This is by far the longest and the worse he had to endure while on the job, he’d been going in and out of the hospital to check who else needed help from the blast site and then helping the other healers at the hospital with the complicated cases. JC stretched his arms and massaged his neck, trying to ease his exhaustion and tired muscles. He went to the pantry of the hospital and brew himself a hot chamomile tea, it’ll put his nerves at ease. Once done, he took a seat at one of the tables near the window and mulled over his thoughts regarding the event of the day. It wasn’t easy to see the dead bodies and the people who were shouting in pain and asking for help in that stadium. It was horrible to see such distressing scene. Until now, his mind is refusing to believe such thing could happen in an instant. He stared at the hot liquid in his cup as if seeing and watching the scene at the stadium over and over. It’s a very traumatic experience. He sighed and took a sip while looking outside. The panic is finally wearing off and the people by the entrance are lessening. JC leaned on his chair and closed his eyes in an attempt to relax his mind.
He was in that state when one of the Junior Healers came rushing inside the pantry to inform him that the Minister has finally awoken. JC scrambled to his feet, his tea completely forgotten, and ran toward the private recovery area reserved for high profile individual. He was given his gloves again after cleansing his hands on the way to the room. He also called Jared to inform him of the Minister’s situation. He stopped by the door, 2 Ministry Officials were stationed there as Minister's security. JC gave a curt nod to the two, one of them opened the door for him and Jared. Two Junior Healers went with them inside, JC instructed one of them to prepare the Calming Draught as soon as he detected the panic from the Minister. Minister Steelgrave, I’m JC, I’m one of the healers who were assigned to look after you. You are in St. Mungo’s Madam. Her reaction is expected, she’s probably in state of shock and confusion right now. I’d like to request if you can please settle down as we conduct further checks. He gave a nod to the other junior healer to check her medical stats while the other one gave him the Calming Draught which he added to her IV. We’ve given you calming draught for now. How are you feeling Madam? The painkiller has been prepared, depending on what she's currently feeling, they will need to administer the painkiller regularly. He would imagine she’s in a lot of pain because of the effect of the Skelegro.