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Quidditch Pitch

170 replies to this topic

#121 OFFLINE   Healer Marthine Homstad

Healer Marthine Homstad

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 07:15 AM

Treating RED #10. Victoria Noelle Armend

Marthine was still having a hard time processing the events. One moment everyone was cheering for the championship players, the Bats leading the game. It was loud everywhere but at least people have been having fun. The next thing she knew, however, she was crouching next to her seat, covering her head and ears because of the sudden commotion. There was chaos; people are running in all different directions. While some disapparated quickly, the young and others have been running away from the falling debris to spare their lives. Marthine had no idea what caused such mayhem but one thing is for certain, the Ballycastle Bats stadium is currently in shambles particularly the VIP section. She hoped against hopes that someone already responded to that area because their hospital head and the Minister could be in great danger. Firstly, she scanned the area and looked for a safer place. It was pure luck that several hospital healers were given free tickets to the game. It saved them time to travel from the hospital to the explosion scene. Some healers already tended to other injured victims from the audience. Next thing she checked was the Quidditch pitch. Marthine apparated to the grounds as quickly as possible. One of the female players from the Bats (Victoria Armend) whose body was sprawled unconsciosly on the ground seemed to be badly injured in her leg. Marthine had no idea what's the victim's name but she looks younger than the blonde healer. "Miss, do you hear me?" Getting no response, Marthine checked the lady's brainstem reflexes and pulse. The healer feared that the patient might have injured her brain due to the trauma after the fall so Marthine quickly checked the condition of her patient's organs using the Videre Internus spell.

Heaving a sigh, Marthine was little pleased to see the lady's brain condition. There were no severe injuries to the head but she still needs to be monitored since she was not showing any positive response yet. Next, the healer moved to the patient's torso and lower limbs, the latter appeared to be worse than she thought. Marthine cursed under her breath. The tibia was strongly intact but it was the fibula which has been severely damaged. The bone shattered like a piece of wooden toothpick under her skin while the impact of something solid bruised the skin as scarlet as Marthine's lipstick. Performing a Bone-Mending spell could be dangerous for the patient right now since the healer's hands are still trembling from the shock of the explosion earlier. Healing malpractice is something she cannot afford right now. Since she was more skilled in potions than spell-casting, she have more faith in her friend Skelegro than some other spells to heal the patient's bones. So summoning her potions first-aid kit, Marthine administered the nasty-tasting potion to the young woman and reposition the injured leg as the potion does it work. She checked the patient's pulse and light stimuli again but she's still not responding, and feared that the patient might be suffering from hematoma (brain blood clot) or hemorrhage to the brain, in which both would need surgery to remove the cause. Now they may need a brain expert for her condition.
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#122 OFFLINE   Chester Armend

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 02:31 PM

One moment, he was enjoying the game and cheering for his baby girl and the next, he's watching the explosion right before his eyes. His gaze snapped back to Noelle and his head felt like exploding, too, when he saw that she got hit by a bludger on her leg. Chester could feel her scream in his head and he all he could do was watch as she fell hit the ground. "NOELLE!" He was in shock, his mouth wide open. His heart was thundering inside his chest because there's no way he just watched his daughter getting hurt. Fear gripped his whole system and he could feel Vera ready to faint or something because of the horrific sitaution. And she'd just given birth, dammit! "I'll be right back, Vera. I'll check on Noelle and see what's happening. Stay here, I'll be back, I promise. She'll be fine." Chester kissed her on her forehead and apparated towards the pitch, next to her daughter. 
The sight of his princess made him want to weep, she's unconscious and her leg was bent in a way that is way unnatural. "Noelle! Shit!" Chester ran to her side, but careful not to touch her because it might make things worse. "Princes... Princess? Noelle, sweetheart, are you okay? Can you hear me?" He willed her to wake up and talk to him but before he could speak another word, someone approached them. She seemed like a healer (Marthine). She immediately checked on her. "Miss, is she going to be okay? I'm her father. How bad is it?" Chester's trying real hard not to panic. They couldn't afford to lose Noelle, dammit! At the back of his mind, he's readying to kill the people behind the explosion. He's still on leave, but he's more than willing to go back as soon as possible to help them catch these friggin criminals. But first... his daughter's safety. The healer cursed, then she administered something. From the name of the bottle, it's Skelegro. Chester could read the person's mind and what he saw there almost made him want to vomit and faint. Goodness. Her fibula was severely damaged, her bone was shattered that's why she's administering the Skelegro. Chester's head is seriously one second away from exploding at the next thoughts that ran through the healer's mind. "Hemorrhage? Are you sure? Is she going to be okay? She'll live, right?" He exclaimed loudly, his face in total panic now. Vera might have a heart attack once she learned about this. "Fuck." Chester ran his hand through his hair, pulling at the end. "What are you waiting for? Let's bring her to the hospital! Miss, they need to operate on her if it's blood clot! Come on!

