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Community Status Updates


Hester Hendriks

Any active Ministry official that want to rp?
Feb 11 2024 03:20 AM
  • Seaghan O Briain's Photo
    Seaghan O Briain
    Would you like to meet an mundane living wizard? Seaghan is militair.
    Feb 12 2024 07:02 AM
  • Official Araluen Marinna's Photo
    Official Araluen Marinna
    Araluen is an oblivator. Would you like to RP?
    Feb 12 2024 11:12 AM
  • Hester Hendriks's Photo
    Hester Hendriks
    Sure Araluen, Seaghan. I'll pm you both!
    Feb 12 2024 11:45 AM