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Recreation Room

ground floor

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#1 OFFLINE   Hunter Bennett

Hunter Bennett

    Republic of Ireland Team Keeper, Salem Alumni, Animagus, Lycan Telepathy, Celebrity

  • Pro-Quidditch Player
  • Others: Adult, Celebrity
  • 613 posts
  • LocationSweden
  • Wand Type:12" Larch wood with dragon heartstrings, Slightly Yielding
  • Nickname(s):Hunter
  • Blood Status:Muggle Born
  • Relationship Status:Complicated

Posted 04 August 2022 - 08:55 PM



This space takes a huge portion of Hunter's manor, it's divided into several sections. First section is where you can party with friends, chat, hang out and explore game related stuff some of which are darts, billiard table, mini snack bar. The second section with the brown door, housed the mini theater room where you can watch movies (roll film - wizard style). The third section will direct you to the gym. The last section which is the huge door on the side will direct you to the pool area where you can chill with your friends and visitors.



Edited by Hunter Bennett, 04 August 2022 - 09:07 PM.

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