Holyhead Veterinary Clinic
As of 2023, we welcomed a veterinary to the site.
To see the available positions, please follow the link below.
To apply as position of head creature healer, first apply as regular staff, and show proof of increased activity at the clinic (minimum length of working at the clinic before applying: 2 terms)
If you want to submit your application, please send the following code to Prof. Aqua Rye.
Age Range:
Position Applying for:
A minimum of 250 words on why your character is applying/qualified:
Staff wishing to promote to the next step in their career, please use the following code:
Age Range:
Position Promoting to:
A minimum of 100 words on what your character has achieved in their current position:
Adults wishing to volunteer at the clinic, please use the following code:
Age Range:
Hours available to volunteer:
A minimum of 100 words on why your character wants to volunteer: