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Support Guidelines - Read Me Before Posting!

HO System Office Support Support Read Me

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#1 OFFLINE   Prof. Chauncey Clemenceau

Prof. Chauncey Clemenceau

    Founder of HO - Governor for Life

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Posted 26 April 2014 - 12:59 PM

Please use the following format for posting a support topic:


Post using the member account on which the error/issue occurred.


Topic Title: Brief description of issue.


Post Body:

  • Description of issue/error:
  • URL Link of where issue/error occurred:
  • Your Browser:
  • Screen shot of the error/issue:

Failure to use the above format may result in your error/issue not being resolved. For the description of the error, please be as descriptive as possible, do not assume that I have any knowledge of the error/issue.


Thank you!


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: HO System Office Support, Support, Read Me

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