  • Prof. Vera Armend, Official Jessica Ryuu and Healer Marthine Homstad like this

#123 OFFLINE   Carina Thomas

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 04:51 PM

Carina looked around, willing someone, anyone, to come and do something about Alaric. She hadn't seen him fall, but being unconscious was never a good sign. She didn't need to be a Healer to know that. Someone (Ralph) finally ran over and he seemed to know what he was doing. "I'll help in any way I can." The least she could do was make sure her friend was alright until he made it to St Mungo's. The man cast a few spells and informed her of his injuries. She winced at the mention of internal bleeding, giving Alaric's hand a light squeeze. Alaric was given a neck brace, and when instructed to hold him steady, she nodded. "Got it." The Seeker released his hand so she could hold his shoulder area while the man relocated his shoulder. It was all over with quite quickly, and he was getting loaded into a stretcher. Carina got to her feet as the other man did. "Thank you so much." She bid the man farewell before watching both of them vanish. Left standing alone, she glanced around in a daze. She'd go to the hospital, but first she should see if anyone else needed help. She wouldn't be able to heal anyone, but sometimes having company could make the world of difference. She jogged over to her broom, swinging it beneath her legs before taking off.

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#124 OFFLINE   Prof. Vera Armend

Prof. Vera Armend

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 09:47 PM

Vera apparated straight into the pitch, right behind her husband, she saw Chester and then Vicky on the ground, her legs were in the most awkward position and she didn't seemed to be concious! Her heart almost stopped at the sight and Chester was begging for the girl to wake up, both not touching her in case they did more damage to the girl. The pitch were covered in debris dust and Vera couldn't help but cry at the sight of what had happened, her wand was still in hand and she knelt beside Chester just as a healer came towards them, Chester was all panicking and was screaming instruction, and even though Vera was hurting for her daughter, she knew she had to be the stronger one here, she held on to Chester's arms,  " Baby.. Baby let them healer do her thing." The healer administered some Skelegro and Vera just winced at how painful that would be. Her heart ache so badly and she was crying, but she stood there watching in patience, her body shaking from the shock, but also from how hurt her heart was at seeing her oldest in that position. 
She heard what Chester said and turned towards the healer, she knew Chester was reading the healer's mind and that made her panic senses rises, " What did you say? What are we waiting here for then?" This time she was half screaming, they must leave.. Vera couldnt help but touched Vicky, her tears were not stopping now, what are they still waiting for? 

