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St. Mungo's Check In 2020

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26 replies to this topic

#1 OFFLINE   Prof. Caleb Rothwell

Prof. Caleb Rothwell

    Advanced Studies Professor, Career Counselor, Thespian Society Moderator, Wandless Magic & Occlumency, Animagus

  • Governor
  • Others: Adult, Head Professor, Hogwarts Professors, Slytherin Affiliate
  • 1752 posts
  • Wand Type:Hornbeam, Manticore Hair, 11 3/4 inches, Surprisingly Swishy
  • Blood Status:Muggle Born
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 02 October 2020 - 01:16 PM

2020 St. Mungo's Check-In


Rules of the check-in:


St. Mungo's Employees

  • Ministry officials will have provide two links to a ministry related RP where they at least posted twice.
  • Posts will have to be made within the hospital or be part of a St. Mungo's organized RP.

  • Posts only count if they are made in the following period: January 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020.

  • The post requirements do not apply to those resorted after June 1, 2020. If this is the case please provide the date you got accepted at the post requirement

  • The check in will close on October 30th, if you have not posted here before this date, you will be resorted back to an adult. 

  • If you receive this message after, you can send a PM to Prof. Rothwell with the code to check in and get resorted to your original job. This offer will stand until November 27th. Check-ins after this date will not be accepted.

  • If you do not meet the requirements, do not post here. Instead, PM Prof. Rothwell to discuss why you haven't met the requirements. 

To check in, use the following code:


Job Title

Post Requirement Links



#2 OFFLINE   Healer Aurelie Descoteaux

Healer Aurelie Descoteaux

    Bellelune Alumna, Emergency Care / Spell Damage Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 172 posts
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 02 October 2020 - 01:49 PM

Name: Aurelie Descoteaux

Job Title: Healer - Emergency care and spell damage

Post Requirement Links: 1, 2, 3. (was part of the plot)


Sorted on Aug 13

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:11 AM.

#3 OFFLINE   Healer Flora Weasley

Healer Flora Weasley

    Head of Pediatrics & Maternity Care, 1/4 Veela, Slytherin Alumna

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 1807 posts
  • Wand Type:15" Elm with Veela Hair, Pliant
  • Blood Status:Creature
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 02 October 2020 - 01:55 PM

Name: Flora Weasley

Job Title: Head of Pediatrics and Maternity Care

Post Requirement Links: link 1 link 2

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:12 AM.

#4 OFFLINE   Jude Mitchell

Jude Mitchell

    Maintenance Wizard

  • St. Mungo's Staff
  • Others: Adult
  • 1150 posts
  • Wand Type:11 3/4" spruce with unicorn hair, springy
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 02 October 2020 - 02:00 PM

Name: Jude Mitchell

Job Title: Maintenance Wizard

Post Requirement Links: link 1  link 2

Edited by Minister Fallon Steelgrave, 11 October 2020 - 09:58 AM.

#5 OFFLINE   Healer Richard Oplev

Healer Richard Oplev

    Pediatrics / Emergency Care Healer, Hufflepuff Alumnus

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 811 posts
  • LocationGamla Enskede, Sweden
  • Wand Type:Runespoor Fang, Applewood, Reasonably supple, 12 1/4 inch
  • Nickname(s):Rich, Richie
  • Blood Status:Muggle Born
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 02 October 2020 - 02:21 PM

Name: Richard Oplev

Job Title: Healer - Pediatrics, General Care, Emergency, Maternity Care

Post Requirement Links: 1 22






Had failed the first thread. Fixed the links.

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 07 November 2020 - 03:25 PM.

#6 OFFLINE   Colleen Montgomery

Colleen Montgomery

    Official Ravenclaw Alumna

  • Adult
  • 334 posts
  • LocationHogwarts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 02 October 2020 - 02:32 PM

Name: Colleen Montgomery

Job Title: Maternity Ward Healer 

Post Requirement Links: one two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:15 AM.
Failed #1

#7 OFFLINE   Émilie Selwyn

Émilie Selwyn

    French Canon, Beauxbatons Transfer, Official Hufflepuff Alumna, Philanthropist Liaison

  • St. Mungo's Staff
  • Others: Adult
  • 1073 posts
  • LocationCôte d'Azur
  • Wand Type:Cypress with Veela Hair, 12 1/4", Combustible
  • Nickname(s):Ém, Émsie
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 02 October 2020 - 02:48 PM

Name: Émilie Selwyn (Millefeuille)

Job Title: Philanthropist

Post Requirement Links: one two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:16 AM.

#8 OFFLINE   Diana Margo

Diana Margo

    Telepathy, Official Slytherin Alumna

  • Adult
  • 1635 posts
  • LocationSlytherin Common Room
  • Wand Type:8 3/4' Rosewood with Unicorn tail hair, Swishy
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:In a Relationship

Posted 02 October 2020 - 03:16 PM

Name: Diana Margo

Job Title: Maternity Ward healer

Post Requirement Links: one two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:17 AM.

#9 OFFLINE   Healer Adeline Zolnerowich

Healer Adeline Zolnerowich

    Vanaheim Alumni, French Transfer, Creature-Induced Injuries / Spell Damage Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 2207 posts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Engaged

Posted 02 October 2020 - 04:25 PM

Name: Adeline Zolnerowich

Job Title: Spell Damage & Creature-Induced Injuries

Post Requirement Links: One, Two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:18 AM.

