Hunter is a single dad, for most of his life, it has always been him and Harper only. As a father, it was a huge responsibility and adjustment altogether. Without the help of a partner, he struggled for a bit, especially since he’s a first time dad, plus he got a job to maintain. But aside from difficult days, for the most part, he had always enjoyed being with his son, and admittedly emotionally dreading the day that he would go off to school — for years before it happened.
That’s part of life though and he knew that very well being a very independent person all his life. He left home early to travel the world, trying different muggle jobs, enjoying here and there. So yes, he knew the feeling and whatever was happening inside a teenager’s mind. He got used to the idea that his son would leave him in the future to find his place in this world, but still felt emotional about it when he left to go to Hogwarts. Interestingly, his sister always scoffed at his concern before it happened, and always pooh-poohed the emotional issue. But, when it actually happened, she was worse hit — much worse — than he was! When his son left for school, he went through that phase once again. In a sense, perhaps even more so, because now the nest was totally empty.
But, he never interfered with his son’s choices and decisions — never bugged him about anything, not once called one of his schools about anything — not helicopter parent in any sense. His only condition is to do his best in school because it’s for his own good in the future. Fortunately, Harper was not too far away, and they have always been a close duo. Family has always been very important to him. There are many, many parents who can’t wait for their kids to leave home. Hunter can’t relate to that, but he accepts these differences as part of life. He looked at Harper, who was looking around the courtyard with wonderment in his eyes. The boy was curious who owned the place. This is part of his surprise for him. “Do you like the place?” He stopped walking as he pocketed his hands while also looking around his newly purchased property. With the help of the realty agent, he was able to close the deal and it’s been under his name for a month now, waiting for Harper’s graduation before he can show it to him. “Do you think you’ll consider living in a place like this? I know it’s a huge space for the both of us, but who knows...when you have a family of your own in the future, this place will be full of kid's laughter.” His voice took on a teasing tone as he glanced at his 17-year-old son. Wow, a young adult son...where did the time go?