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Hunter Bennett

Posted 20 July 2024 - 04:44 AM


Any type of support is appreciated as he settled into his role as the new keeper for the Irish team. The complexities of his team transition and the emotions that accompanied it are something he’s very familiar with having been to different teams and jobs all his life. As he met Roisin's gaze, Hunter nodded, "You're right, I hope I will live up to the team’s expectation. It's also going to be a strange feeling, facing off against England." he admitted. Stepping into the role of the team's new keeper, especially in the wake of O'Malley's unfortunate accident, and the prospect of competing against familiar faces and former teammates added complexity to his journey with the Irish team, a challenge he was prepared to embrace with professionalism. It’s all part of the job.

Her teasing remark about him potentially being a spy elicited a chuckle from him. “I wouldn’t go that far if given the chance.” She described the post-game rituals and traditions of the team, something that is not common yet not all teams do that, especially getting waste a lot. He laughed at her little joke about losing the game and what they usually do. “I wouldn’t complain if that ever happens. Though I wish for a good result all the time, if we can help it.”

His offer to host Roisin at his house was met with a nod of agreement and a touch of amusement from her, as she recalled the rumors that had surfaced following their previous encounter. The memory of the speculation that surrounded their last interaction brought an amused smile to his lips. It only shows the unpredictable nature of fame and public perception. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he leaned in slightly and replied with a grin, "Well, we wouldn't want the tabloids to start speculating about our secret Quidditch romance, would we? I mean, imagine the headlines: 'Keeper's Heart in a Spin Over Neighbor's Beater’s Skills'." He winked playfully, adding, "But hey, if it gets us more fans, maybe we should start a rumor or two, right?" He was just kidding of course, his attempt at humor. “How’s Saturday look like for you? Dinner at 6?”

Roisin Doyle

Posted 13 July 2024 - 02:04 PM

The excitement on Hunter's face was infectious, making Rosi smile brightly in return. She knew exactly how he felt about changing teams, but hers had nothing to do with changing alliances between countries. She'd gone from the local league to the national one - it was a big switch, but it was a switch nevertheless. "I'm sure it's strange... and it won't get any less when we're on the pitch facing off against England." Rosi reminded him, as if he needed her to. "But we're glad you joined us. You'll make a great addition to the team after O'Malley's accident," she said softly, remembering the horrible accident their former keeper had gotten himself into. He was in hospital for who knows how long. 


Rosi leaned against her locker, crossing her arms over her midriff. "Interesting things about the team..." she mused, tilting her head with a smirk. "if you hadn't already signed for us, I'd think you were a spy." She laughed and shrugged her free shoulder, the one not leaning on the locker. "We're a fun group. After every game, we celebrate. If we won, we go out for the entire night... drinking, eating good food, recapping the game," she said, listing off some of the activities casually. "But if we lose, we go to someone's place - anyone on the team whose turn it might be - and get pissass drunk and pass out." Roisin deadpanned, then broke into a laugh. "Kidding. If we lose, we do go to someone's place, but we control ourselves. Usually... except for Belton. If we lose, he takes it pretty hard... feels responsible. He's liable to actually drink himself silly if we don't look out for him." Roisin said of their seeker, Craig Belton. 


When Hunter said it was his turn to host her as a guest, she nodded in agreement. "That'd be great. Only this time, we make sure our fans don't get the wrong idea again." She shook her head at the rumors that had floated around after their last encounter when Hunter had been spotted going into her house.

Hunter Bennett

Posted 02 July 2024 - 08:46 PM


The decision to change teams had been plaguing his mind for a while now. The offer came not only once but a few times, asking him to be their new team’s keeper. Initially, he didn’t take it seriously and mostly laughed it off as something like a joke because nothing and no one would probably change his mind when it comes to the team he likes. He owed a lot to the English team; his name became even more famous around the UK and beyond due to his team’s reputation in the National League. They almost snatched the cup during the Quidditch World Cup. But then he realized in the end he needed a new challenge and as much as he loved his old team, it was time to move on and venture to greener pasture. That was how Hunter ended up in Ireland’s locker room after attending a brief orientation and introduction with the key people.

