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Heels Up Hills

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1297 replies to this topic

#21 OFFLINE   Adrianna Wonderwood

Adrianna Wonderwood
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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:12 AM


Name: Adrianna Magnus
Job: Ministry

Country: UK
Celebrity: Poppy Montgomery 
/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip: Set please
Links to photos: Pic 1 Pic 2 
Text: Only a breath away 
Mood: Doesn't matter
Specifics: You're the designer, and a good one... I trust you 
Any special concerns?

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#22 OFFLINE   Prof. Kenny Minho Jeong

Prof. Kenny Minho Jeong

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Posted 08 July 2015 - 02:35 PM

Thank you lots! It's so cute <3
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#23 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 08:41 PM

Adrianna! Here is your set! I'm sorry, I couldn't work with the pics you provided since one was pixelated and the other didn't work :/ but I hope you like my choices :D 



adriannaicon_zpsrfedhj6h.jpg adriannaicon1_zpszja1ulie.jpg

#24 OFFLINE   Adrianna Wonderwood

Adrianna Wonderwood
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Posted 09 July 2015 - 10:20 PM

It looks wonderful, thank you very much 

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#25 OFFLINE   Zlatko Draganov

Zlatko Draganov

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 08:42 PM


Name: Zlatko Draganov
School/House: (If student) Durmstrang/Freyja
Job: (If Adult) - 

Country: Sweden
Celebrity: Jimmy Q
/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip: Set!
Links to photos: I trust you :P
Text: Here comes trouble / Zlatko
Mood: Dark, dark and... dark, maybe some green would do
Specifics: Nothing really,
Any special concerns? Have fuuun!

#26 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 10:10 PM

Zlat! xD Here is your seeet! Don't care if you don't like it, just use it :D




zlaticon2_zpsp3bkuoyk.jpg zlaticon_zpsqzxkwn3u.jpg

  • Zlatko Draganov likes this

#27 OFFLINE   Aviana Wonderwood-Fields

Aviana Wonderwood-Fields

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:48 PM


Name: Aviana Wonderwood-Fields
School/House: Hogwarts/Gryffindor
Job: (If Adult)

Country: UK
Celebrity: Jordan Pruitt
/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip:Set please 
Links to photos: Pic 1 Pic 2
Text: Stop running. It's you you're running from

Mood: What ever feels right
Specifics: If you need you can find other pictures
Any special concerns? No

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#28 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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Posted 29 July 2015 - 07:19 PM

Aviana! Sorry for the wait! here is your set, hope you like it!




#29 OFFLINE   Aviana Wonderwood-Fields

Aviana Wonderwood-Fields

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Posted 29 July 2015 - 08:24 PM

Thank you

#30 OFFLINE   Harper Endicott

Harper Endicott
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Posted 01 August 2015 - 12:59 AM


Name:  Harper Endicott
School/House: (If student)  Hogwarts/Slytherin
Job: (If Adult)

Country:  UK
Celebrity:  Aimee Teegarden 
/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip:  Set por favor
Links to photos:  not too picky  :P
Text:  just her first name, maybe??  I am bad when it comes to text for sigs  xD
Mood:  Slytherinny?   Dark....gloomy.....etc etc etc  xD
Specifics:  Nah man.  Your work is awesome  :D.   Do what you do

Any special concerns?  nope   -bows out-

  • Renske Hillebrandt likes this

#31 OFFLINE   Natalia Catalina Sanchez

Natalia Catalina Sanchez
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Posted 01 August 2015 - 02:05 PM


Name: Lina Coldsteel
School/House: Hogwarts/ Slytherin

job: (If Adult)

Country: UK
Celebrity: Briana Evigan

/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip:Set please 
Links to photos:
2 4 6 8
Text: Don't underestimate the allure of darkness,even the purest hearts are drawn to it
Mood: Cunning,atractive,arrogant,proud,powerfull
Specifics: If you need you can find other pictures
Any special concerns? not too dark and not too light


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#32 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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  • Wand Type:Elm with dragon core, 11 3/4", unyielding
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  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 01 August 2015 - 08:05 PM

Harper! I made two for you, basically just changed the color but still xD hope you like it!

Lina, yours is going to be ready soon, I promise.






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#33 OFFLINE   Harper Endicott

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Posted 01 August 2015 - 08:26 PM

Love it! Will add it when I get on my computer. :3
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#34 OFFLINE   Eris Hudson

Eris Hudson

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Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:52 PM


Name: Eris White-Wood
School/House: Hogwarts/ Slytherin

job: (If Adult)

Country: UK
Celebrity: Nikki Flores

/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip:Set please 
Links to photos:
Any you like. :D
Text:  I faced the demons that took me hell and back

Mood: Sly-ish , dark-ish
Specifics:  Maybe have her with blonde hair since that is the look I want for her, but if you cant then the brown will work fine.
Any special concerns? Nope. I love your work.




***Side note: Can I use the Manip of the Vassileva Family? :D I play one and I love it! :D

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#35 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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  • Wand Type:Elm with dragon core, 11 3/4", unyielding
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  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 18 August 2015 - 06:51 PM

Hello Eris and Lina, mostly,

I'm sorry I hadn't gotten your sigs yet but I went through a difficult thing RL so I honestly hadn't had muse for this, but I just might get to do them today. Eris, of course you can use that one ;) and I'll totally understand if you want to cancel your request or if you use it after another siggie you got from someone else. No hard feelings on my side :3

Thank you for understanding and for wanting my work <3

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#36 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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  • LocationZwolle, Netherlands
  • Wand Type:Elm with dragon core, 11 3/4", unyielding
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  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 19 August 2015 - 05:08 PM


Edited by Renske Hillebrandt, 24 August 2015 - 03:13 PM.

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#37 OFFLINE   Renske Hillebrandt

Renske Hillebrandt

    Magical Creature Reserve Newborn Creature Specialist, Loki Alumna

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  • Wand Type:Elm with dragon core, 11 3/4", unyielding
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  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 19 August 2015 - 06:08 PM

Eris! Here are yours :P I got kind of excited with it and also tried something new. I hope you like it!!! <3







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#38 OFFLINE   Eris Hudson

Eris Hudson

    Slytherin Alumna, Astronomer at the National Observatory

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 06:30 PM

:o How can I pick between them? xD I love them both. I think that i will alternate them. X3 Thank you!!!  

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#39 OFFLINE   Hali Knight

Hali Knight


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  • Wand Type:Maple, Phoenix Feather, 12 inches
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Posted 19 August 2015 - 09:06 PM

Name: Hali Knight 
School/House: (If student)
Job: (If Adult) Ministry Official; Quidditch Department 

Country: UK
Celebrity: Amber Marshall 
/Sig/Avi/Set/Manip: Set 
Links to photos: Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 
Text: Taking This life in my hands 
Mood: Mix of dark and light
Specifics: Not really 
Any special concerns? Nope

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#40 OFFLINE   Natalia Catalina Sanchez

Natalia Catalina Sanchez
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  • Wand Type:Ash Dragon heartstring 11''
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
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Posted 20 August 2015 - 04:03 AM

It's nice  but could it be a little more darker?

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