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Journalist - Daily Prophet - Wizard Wireless

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#1 OFFLINE   Prof. Caleb Rothwell

Prof. Caleb Rothwell

    Advanced Studies Professor, Career Counselor, Thespian Society Moderator, Wandless Magic & Occlumency, Animagus

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Posted 28 August 2019 - 07:51 AM

Position Title: Journalist

Job Description: Journalists work for one of the many newspapers or magazines of the Wizarding World. They keep the community updated on the ins and outs of the Wizarding World and on the current affairs that the witches and wizards will talk about at work.
How to Apply: PM the following application to Prof. Aqua Rye with the title "Journalist Application".

Character Name:

Is this a new character?:

In 200+ words, talk about your characters' road to becoming a journalist:


For those wanting to be employed by the Daily Prophet (see Vacancies here), use the following application:


Character Name:

Is this a new character?:

Job Title

In 200+ words, talk about your characters' road to becoming a Daily Prophet journalist:


For those wanting to be employed by the Wizarding Wireless Network (see Vacancies here), use one of the following applications:



Character Name:

Is this a new character?:

Time Slot

Name of the show:

In 250+ words, talk about your characters' road to working at the radio station:



Character Name:


Is this a new character?:

Ideas for the radio station

In 300+ words, talk about your characters' road to working at the radio station:


Other Staff

Character Name:


Is this a new character?:

Ideas for the radio station

In 150+ words, talk about your characters' road to working at the radio station:

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