- Description of issue/error:
So, I've had some trouble starting earlier today on both my phone and my laptop and on all four of my accounts ( Nikholas Harrington, Maximilian Denvers, August Ljungstrandt and Quentin Ashbury ). Basically, when I'm on anywhere on the site, I can't see the shoutbox at the top nor the sidebar or the switch account button and I am also unable to post status updates, although normal posts and PMs are working alright. I also can't click on any member names and when I can click on them, I get an error message for trying to access all profiles save the one for the account I'm currently on. The same error message also appears when I attempt to access the member list.
- URL Link of where issue/error occurred:
Main site page + member list + all member profiles
- Your Browser:
- Screen shot of the error/issue: