Site Celebrities & Pro-Athletes
This list indicates all characters on Hogwarts Online who will be internationally recognized as a famous character. Accordingly, all other characters are expected to regard them as famous characters.
- A signature image or award denoting that they are famous.
- An incredibly high salary.
- Right to be recognized by all characters as a celebrity with all the perks therein.
Types of Celebrity:
- A List
An A list celebrity is internationally known and exceptionally successful. Hearing the name of an A-list celebrity will likely be immediately recognizable. These celebrities have a large fan base and probably have merchandise reflecting their career/reason for fame. Spotting an A list celebrity in public would potentially draw a lot of attention. These celebrities may even travel with bodyguards. Articles about these celebrities will be headlines in the news.
Harry Potter - International hero
Izzy Beckett - International musician
Preston Thayer - Aristocrat, Heir to the Thayer fortune
Roisin Doyle - International, beater for Ireland & best selling author
Viktor Krum - International, retired seeker for Bulgaria
- B List
A B list celebrity is well known, but less famous or successful as A list celebrities. They make decent money and their name is recognizable, though maybe not by all. They likely have a fan gathering and some merchandise reflecting their career/reason for fame, but not as much. Spotting a B list celebrity in public might draw attention and they may be asked for autographs, but likely do not travel with bodyguards. Articles about these celebrities may be featured in the news, but rarely make headlines unless it is something controversial.
Blaine Totterdale - International, beater for England
Loretta Jackson - International musician - formerly A list but dropped down to B list
Hunter Bennett - International, keeper for Republic of Ireland
Aina Keller - International, Supermodel, Fashion Icon, Actress
- C List
A C list celebrity is known by face and not by name, or vice versa. They are still successful but are far less popular or famous as A and B list celebrities. While they may have fans, those are likely to be part of a niche group, like when a band has a cult following and is not widely known. They rarely make the news.
Sebastian Cabral - National - best-selling author
- D List
A D list celebrity may be known by face, and rarely by name. If they are known, they may not have the most positive or popular connotation to their name (think Rita Skeeter). They may also be people who experienced "15 minutes of fame" for something that went "viral" in the wizarding community. They probably aren't recognized in public by many people and live normal lives. They do not earn a sufficient income to be classified as rich, unless they are an heir to a fortune.
Draco Malfoy - Heir to the Malfoy fortune
Pending/under review
Is your character a songstress, entertainer, professional athlete, or any other well known figure in the wizarding world? If so; You may now apply for CELEBRITY STATUS on Hogwarts Online! Please consider the following.
- Minimum of 500 posts
- Minimum of 2-5 related RPs a month
- Must be an official school alumnus (exceptions made for certain cases)
- Must be a member of HO for at least 2 years
- Must submit a proposal for fame
- Must be approved through a majority vote by the Governors.
- Must be willing to post intermittent blog posts updating the forum of any important news regarding your celebrity
(depending on the status level)
Note: All pro-Quidditch players in the minor leagues (i.e. the Appleby Arrows) are only locally known and may have a fan gathering in their given country/district. In order to be a celebrity on this list, that athlete needs to have evidenced an advance in their career or have had a controversial publication to gain public attention.
If you meet the above requirements, we would love to read your application! You may apply by sending your proposal for fame to Prof. Sorcha Logan. Your proposal will be reviewed by the Governors board and your request will be approved or denied considering the requirements.