Welcome to the Sweden Reality Office! This is the new location for all your housing needs within Sweden. Please make sure you follow the rules and send in the appropriate application to the appropriate Realtor. If you have any questions, you can submit them to Lany MacSween.
01. You must meet the minimum member requirements to purchase a home. The requirements are that you have been a member of Hogwarts Online for at least one complete term and have acquired 50 posts on our forum.
02. The realtors will be performing random (but announced) activity checks with the homes. Failure to oblige to the notification process will result in losing your home.
03. GENERAL REMINDER! Students must live at their respective schools and can only visit their family members during the Holidays or on town weekend field trips. Any Students found living here will be vacated and their adult family members will be fined a max of 500 galleons.
04. All site rules apply when it comes to any living space. Posting anything that breaks site rules, policies, or TOS will immediately be shut down and the residence asked to vacate the home.
05. To RP with a Realtor, please contact Lany MacSween and he will schedule a viewing! Otherwise, your transaction will be done entirely in OOC.