  • Chester Armend and Healer Marthine Homstad like this

#125 OFFLINE   Healer Richard Oplev

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Posted 16 August 2020 - 10:47 PM

{Claiming ORANGE #11: Vladislav Dimitrov}


After taking Royce to St. Mungo's, Rich apparated back into the stadium, aiming for the quidditch pitch as it was more difficult to get to that area from the stands, and some people and players that had been in the area, including the press, had gotten injured by the explosion. He hated to leave her after what had just happened and, despite being quite shaken and distraught, it was his duty to help. It didn't take him long to find an unconscious man. He was covered in shards of broken glass, his head lying on top of a puddle of blood and the fire had burned holes through his robes. Rich hurried towards him, unsure of how much time he had been laying there and it was vital to treat him promptly as he had blacked out. The smoke and dust were everywhere, and he couldn't have the man inhaling all that in the state he was in, at least not anymore. He did his best to clean. What was easy to see were the dislocations along his limbs, the arms the most visible one as he had possibly tried to shield himself, his upper limbs receiving much of the impact. He took out the flying stretcher and put it down, then placed an oxygen mask on his face before adding some securing spells. "Mobilicorpus!" Rich finally moved the journalist onto the stretcher. "I've got you, Mr. Dimitrov. I know you might not be hearing me, but you'll be okay." He retrieved his camera as well, and placed it next to him. "Brackium Emendo," the loud crack made Rich release a shaky sigh as he could only imagine how painful that spell was. He wouldn't be able to feel any pain just yet, and even if he could, it wouldn't compare to that of a broken bone. His wrist snapped back into its place, and so did his right leg and foot. With that, he accio'ed his portkey and disapparated from the pitch.



{Exit Rich and Vladislav}

#126 OFFLINE   Healer Marthine Homstad

Healer Marthine Homstad

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 05:00 AM

Marthine sighed rather exasperated when the patient's father (Chester) nagged her about his daughter's condition. She hated it when parents or relatives ask questions when she's working but couldn't bring herself to get mad at them since she knew they're only worried of their loved ones. While preparing for the patient's transfer to St. Mungo's, she was caught by surprise when the father literally spoke her thoughts aloud. Was he a legilimens or something? Marthine turned to the parents and gave them a small but reassuring smile. "It's possible but let's hope it's not as severe as I thought." Treating brain injuries is not her department but she will make sure a good healer will take care of their child. "Her broken leg is healing now. And as far as I know, she will be monitored for 24-48 hours for the head trauma. If nothing serious happens -- if she wakes up that time, I believe she's past the critical stage by then." If the injury is not acute, potions to heal the blood clot will be given instead of surgery. Using the Levitation charm to move the patient's body carefully to the stretcher, she turned to the parents once again. "The hospital will do its best." With that said, Marthine held onto the portkey to transport the young woman.

{Exit Marthine and Victoria}
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#127 OFFLINE   Jason Hennings Jr.

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 08:47 AM

They were speeding towards the goal post and then BAM! Jason had no idea what happened. The explosion was so loud that it seemed to vibrate in his ears. He was near the VIP stadiums, flying towards the Bat's goal post when the force blasted him away. The quaffle dropped from his hands and before he could help it, he was hanging from his broom, one hand holding on the broomstick for his life. The second blast pushed him further and he felt his grip losing before he was falling to the ground... falling deeper until his back hit the ground, a loud crack and blackness... nothing...


*jace out*

#128 OFFLINE   Tyler Joseph

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 08:51 AM

He couldn't believe they were so far behind but they could still catch up. None of that mattered though as the explosion blasted through the stadium. He held onto his broom tightly, further away from the stands although he felt the broom vibrate and everything around him do the same. His face warm was reacting to the energy of the fire but his eyes were towards the stands, towards his family. Tyler couldn't care about the game anymore, not when his children were there and seated closer to the stand. He would have shot right into it had he not seen Jace fall. Everything left his mind as he shot downwards towards his nephew. Tyler may be very fast but he was not fast enough to stop him from falling. Even from the height he was, he saw the pain on his face before he blacked out. There was so much chaos, so much happening that he couldn't think of anything. All he could think of was Jason needed help and the hospital was already going to be filled with the injured. Not wanting any delay, Tyler gripped his arm tightly, throwing a last look at the shattered broomstick and closed his eyes, thinking of the first place that came to his mind. His sister's home.