He was so deep in thought while cleaning his locker that he barely acknowledged the one who entered the room and was now standing a few feet away from him. His head whirled around as he realized who the owner of the voice was. “Roisin!” They weren’t just neighbours; Hunter would like to believe that they were friends at this point. Smiling, he nodded his head. “You can say that. It feels strange, though, to see a different color, a different place. This will take some getting used to.” Hanging his quidditch robe, he finally took a seat on the chair available for them to use. “How are you Roisin? Anything interesting about the team you can share with me?” And since they’re teammates now and our neighbours, “If you have the time, I’d like to invite you to my house. You know, my turn to be the host?” Last time, it was Roisin who invited him and prepared food for him.

Roisin Doyle

Posted 18 June 2024 - 04:12 PM

It was the perfect day for Roisin to set aside time to clean her locker. During her last visit to the metal unit, she'd realized just how badly it needed some TLC. It was barely able to even close because of all of the stuff she'd jammed in there. No amount of magic would easily solve that problem, so she'd just had to mark a reminder to come in when she wasn't training and tackle the situation. That's what it was, really, a situation. She'd even had to bring some cleaning supplies and a bag to take home any of the unnecessary junk that had accumulated.


When she got into the locker room, she immediately saw that she wasn't alone. In fact, the team's newest member was there facing his locker, which was now adorned with his name. Roisin knew Hunter before he'd joined the team... in fact, they were neighbors, so the fact that he had transferred to Ireland made sense. But it was a little strange to go from rivals to teammates.


"Hey," she said casually, walking to her own locker down the row from his. "Getting set up?" she noted, avoiding the task of opening the door to her locker which would inevitably expel some of her junk to the floor. She didn't need to start the conversation with that.

Hunter Bennett

Posted 05 June 2024 - 09:34 PM


(Let just say this is Republic of Ireland Locker room yeah?)



#1 - Pro-Quidditch RPC#18. Clean out your locker

Tag: Roisin

Hunter walked through the corridors of the Republic of Ireland National Team's training facility, his heart beating with anticipation. It had been a busy day for him, filled with meetings, introductions, and a mix of nerves and eagerness. As he approached the locker room, the familiar scent that that particular gave him was a reminder of the countless hours he had spent in his old team’s locker together with his old teammates. Pushing open the heavy door, Hunter stepped into the spacious locker room, his eyes scanning the rows of lockers lining the walls. Each one bore the name of a player. His gaze settled on the locker assigned to him. The locker was empty, as expected, waiting to be filled with his gear and personal belongings. He rolled up his sleeves, ready to make it his own. He started by wiping down the shelves and hooks, removing any dust that had accumulated. As he worked, memories of his time with the English national team flooded his mind, a mix of melancholy and thrill for the new chapter of his life. He carefully hung up his training kit, neatly arranging his shoes and jersey. The green and white colors of the Republic of Ireland national team gleamed under the lights, a symbol of pride and honor. Hunter took a moment to soak it all in, the jersey was a reminder of the responsibility that came with representing his new team. He was ready for the challenge, ready to give his all for his new team and the fans who supported them.

Prof. Guinevere Everett

Posted 22 June 2023 - 11:33 AM

Seeing D's warm pool well up with tears moved her and couldn't help but place a right hand over her heart in an endearing way and gazed at him with all the adoration a human being could possible muster for another. She smiled lovingly at him, a small part of her wanting to chide him playfully for making it hard for her not to cry, but instead the two shared an amused gaze before turning their attention to the officiant. There were moments she felt a wave of shyness pass her- a timidness almost- especially when the older gentleman spoke of the commitment they were about to embark on and then it all faded when her eyes searched for his and felt like herself again. She, too, went through a flash of their life together - years building up to this moment and let out the softest sigh as she smiled brightly at what lay ahead. Although their beginning was no where near what she had planned, she was so grateful the universe had gifted her this happy tale. 


