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#1 OFFLINE   Donny Halstead

Donny Halstead

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 06:48 AM


#2 OFFLINE   Donny Halstead

Donny Halstead

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 06:58 AM



Donny invited Alec to the new pub in Kenmare. The pub was to open in a month, and he decided it would be a good experience for Alec to be more involved with the start of setting up a business instead of just learning how to run one that was already doing well. They would go over everything they needed, permits, licenses, staff, but also the more fun side, like the marketing of the opening. They needed to open at the start of February, so they could familiarise the Kenmare public with his pub, so once St. Paddy's day came rolling by, the pub would be crowded with people. He couldn't open any later, if he wanted people to spend Paddy's day at his pub, they first needed to know the pub was going to be worth going to. He was in his office, waiting for Alec to show up as he finished going over the different quotations he had received for the furniture in the bar. 

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#3 OFFLINE   Alec Vaughn

Alec Vaughn

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Posted 12 March 2022 - 09:36 AM



So, back to his hometown. It was almost funny, because Alec had been sure when he had joined Donny for his summer job and further internship with the plan of maybe turning this into a full-time gig, he had hoped that this will take him away from all those times he had to stick to Kenmare during holidays. Don't mind him - not like he hated the place or anything you know, it was his country, his people after all. But ever since the twins had been sent back home from school in their third year because of whatever rowdy shit they pulled, they had been stuck here for far too long when in fact their family had been out and about - Clary in UK with her flatmates, Jeff travelling internationally, Flynn working from whatever hole he lived in and Mal living a totally secret life that none of them knew about. And now, since he knew what Ric was getting into - it would mean that even if after school Al saw life for the two of them, his twin would be off to international lands just like Jeff. And out of all of them, Al didn't want to be the loser still stuck in Ireland - waiting for them to come back home and living in that empty house. He would deny it all if he was ever asked this, but he didn't want to keep waiting for them, just like he kept waiting for their parents to give a shit about them, or their older siblings to come home and be a family again. He could deal with all of that, but now..to stay in this house and keep waiting for Ric - that would be a sucker punch. And Al was sure he would go mad - though on the face of it he would probably tell everyone to suck it.


Hence, Al had been wary when Donny had asked him to come to Kenmare with an obscure address. There had been chatter about the expansion but Al still didn't know if that was true. As he got off the station in Kenmare, he simply walked over to downtown - which was closeby..coming to a halt in front of a building that read 'The Green Knight'. It was still pretty empty, even the infrastructure wasn't entirely done - but it did look quite spacious from outside. And downtown Kenmare was a busy place, so the location was quite prime. So, the chatter was true after all. Al walked in, noticing the office set up in the corner to be identical to what they had back in UK. "So, the rumors are true. We are expanding.." He drawled out in a lazy tone as he walked into the office, seeing as his boss was already there. "To be fair, this does look quite spiffy." He spoke to the guy, looking around the place - though maybe in his heart he wasn't so stoked about it. 

Edited by Alec Vaughn, 12 March 2022 - 09:39 AM.

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#4 OFFLINE   Donny Halstead

Donny Halstead

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Posted 12 March 2022 - 10:46 AM



Donny didn't have to wait long for Alec to arrive to his newly bought pub. He had assumed Alec, who he knew was Irish as well, would love to be back at the motherland. For fudge's sake, he hadn't been back in ages as well. But he was here, excited to get things started. He even bought a house in the outskirts of town. He was here to stay. "Vaughn, good to see you." Donny said, twisting in his turning chair. "Doesn't it? The place was a bargain." A lot of had to go into renovations, but they were nearly all done. ​"I was thinking you could help out with the marketing for when we open. Work on finalizing the menu and all that." He'd love to hear what the boy had to say. 

#5 OFFLINE   Alec Vaughn

Alec Vaughn

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Posted 13 March 2022 - 06:25 AM



"Good to see you too, chief." Al replied to Donny, walking into the new pub, well whatever was already finalized of it. This was exciting, and even though Al had his apprehensions about the location but that was more from a personal front rather than professional. Professionally, this was a stellar move by Donny to get into the business of expansion. It was a strong move that probably told those other pubs that they were shitty and they were going to fuck their sales. Nobody considered expansion unless they were doing well in their origins and had already cracked the code to a net positive business. This was something that Donny had told him the last time they had a chat in the UK pub. Al would not deny it, apart from all the operational work, these discussions with the owner were actually opening his mind up to a lot of business related things. Tactics, strategies, how the market responds - how to think of a launch? It was quite interesting, much more he had given it credit for. "Surprising. This is quite a prime location you know, downtown Kenmare is always crowded. Guess they saw value in the business." Alec smirked, taking a seat opposite to Donny's. And that was when Donny had told him of his task at hand, causing his eyes to pop out a little. "Are you serious?" Alec straightened, leaning forward and for the very first time after a super long time, he had a sense of excitement in his voice. "You want me to design its launch? Fuck, Donny..that's lit! I will be all over it. I have been reading quite a bit about business launches, just for my own - but this..this is huge. Fuck.." He muttered the last word, more to himself, a rogue grin plastered over his face. "Right, right..menus, pricing, whom to target for the launch, the marketing material and the launch day. I know the drill. I have a few idea already.." He got up from his seat, his energy oozing out as he grabbed a marker and pulled out the board he knew was kept in the room for usually writing down specials and such. And then he began writing up some things on it..

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