*exit tyler and jason*

#129 OFFLINE   Chester Armend

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Posted 17 August 2020 - 10:06 PM

Chester should have known that his wife won't stay still. She would've wanted to be there and check their daughter, too, but it's just that he was very worried about her. She'd just given birth not less than a month ago. No matter, he read her mind even before she knelt beside him, watching over their unconscious daughter. Chester felt his wife's hands on his arms, and he pursed his lips, stopping all the curses and demands wanting to get out of his mouth. The healer doesn't need him to harass her, but can you blame him? This is his daughter we're talking about! She's unconscious, she's in bad shape and right there and then, he's willing to give up his strength just so she could have hers. He grabbed Vera's hand and held on tightly, trying to draw strength and give her strength in return. He could feel tears welling in his eyes, but he refused to cry. Noelle needs them to be strong but heck, how do you do that? 
As soon as the words blood clot and hemorrhage left his lips, Vera was the one almost screaming now. Chester held on to his wife this time, willing her to calm down. "Vera..." The healers spoke and he tried to pay attention to what she's saying. He was caught between looking at his daughter and listening to the healer. The blood clot was possible, but she's not sure if it's severe or not. If she wakes up withint 48 hours, then she's past the critical stage. Chester can't bring himself to ask what would happen if she doesn't wake up at that time limit. He got to his feet, bringing Vera with him. His arms are wrapped protectively around his wife as they both watched Noelle lifted to the stretcher. There's no doubt their next stop is the hospital. "Thank you. Please take care of our daughter." His voice trembled slightly. He has never known this kind of fear. It's like a steel hand was gripping his heart, eliciting pain and terror. Hugging Vera for a few seconds, Chester took several deep calming breaths. "She's going to be fine. She'll be fine..." He leaned back and gripped her hand. "Come on, let's go to the hospital." With that, he disapparated them to St. Mungo's.

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#130 OFFLINE   Prof. Vera Armend

Prof. Vera Armend

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 12:37 AM

The healer spoke with the most calmest she had ever encountered anyone would, and silently she applauded her professionalism, Vera knew it was not right for her to scream her way, but that was her daughter they were talking about and even though she wasn't quite sure what was going wrong with Vicky, she knew the girl was in the worst state possible, her tears silently fell as she prayed that her daughter would be fine. The healer told them that there was a 24-48 hours window for Vicky to revive, or else she would be more critical, Vera can feel her body trembling at this, luckily Chester was next to her and was holding tight to her, keeping her sane. 
Vera can feel jelly in her legs as Chester tried to hold her up, her tears were falling even faster now and she just leaned onto her husband, as he hugged onto her, the healer had already apparated away when Chester comforted her, she was without words and just nod as she surrendered herself to her husband as they apparated too. 
(OOC : I will see you there my hubby! Chester and Vera out!)

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#131 OFFLINE   Minister Xander Ryuu

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 04:12 AM

Xander anxiously apparated to the pitch to look for his son. He didn’t have to look for long though because he’s currently hunched together with Chester and Vera while attending to Tori. “Alec!” Xander realized just now that something bad happened to Tori, he could detect the worry from his friends’ voices as he joined them. “What happened here?!” He finally had a good look of the situation; a healer is already attending to Tori who’s unconscious and only heard the part about blood clot. Alec told him that he will go with them to the hospital. He would have insisted that he go back home because his mum would be worried sick for him, but he knew he can’t stop his son’s worry for his friend. He nodded and reminded him to tell his mom that he’s okay. He tapped Chester’s shoulder and told him that he’s going to the hospital later and that he needed to check the Minister first. He watched them left the stadium to go to the hospital while Xander quick disapparated to go to the VIP section.