​After speaking her vows and dabbing her eyes more than she cared for - thank Merlin for water proof mascara- it was now time for Dylan to share his vows. The nerves surfaced once more, but they were once again quelled the moment his spoke. His voice always grounded her and more so as his hand gently caressed her cheek, causing those tears to roll down her cheek once again. She couldn't help but chuckle at the first sentence, feeling the calmness envelope her like a blanket as he continued. His words were strung perfectly together, parts of his speech pulling more tears and others making her give him a playfully pointed look - like the "scary" part. Dylan was everything and more that she could want in a husband and a father to their children. He truly was their rock and provided them all with the perfect balance. She mouthed "I love you" whenever his voice cracked, feeling overwhelmed with love and appreciation for him, more so than she already held for him. The end tied in everything together and laughed to herself at him giving her full permission to knock common sense into him. Oh, Dylan... silly man.


The officiant smiled at the pair. He had probably seen hundreds of couples pass through this very same church, vowing their unyielding devotion to one another and share their most happy moment. Guinevere knew this commitment to Dylan was eternal, she had never felt this type of love in her life. It was pure and filled with a passion that could not be extinguished. And although she had experienced marriage in the past this was the longest any of her relationships had endured, one that she fought for, even through the turbulent times, and when the universe placed trials in their way she always ran back to Dylan. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride." Those words couldn't come soon enough and Guinevere eagerly let go of his hands to wrap her arms around him in an embrace, pulling him in as he leaned in to place a kiss on her lips. They'd sealed it, they were now officially one and Guin couldn't be happier which poured out as their lips met. A daydream like sigh escaped her as the two slowly pulled away and those brilliant blues of her met his warm orbs, "I'm forever yours, Dylan." She was now Guinevere Everett. 



[YAY!  :wub: ]

Dylan Everett

Posted 20 September 2022 - 04:38 AM

Dylan always have a comeback for everything. He is really good with words so it was a shock when he found himself speechless the moment he laid eyes on Guin in her wedding dress. She’s just so beautiful that he felt like he wasn’t worthy of even looking at her. Dylan let out a chuckle at being called a saint in his last life. He must have been, if he believed in that. If reincarnation is real, they he would like to be reborn again in his next life exactly as he is, as long as he gets to spend another lifetime with Guin. Dylan felt a little embarrassed that he started crying already and they haven’t even started the ceremony yet. He quickly wiped them off his cheek and mustered all the composure left in his body when he took her hand and faced the officiant.


The old man has a very nice demeanor. He’s got kind eyes that is clearly filled with wisdom and as he looked at the couple, and started speaking about love and commitment and their bond, that was when Dylan knew that this is really happening. His eyes never left Guin’s. Their hands clasped together with him rubbing the back of her hands gently with his thumb. It was meant to comfort her, but it comforted him just the same. He could feel her shaking and he squeezed her hands, a silent way for him to tell her that he’s here and they are in this together. He smiled at her, especially when it was time for their vows.


Guin went first and Dylan’s breath caught in his throat when she said his name. It almost felt like a caress, and he’s always loved his name, but he adores it even more when she says it. Each individual words that she spoke are wound into sentences that touched his very core, making him feel light and giddy and nervous all at the same time. While she spoke her vows, their time together flashed before his eyes from the night they’ve met, to the day that she stormed into the PU pitch in the middle of practice to tell her she’s pregnant, to the day that she gave birth to their beautiful daughter. Even the times when they weren’t the kindest to each other, when they separated, the dark day that followed, the illuminating conversations he’s had and how they reunited. His failed proposal in the midst of chaos, the birth of their second child… It was a lot of things that happened between them and their family but they got through every bump in the road relatively unscathed. And now, they are sealing the deal, vowing to be each other’s rock for as long as they shall live.


Dylan reached up to caress Guin’s cheek with a warm smile on his face. She was crying too, so of course, Dylan can’t help the tears falling down his face as well. "Guinevere… Good thing you are in a good mood today," he said with a chuckle, a callback to the first words she said to him. "We met at sunset. And now, we wed just as the sun is going down the horizon. And I can’t believe that we are finally here. You turned my whole world upside down and I have never been more happy for the intrusion. You came into my life when I least expected it and during a time in my life when I have no direction where I want to go, and you made me the happiest I’ve ever been and for that, I am forever in your debt. You have no idea how much I needed someone like you in my life. You are beautiful, feisty, opinionated, and honestly, sometimes scary, but I love you all the same. I love every side of you and I promise to be understanding of every single one of them. You say that I am  the rock, but you are the sun that keeps us alive. You are the ground that keeps me on my feet and the home that I will always come to at the end of the day. You are my person, Guin. I love you and I promise to always love you no matter what. To take care of you and our kids and future kids to the best of my abilities. I will do my best to deserve you and your love. I vow to be a good husband and a good father to our kids. I vow be an ear to listen to all your problems and I vow to be the hand that will pick you up anytime you feel like falling down. I vow to be your protector. I vow do my best not to hurt you and if I inevitably do, you have my permission to whack me hard on the head and knock some sense into me. I’m yours Guin, now and forever…"


