Name of Character: Chesson Iversson
Play by: Nicholas Hoult
Sig/Set: Set
Text: Chesson; and for the quote, something from the Cheshire Cat. Maybe like... We're all mad here, or I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.
Color: Tyr? Any really, whatever works with the mood.
Mood: Slightly dark keeping in mind he is a first year.
Anything Specific: Would love something with the Cheshire Cat (Cheshire is his nickname) But not Alice in Wonderland cutesy type. Just the cat. And also as dark as possible (I know this is a lot to ask for dark and Cheshire. xDD I'm good with whatever you're able to manage. Would prefer no smiling pics and also no pics too old. I like my students to at least look like students, though with Nicholas Hoult he looks young anyway, so. If the dark Cheshire thing is too difficult, something shadowy would work too as I will be applying for Umbrakinesis when he's old enough and use this quote instead... Normal people have no idea how beautiful the darkness is.
Edited by Chesson Iversson, 15 October 2016 - 08:31 PM.