/exit Xander

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#132 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 10 January 2021 - 05:10 AM

Pro-Quidditch Player RPC#9. Chaser Practice


It has been almost a year since the blast incident, to say his life has been normal would be a major understatement. Until now, as far as his memories before and on the day of the blast are concerned, there’s still no improvement. His case is still the same and although he already finished his physical therapy, it doesn’t mean his visits to the hospital were done as well. He’s still required to attend a regular check-up every month for further checking and monitoring which he’s getting tired of, to be honest. Not only because he’s uneasy in hospitals, but because it’s putting a strain to his emotional state. The more often he goes there and the more he hears that no progress is happening, the deeper his frustration had become. It’s only thanks to his profession why he’s still sane until now. If not for his teammates, and their resumed practices, he would have fallen into complete depression. It helped alleviate his stress. With his need to forget his issues, it helped him focused on their practices. For someone who lost his memories, Alaric still know how to play, they only needed to explain the rules of the game to him again and he’s back on track after one hour of practice.


Today, he was asked by Astrid for a Chaser practice and to review and to talk about their old techniques and come up with new ones in preparation for upcoming matches. From what he heard; their team had a huge chance of winning the last time they’re here. Alaric looked around the pitch, the place where the blast happened, the place where he lost his memories. He desperately wanted to remember everything but nothing…his mind is still blank as if refusing to remember whatever happened back then. Sighing, the guy breathed through his hands covered with protection gloves in an attempt to warm it against the cold weather. Snow covered the ground by now. He rode his broom and kicked softly on the ground, as expected, the view above is much better, the place looked magical as they’re all covered in white.


Tag: Astrid

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 10 January 2021 - 05:13 AM.

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#133 OFFLINE   Astrid Alcantara

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Posted 12 February 2021 - 01:38 AM

It was weird to be back on the pitch. For what felt like forever, the Bats were on the down low as they all waited for the heat of the blast to settle for the paparazzies. For a few months after the incident, Astrid was holed up in her uncle’s penthouse and it was really boring. There were some press people waiting all the time down by the lobby and it was so stressful for her and her neighbors. Then one day, the press lost interest in the whole thing. It was such a relief to watch as fewer people wait down outside the building until there was none. There are still a few people in suspicious clothes waiting outside or across the street every now and then but thankfully, she lived in a building with a few notable people. She thought that she will grow roots in that place until she received a memo from the management to tell them that they are to report back to work and their training resumes. And then life resumed as a Quidditch player like nothing had happened…


Astrid and Alaric were not that close back when they were in school, but he was a friend. When their last game ended in tragedy, he lost his memories. Since then, the team were helping him out with the technical side of the game and she helped him out to remember. They usually talked about what happened at school, people he knew, classes they took together, professors who terrorized kids—just the usual. But, there was no recollection on his part. She could sense the frustration coming from him but nobody said that this is going to be an easy road to recovery. She figured they just need to take a day off from their trip down memory lane and focus on the game. Astrid went to the pitch. It was newly renovated as if nothing happened. That rubbed her off the wrong way but she has no say in it. People just want to move on and she should to. Wearing her practice gear, she arrived at the pitch and saw that Alaric was already on the air. She mounted her broom and kicked off the ground to meet him. "Hey Alaric!"

  • Alaric Severus Byrne likes this

#134 OFFLINE   Alaric Severus Byrne

Alaric Severus Byrne

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Posted 15 February 2021 - 06:23 AM

He was told the VIP section took the brunt of the blast but looking at it now, Alaric couldn’t see the remnants of the devastation brought upon by the incident. It’s fully restored now, one wouldn’t even think something bad happened to it previously, or that it caused the death of many. Alaric ran his hand through his hair and felt the proof that he was one of the victims of the said explosion. It changed his life completely and he didn’t know if he’ll be able to retrieve what he loses from that day. His memories were a huge part of who he is and without it, there will always be a part of him that is incomplete. He sighed deeply as he enjoyed the cold fresh air and that was when he heard Astrid’s voice. The Byrne dude looked down to see his fellow chaser flying toward him. “Hi Astrid! I came early, I just want to take few minutes of flying before we start. How are you?” Alaric manuevered his broom so he’s facing her, “So..what do you want to do today?”

Edited by Alaric Severus Byrne, 15 February 2021 - 06:23 AM.