He was getting too emotional that his voice broke in some places during his vows but he managed to let it all out. He could have said a lot more but no words can really express what Guin means to him, but he tried his best.  He’s simply overwhelmed with everything but above all else, he’s just happy to call her his. 

Prof. Guinevere Everett

Posted 07 July 2022 - 09:14 PM

Guin was not one who usually was overcome with nerves, but here she was just a bundle of jitters - the good kind. This was a different type of love, this was that forever type of love that she shared with Dylan and had no sense of doubt in her mind as she approached her husband to be. She had a special glow about her, something radiant and it was beyond just the happiness of a blushing bride. Guin had just recently found out about their newest addition and although she knew that Dylan would be over the moon with the news wasn't sure whether to clue him in on her secret before or after they've wed. For now she would keep it to herself as she was far too distracted by the handsomeness that was Dylan and her eyes and face showed not only how in love with him she was, but how much she adored every little thing about him. Involuntarily she bit her lip in a flirty way as her eyes trailed over his outfit, brightening up as she saw the whole ensemble and felt those jitters extend throughout her whole body and let out a shaky, yet excited sigh. "You've must have been a saint in your last life." She teased him wittingly, laughing softly underneath her breath and held back her own emotions. She was growing teary eyed and as their hands held each others they became glossy and kept trying to blink them away. She promised she wouldn't cry, but it was easier said that done with she was so overwhelmed and swept away by the emotions of their union finally coming into fruition. "I'm lucky, too."


With the officiant there, he smiled warmly at the two, an old man with gentle eyes and a soothing voice as he began the ceremony.  His words spoke of commitment and the hard work that love was, an everyday willingness to work towards loving and respecting each other. Dylan would be able to feel her hands shake slightly but with one squeeze of reassurance any anxiety left her body and felt a wave of calmness wash through her as it was her turn to speak her vows. Her eyes never left his and felt her throat burn because she was holding back the tears - just enough so she could get through her vows without completely choking up. 


"Dylan. You came into my life when I most needed it. Up until that point I wasn't truly happy, there was something missing that I could not quite explain and although our start was far from traditional it made me grow in ways I never knew I could. You were my missing piece. Every single day you show me what true love is, from the smallest gestures to the grandest. I thought I knew what love was, but watching you turn into a father has been the most precious gift I have received and cherish you loving our children as much as you do. You are our rock, the one that brings the fun to our house and although sometimes I may give you that, look, know that I appreciate you being the balance in our lives. You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are me best friend, and one true love. I have so much faith in our love and commitment to each other - we have weathered rocky storms together and in the end we always come out stronger. I want to continue to build a home with you, make unforgettable memories, and although we may come cross obstacles I vow my loyalty, patience, and unwavering love eternally to you. I am and will forever be yours, D."


It was inevitable to cry during her vows, silent tears rolling down her cheeks and would let go of Dylan's hand to gently dab her eyes with her handkerchief. She meant every word of it. She could quite literally go on forever and express all the feelings in her heart, but words would never do it justice.

