirited shouts from the current festivities. Laura could hear the start of wails, cries, screams of shock and fear, the once cheerful environment becoming one huge source of panic and terror. It even felt like the whole stadium vibrated at the sudden shock wave from the explosion. There were some players flying near the epicenter, but does she really care? No, it's just too bad they were around that zone. Normally, she would stay and watch the sufferings of these pathetic and feeble-minded poeple but she got no time. After one last glance to make sure that she hit on the target, Laura whistled as she quickly disapparated from the stadium amidst the chaos. Job well done, Laura...
Soon after, the sections surrounding the VIP stand started collapsing... 
For reference:
The red box is the VIP section.
The green box is the affected/collapsed section(s) of the stadium.

#36 OFFLINE   Jaxon Mathews

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:46 PM

Planting an explosion at a stadium to go off in the middle of a charity Quidditch match. A big hippity-do that was planned quietly so the Ministry wouldn’t catch a whisper. So, of course, that meant the entire dark wizarding community knew. They didn’t discuss attending the Quidditch match. They discussed attending to witness the explosion. Hell, it’d come up at his last business meeting. Jax had thought he wouldn’t be able to come. Too much on his plate this week. But luckily, he was able to move some things around and attend. Unfortunately for him, he had the wrong time by about an hour. Jax apparates outside the stadium with his good friend Ellis, ready for the fireworks show and instead the sight of a partially collapsed stadium greets him. Son of bitch. We missed it. He is going to be super grumpy at his next business meeting when everyone is all a flutter chatting about the explosions and crowd reactions. While here is Jax with a partially collapsed stadium and screaming idiots. They’ve missed all the good bits. How disappointing. Jax and Ellis move into the stadium to over where presumably people had hocked food and expensive souvenirs. Perhaps there will be a secondary explosion? Maybe? A man could hope.

Edited by Jaxon Mathews, 15 August 2020 - 08:46 PM.

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#37 OFFLINE   Alejandro Guerra

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:21 PM

When Jax had invited him along for an "explosion", Ellis had thought he had meant "explosives" aka sparklers. Like you know- an explosive Summer Spectacular or something of the sort. He knew that Quidditch matches often did these amazing fireworks, so hadn't taken his words seriously - at least not in the way he was trying to convey it to Ellis. The man wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed and had no reason to ever suspect that there would be a destruction of this caliber. They appear to a colossal waste land- debris every, clouds of smoke that caused him to cough and wave the haziness away from his face as the smell of burning metal and wood linger heavy in the air. Unlike Jax who looks disappointed, Ellis looks absolutely horrified and kicked at the floor, a piece of cement trickling down what were once steps. "Dude. You think the fireworks went bad?" But his next comment perplexes him even further and blinks (and if this were a cartoon his eyes shuttering open and closed would sound like a bike horn). "Wait... they're still going to do more, but why? People are hurt. They're not going to enjoy it. Like.. to lift their spirits?"

Edited by Ellis Fordham, 15 August 2020 - 09:24 PM.

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#38 OFFLINE   Stanislav Chervenkov

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 02:26 AM

Stan had been assessing the area, more so to find whoever was doing this. Not that he was a ministry worker, or cared about justice. He simply wanted to know. He had his own ideas about the group behind this, and had heard from his relevant sources that something was going to happen. But the scale had been much larger than anticipated, and it was honestly impressive how it had been pulled off. It must have been someone working on the inside. Tch tch. Why didn't people vet their employees before hiring them. 


As he was beginning to move towards the outer area, cuts on his face and everything visible, he caught sight of a familiar face. Jaxon was someone they had done business with and employed for some critical transfers between Sweden and UK. And the boy was here. With someone else that he didn't know, but..inconsequential. "You missed the show." He drawled out. "Jaxon." He added as an acknowledgement, as he looked around the food stands. It was pretty much deserted now, as most of the dying people were in the hospitals and the dead ones were in the stadium. 

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#39 OFFLINE   Patrick Price

Patrick Price

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 09:28 AM

The lines for the food were a bit longer than Rocco would have liked. He threw a few complaints Annike's way, and before he knew it the game had already started. He cursed in annoyance because by the time he got his food, he knew they were missing some good stuff. By the sounds coming from the stadium, it seemed like the Bats were in the lead. "Come on," he urged Annike, leading the way. But even as they started walking, something in the stadium began to rumble, effectively stopping them in their tracks. His eyes grew wide and he looked toward Annike, then the rumbling became louder and louder and was followed by screams. "What the hell?" Rocco said as he looked around. He quickly realized there had been an explosion and a large section of the stadium was collapsing. Rocco tossed his food aside and grabbed his wand, running toward an opening that would allow him to see properly and assess the situation. From where he was, he could tell it was mass hysteria. "I'm getting the hell out of here," he said. He was no healer and there was no point in sticking around anymore, now that he knew how dangerous this stadium had become. Annike was the only one he'd come with, so he turned to her and said, "I'm going home - you coming?" he wanted to be safe and that was the smartest route to take he figured.

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#40 OFFLINE   Annike Parker

Annike Parker

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 11:22 AM

Annike smiled at Rocco for a moment and was walking his way. "Coming Coming." She sang a long as she moved next to him. She had been in pretty good spirits as of late and honestly that all that mattered. However, as they started walking a shaking under her feet happened. There were earthquakes here were there? Her eyes widened as it got louder and louder. It was the screams that sent chills through her body. She looked over to Rocco and blinked as he went over to the opening. She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to see bodies laying over the place. There was no way. It was the reason why she didn't go into the field that her mother had been. "Yes! Home!" She said as she swallowed hard. She wasn't  hurt and it would be better for her to not be there and let a healer think she was. She walked up to Rocco and grabbed his shoulder. "When we get home, you should make sure Greta is okay." She told him now a little worried that his girlfriend had maybe came to the game. With that last word leaving her mouth the popped them out of there. 


Exit Annike and Rocco

Edited by Annike Parker, 16 August 2020 - 11:26 AM.

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