#10 OFFLINE   Healer Jared Wayland

Healer Jared Wayland

    Former Headmaster of Durmstrang, Head of Magical Injuries Care

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult, Durmstrang Professor Emeritus, Head Professor
  • 589 posts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 02 October 2020 - 05:47 PM

Name: Jared Wayland

Job Title: Head of Magical Injuries Ward

Post Requirement Links: Link 1 || Link 2 || was also part of the St. Mungo's Plot

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:18 AM.

#11 OFFLINE   Healer Ralph Smith

Healer Ralph Smith

    Hufflepuff Alumnus, Hogwarts Canon, Healing Hands, General Care / Potions & Poisons Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 1034 posts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 02 October 2020 - 05:52 PM

Name: Ralph Smith

Job Title: General Care and Potions and Poisons Ward Healer

Post Requirement Links: Link 1 || Link 2.1 Link 2.2 (Fan Zone posts)

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:19 AM.
Agreed. Thank you for the links!

#12 OFFLINE   Healer Christian Cavanaugh

Healer Christian Cavanaugh

    Freyja Alumni; Head of Creature Related Illnesses Care, Physical Therapist

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 553 posts
  • LocationSweden
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 03 October 2020 - 03:33 AM

Name: Christian Cavanaugh

Job TitleCreature-Induced Injuries and Artifact Accidents Healer

Post Requirement Links: LINK 1 + LINK 2 + St. Mungo's plot

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:19 AM.

#13 OFFLINE   Healer Adalric Garstang

Healer Adalric Garstang

    Ravenclaw Alumnus, Healing Hands, Head of Emergency Care

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 886 posts
  • LocationUK
  • Wand Type:12" Bloodwood with Hippogriff Feather
  • Nickname(s):Ric
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:In a Relationship

Posted 04 October 2020 - 05:47 PM

Name: Adalric Garstang

Job Title: Emergency Care Healer

Post Requirement Links: RP 1, Fanzone Posts (1, 2)

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:21 AM.

#14 OFFLINE   Healer Elvira Stainslavska

Healer Elvira Stainslavska

    Creature Induced Injuries / Pediatrics Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 396 posts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 04 October 2020 - 05:50 PM

Name: Elvira Popovich

Job Title: Pediatrics + Creature Induced Healer

Post Requirement Links: RP 1 + St. Mungos Plot RP

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:22 AM.

#15 OFFLINE   Healer Katerina Lazarov

Healer Katerina Lazarov

    Maternity / Dragon Pox Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 405 posts
  • LocationSweden
  • Wand Type:11", Yew Wood, Augurey Tail Feather
  • Nickname(s):Kat
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 04 October 2020 - 05:53 PM

Name: Katerina Lazarov

Job Title: Maternity + Dragon Pox Healer

Post Requirement Links: RP + St. Mungos (1,2)

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:24 AM.

#16 OFFLINE   Healer JC del Valle

Healer JC del Valle

    Official Tyr Alumnus, Healing Hands, Animagus, Head of Potion & Plant Injuries Care

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 1068 posts
  • LocationKungsholmgatan 20-1B, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Wand Type:11 1/2" Vine with Unicorn hair and Veela hair
  • Nickname(s):JC
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:In a Relationship

Posted 05 October 2020 - 06:58 AM

Name: JC del Valle

Job TitleHead of Potions and Plants Injuries Care

Post Requirement Links: Link 1 , Link 2

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:25 AM.

#17 OFFLINE   Jax Rutledge

Jax Rutledge

    Official Slytherin Alumnus, St. Mungo's Security Wizard

  • St. Mungo's Staff
  • Others: Adult
  • 1476 posts
  • Blood Status:Half Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 06 October 2020 - 08:37 PM

Name: Jax Rutledge

Job Title: Security Wizard

Post Requirement Links: Link 1, Link 2 

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:25 AM.

#18 OFFLINE   Molly Weasley II

Molly Weasley II

    Hogwarts Canon, Gryffindor Alumna

  • Adult
  • 250 posts
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 07 October 2020 - 05:06 PM

Name:   Molly Weasley II

Job TitleJunior Healer 

Post Requirement LinksPost one, Post two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:26 AM.
Failed #1

#19 OFFLINE   Healer Ailsa Keating

Healer Ailsa Keating

    Official Slytherin Alumna, Empathy, Emergency Care Healer

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 571 posts
  • LocationScotland
  • Wand Type:Hazel wood with unicorn hair. Ten and a half inches.
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 07 October 2020 - 07:38 PM

Name: Ailsa MacPherson

Job Title: Emergency Care Healer

Post Requirement Links: One Two

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 06:27 AM.
Failed #1

#20 OFFLINE   Healer Marthine Homstad

Healer Marthine Homstad

    Freyja Alumni, Healing Hands, Head of General Care

  • St. Mungo's Healer
  • Others: Adult
  • 463 posts
  • LocationBehind you.
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Single

Posted 09 October 2020 - 07:29 AM

Name: Marthine Homstad

Job Title: Head of General Care

Post Requirement Links: RP 1 // St. Mungo's Plot - 1, 2

Edited by Prof. Caleb Rothwell, 09 October 2020 - 07:53 AM.

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