Dylan Everett

Posted 01 June 2022 - 10:15 AM

Dylan is kind of over his head right now. He was not prepared for how fast the day has gone and the direction it too. Things were going so fast that his brain took a while to comprehend what’s going on. He started the day thinking that it’s going to be a normal one. He wakes up, have some breakfast, go to work for a while, meet up with Guin for their lunch date, go back to work, go back home, and have a nice night in with his family. But no. Now, he’s all the way to Kenmare with Guin. And they are going to get married. He didn’t know why Guin suddenly decided to come here and elope when they were well on their way in planning the wedding. He was honestly getting worried that the wedding planning is getting into her head and it’s stressing her out. And then this… it was a bizarre turn of events, but honestly, he didn’t care. He realized that he didn’t care about where or when or how they get married. All that matters to his is that it’s Guin. Dylan had been in a bunch of relationships before but he never felt as stable as he is with Guin. Sure, their relationship didn’t begin in the most traditional sense. Heck, it’s way far from traditional. They did not fall on love at first sight. No. It was more like lust at first sight, if they are being honest. They shared a wild night together thinking that it would be the first and last time that they will see each other. Until she comes barging into his team practice, and turned his whole world upside down. It wasn’t love at first. It was the companionship and the joint responsibility for the life that they made that one wild night. And then their daughter Blaire was born, and Dylan’s life is never the same. He doesn’t know when the exact moment he fell in love with Guin, but he knew that he loved her the moment his eyes fell on their daughter’s face. That realization hit him like a speeding train and it knocked the breath out of him. He had fallen in love before, but he knew that he never felt this way before. It’s fucking scary, but it is beautiful. And now, he could claim her as his own, in the eyes of the people and in the eyes of the law. These are the things that are running in his mind as he waited for her, wearing a barong that pays tribute to his roots as half-Filipino. When he saw the options given to him when they arrived, he fell more in love with the woman in the other room. She knew how important his roots are for him and for her to consider that in choosing what he would wear for their wedding meant the world for him. It was a no brainer. He quickly got dressed and went in front of the altar with his back on the room where Guin is. He was told to not look until she’s ready and he is not one to disobey the bride’s rules on her wedding day. His hands were shaking especially when he heard her footsteps getting louder and louder as she came closer. Her sweet voice rang behind her and it took every bit of his self-control to not turn around right then and there. The next few seconds were almost unbearable, until he felt that gentle tap on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and turned around.


Dylan swears he saw his entire future right then and there. It felt like the world has stopped spinning and at the center of it all is Guin, positively glowing in her white dress. He felt tears welling up his eyes, but he didn’t want to cry. This is such a happy moment in their lives and there’s no space for tears! But there they are. Happy tears. "Damn," he couldn’t help but curse out. It was blasphemous, especially since they are in a church, but he’s at a loss for words. "How did I get so lucky?" he reached out for her hands and cradled them in his. His face was a mixture of a lot of emotions but above all, there’s happiness. After today, she’s going to be officially his. 

Prof. Guinevere Everett

Posted 31 May 2022 - 11:08 AM




In the very outskirts of the quaint Irish town that Guin had chosen was a small church surrounded by rolling hills. The church's rich history had immediately attracted Guin to choose this as the place she wanted to get married. The location also tied in everything, away from the town square and the utmost peace provided a sense of comfort to steady her bubbling nerves. She had already prepared everything she needed and it hadn't taken them long to get what Dylan required for the big occasion. The two were like budding teens, both pretty excited and the whole aspect of eloping just added to their adventure. This was a long time coming and although she felt her heart rate increase with every passing second that ticked closer to the nuptials, she knew that this was it a forever kind of thing. Dylan had been the only man she had loved and cared for unconditionally and didn't ever want to imagine her life without him. He had been the only one that tore apart her walls and despite the very flawed individual underneath the guarded shell he loved her as is, without demanding she change, and saw beauty in her imperfections. This was the man she shared her children with, the only one she had built a loving home with and could feel her heart swell ten times more for Dylan as she got ready alone in a small room of the church, Dylan being on the other side doing the same. Her dress had been picked out at a small boutique weeks ago back home and admired the simple elegance of it as she stared at herself in her reflection. She carefully smoothed out the front of the fabric, making sure that it was perfect and once she was happy with how her hair and make up looked she poked her head out the small wooden door and smiled as she saw the back of Dylan's head. She had given him instruction to stand with his back to the door once he was done and slowly stepped out of the room, the tip tap of her heels echoing across the small area and could tell that Dylan was pretty eager about getting to turn around. "No peeking." Two more paces and she was directly behind him and took a deep breath before placing a ginger tap on his left shoulder so he could turn around and get to see his first look.

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