#135 OFFLINE   Jane Welch

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Posted 16 April 2021 - 05:03 PM

Internship RP
Points to Gryffindor
Tag: Merion

Jane has been working for two seasons with Puddlemere United. It wasn’t exactly a smooth shift from her career as a healer in Broussaire to medi-wizard. Back in France as a healer, she missed the thrill and roar of the crowd, people diving in, fighting for a point. The sore throats of the hooters, cheering of veelas and fans. The glamorous that white light that blinded many into the fame. It was easier for Jane to attain the position of a Medi-wizard in Puddlemere United. But dealing with the wizard with adrenaline pulsing in their body was not as simple. The banters and talks almost always entertained her in the ground. It took a while to settle, but she managed to maintain a friendly conversation. Never in her dream, she thought about changing the team, but, with the new manager, there was an unusual shift in the ambience. Jane was glad to have the contract almost over with them. The next team her eyes focused on was Ballycastle Bats. And there she was, standing on the Ballycastle Quidditch stadium. For some, this place brought a nightmare, and for others the event was an eyeopener. Welch wasn't in the either category, but it brought an immense amount of displeasure when she'd think about the dark wizard attack. Welch breathe in the air to calm her nerve. She composed her posture, seeming more relaxed. She curled her hair into a bun while anticipating to spot a nervous intern approaching in her direction.

Edited by Jane Welch, 17 April 2021 - 04:01 AM.

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#136 OFFLINE   Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

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Posted 18 April 2021 - 06:33 PM



After good all fun muddy fight over the weekend, reality kicked Merion in the face first thing weekday morning when an owl arrived with a letter of confirmation of Internship as a mediwizard. Included in the letter was the name of her supervisor, the time and date and location on where the Internship will take place. Upon reading the letter, Merion wanted to jump and scream in happiness. She wanted to be a mediwizard in the first instance, it just so happens that St. Mungo's had a limited option on which area to specialize, and she didn't heard of any mediwizards back then. Come Internship sign up, she just wrote mediwizard as an option and there it is - she's going to intern as a mediwizard. To her excitement, Merion immediately dress up, on a casual business attire, she had her school robe neatly folded and kept in her enchanted bag along with some books a bottle of water. Her wand was kept close to her at all times, she would keep it at her pocket so she could grabbed it easily in case of emergencies.


She used the school portkey to arrived at one of the Britain's Quidditch stadium. She was slightly getting used of the portkeys and now feeling normal whenever she travels using it, chocolates are her best friend incase travel dizziness attacks luckily today all is normal. With the mixed of excitement and nervousness Merion walked in the stadium and started to look for her supervisor, she walked further until she reached the pitch and there she spotted a woman, Good morning, Ms. Welch? she greeted.

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#137 OFFLINE   Jane Welch

Jane Welch

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Posted 20 April 2021 - 04:06 AM



Jane was waiting for the intern to arrive at the spot. She was thinking about contacting her potioneer twin, wondering how her life was running forward. It has been some time since Jane has actually met her. Although they were twins, Kate was a lot more practical than her. All of her complicated thoughts vanished when she spotted a dark black hair girl approaching in Jane's direction. A burst of small laughter escaped her mouth as she called her Miss Welch. It felt a little awkward since she was more used to with far less formal names. "Please refrain from calling me Miss Welch. It makes me sound like a fourty year old spinster with a dyed blonde hair and weak teeth." She grinned at Merion. "You can call me Jane." She doesn't aspire to make the students uncomfortable while trying to learn the basics of the field. "So, you want to be a Medi-wizard? " She has heard that there was some degree of conflict that caused Ballycastle Bats to never have one, before her. "Why is that? I mean you must know that not every team necessarily have one." She asked her, raising from her seat and straightening her back. Jane stretched her back a little, toughening herself up for the session ahead.

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#138 OFFLINE   Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

    Daughter of Ozic and Sam, Official Gryffindor Alumna, Emergency Care / General Care Healer

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  • LocationFind me somewhere at St. Mungo's
  • Wand Type:11' made of hawthorn wood with a phoenix feather core
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Posted 20 April 2021 - 08:28 AM



Merion let out a soft giggle when her supervisor described herself whenever she is called by "Miss Welch", mentally taking note of what her supervisor said, Merion nodded, got it! Jane, nice to meet you. the girl offered her hand to greet her supervisor formally, then she had a good look of the lady when she stood up and stretched a little, she looked young and very athletic as opposed to her - maybe she'll get the same built once she get on the field work. I like healing, I like action, I love outdoors. I mean, St. Mungo's is okay.. very much but it's not the work place I imagine would practice my healing career. She answered as honestly as she could. When Jane mentioned that not all quidditch team needs to have a mediwizard, Merion only thought of one answer to what she said, I'll keep looking for a team that needs me. she shrugged her shoulders. Why did you decide to be a mediwizard? she inquired to the lady, curious as of what her answer would be.

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#139 OFFLINE   Jane Welch

Jane Welch

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Posted 20 April 2021 - 03:21 PM



Jane smiled at the girl, she seemed like someone quick to follow the instruction. Welch was not trained to teach or guide an intern but she thought that it might be something far more challenging than anything else. If she lacked that skill, she must as well polish it. The blonde readily shook her hand with a smile and patted her shoulder lightly. Listening to her answer reminded Jane of her eighteen-year-old self because becoming a Medi Wizard wasn't a bright career option then. "So, you love healing? Have you ever played Quidditch?" Knowing a bit of knowledge about the game came a bit handy for a Medi-Wizards. "I think Puddlemere United could use a Medi-Wizard. Just beware of the team manager. He is pretty... intense." She had to refrain herself from speaking too much as the girl was there to learn and not for the internal gossips between the team members. Merion's question did surprise her because she didn't expect to be asked any question except the doubt or confusion that shall arise in them. Jane's shoulder drooped a little as she answered "Long story..short. I played in League matches. I was a Chaser for Quiberon Quafflepuncher. And by then, I even worked in Hospital, but I think in the end, I was meant for this. You know I tend to nit-pick every act of the players so, it made my job a lot easier." She chuckled, remembering how confused she was till the age of twenty-two. It wasn't the smoothest road to becoming Ballycastle Bats' Medi-Wizard. "Jokes aside, I miss the thrill of Quidditch inside of a four-walled Hospital, and I was passionate about the physique and well-being of the players since they were more prone to get injured."

  • Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle likes this

#140 OFFLINE   Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

Healer Merion Sophia Lachapelle

    Daughter of Ozic and Sam, Official Gryffindor Alumna, Emergency Care / General Care Healer

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  • LocationFind me somewhere at St. Mungo's
  • Wand Type:11' made of hawthorn wood with a phoenix feather core
  • Nickname(s):Merion, Sophie
  • Blood Status:Mixed Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 25 April 2021 - 07:58 PM



Merion nodded her head to answer Jane's question regarding her love of healing. Seeing someone recover with her assistance somehow felt an achievement and that proves she's effective in her chosen profession. Never played quidditch, but my aunt plays for Karasjok Kites in Sweden and my brother plays for his house team, I'm just on the side lines. She grinned hoping that wasn't something to be taken against on what field she's eyeing on. She hasn't experience playing professional quidditch but having family members who are in to the game gave her a little exposure. Jane mentioned and sounded like she's suggesting that a specific quidditch team could use a mediwizard then slightly warned her of the team's manager, she got curious but didn't want to get into details. She wasn't into gossips anyway, so she just nodded taking mentally note of the team's name although she has already an eye for another team, she just hoped that the team was looking for a mediwizard - finger's crossed on that.


She wasn't sure if her question was inapproriate and she could exactly decipher Jane's reaction towards her question, she instantly felt guilty on throwing a question toward her supervisor but the woman answered it anyway. Merion listened as Jane talked about her experiences to answer her question and when Jane finished, Merion spoke after, Sorry for the question. I was just curious.

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