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Vip Stand

77 replies to this topic

#1 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

    St. Mungo's Head Healer, Tyr Alumni; Spell Damage and Potions & Poisons Healer

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Posted 11 July 2020 - 05:09 PM


The VIP section of the stadium is reserved for high-ranked officials, celebrities and other important people.

This is an invite-only room.

OOC: If you did not get an invite, your character CANNOT post here. Only the characters who got messages from us can post here moving forward. Thank you!

#2 OFFLINE   Fallon Steelgrave

Fallon Steelgrave

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 02:52 PM

After meeting with her head of the department of Mysteries, Fallon had been feeling uneasy about the event. Still, the championship match was ready to start and Fallon couldn't just not show up. Still, she hadn't been worrying about the event for the last few days, she was actually looking forward to it. The Minister knew the money raised with the even would help the hospital with their day to day operations. Besides, the young woman leading the hospital had proven to be a great leader with a warm personality that Fallon really appreciated. She and her personal security arrived at the VIP stands, from where she would be watching the game. Fallon sat down on her seat while her security did a final round around the VIP section, before allowing the other invited guests in.

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Healer JC del Valle, Healer Jared Wayland and 3 others like this

#3 OFFLINE   Blaine Totterdale

Blaine Totterdale

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 03:06 PM

Blaine was pumped for the 2020 championship match! This is the first year that he wasn't part of the British League, and he had to say he had he missed it quite a bit. The English league was his home, but the excitement and the new challenge of playing internationally wasn't something he regretted. And then again, the international status got him into VIP sections anywhere, which was also the case for this years championship match. Upon arrival, the English beater donated some galleons for the Hospital, before he and his pregnant girlfriend made their way to the VIP stands. He politely nodded to the minister, before he sat down in the upper left corner of the VIP stand, grinning as he looked at Nienor"I never realised the VIP stands were so comfy here." The quidditch player said playfully. 

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Hunter Bennett and Jessica Hwang like this

#4 OFFLINE   Nienor Riverwinds

Nienor Riverwinds

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 04:19 PM

Entering a Quidditch Stadium always gave Nienor a nostalgic feeling, from her days as a beater in the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. She enjoyed playing immensely but it was pretty obvious it was Blaine the one who actually had a future in the sport, Nienor never even considered playing for a living. Indeed, her boyfriend made a career out of Quidditch, and a very successful one too! She was so proud of him, even more so when they were in a Quidditch-realted environment and she could admire how confidently he moved around people.


As they arrived at the Stadium and reached the VIP stands, where they had been invited to attend the game, Nienor appreciated the elegance and care taken in making the place so welcoming to guests. Imitating Blaine in nodding to the Minister (the Minister!! Nienor had never met the Minister in person), she followed him to the stands and accomodate herself beside him, as comfortably as her seven months pregnancy belly allowed. “I know, it's much more comfy than the usual stands I watch your games from!” she commented happily, glad he liked it. It us not be easy on Blaine to be forced to watch instead of being in the air on his broom but... “I'm really happy that we're here together. Happy Ninny!” she squealed, taking his hand and squeezing it a bit, smiling broadly. (hormones, you know...)

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Hunter Bennett, Jessica Hwang and 1 other like this

#5 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 07:59 PM

Jin made her way to the VIP and hoped to God that Conrad wouldn't take too long from his mission. He's supposed to join him right here right now but he was forced to leave early this morning for a last-minute mission. Jin sighed, she's 7 months pregnant and she felt like popping out soon. The past few months had been so stressful and it's a wonder she's still walking upright. Finally, after months of planning and coordinating with the Ministry of Magic for this championship slash charity game, it's finally happening today. There are loads of people coming in and she gotta say, she's damn proud of herself and everyone involved. Her pregnancy has been hard, and it's even harder because of the additional stress but after today, she's on official leave. Jin told herself she'll take that leave once she reached the 6-month period of her pregnancy but alas, it was impossible. This even is her last hurrah before her maternity leave. Entering the VIP section, she immediately spotted Blaine and if she's not mistaken, that's his wife who's also pregnant like her. "Hello there." She greeted with a wave. Her eyes caught on the Minister and her personal guard and she walked towards her. "Minister Fallon." Jin greeted with a grin. "All set? Do you need anything?"

  • Healer JC del Valle, Healer Jared Wayland, Jessica Hwang and 3 others like this

#6 OFFLINE   Healer Jared Wayland

Healer Jared Wayland

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 08:12 PM

Jared, being one of the Department Heads at St. Mungo’s, got an invitation for the VIP area at the Quidditch Match. Jin had told him about this event and that the hospital will be the beneficiary of some of the proceeds from the match. He thought that it was quite a generous donation because they all know how big Quidditch is in the UK. Jared himself was an avid follower of Quidditch n his younger years. He also played in school as well as in Uni but since he focused on his craft as a healer, he lost time for it and now, he’s a casual spectator. The whole Wayland clan is present, except Claud who was on some kind of work related thing for the ministry somewhere around the pitch and Colleen who was stuck in hospital duty with Christian. The tenant in the castle probably preferred that because that guy is just like that. He excused himself from the rest of the Waylands to go to the VIP lounge to at least make an appearance. He wouldn’t want Jin to think that he boycotted the event. He was invited to watch the game from there in the first place so there he went. The room was quiet, save from the conversation between a man and a pregnant woman on one corner of the room. He saw that the Minister was already there and Jin too. With a confident stride and a charming smile on his face, he approached the Minister and Jin to introduce himself. ­"You look lovely as always, Jin." Jared put a hand on the small of her back and gave her a kiss on both her cheeks. It’s the French in him. Old habits die hard. He then turned towards the minister. "Minister Steelgrave." He stood by her seat and held out a hand. "Jared Wayland, one of the department heads at St. Mungo’s."

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Healer JC del Valle, Jessica Hwang and 1 other like this

#7 OFFLINE   Healer JC del Valle

Healer JC del Valle

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Posted 07 August 2020 - 08:28 PM

JC had known about the upcoming Quidditch game which proceeds will benefit St. Mungo’s. He particularly requested their Head Healer that he’s willing to be part of the on-duty roster but the woman glared at him and told him to take a break and that his presence is required at the VIP section as a Department Head. It’s not that JC is not a fan of Quidditch, heck he even played at Durmstrang during his time and even received an award for it but it’s just that, his focus now is on his job as a healer. And if it’s a big event, they would need healers like him to assist and he’d really like to be part of that team but alas, the head healer used the boss card and forced him to shed his hospital robe for a day to become a Quidditch spectator. Even though he’s not happy with the decision, he had no other choice but to go and watch. He also realized, if it’s an important event, chances are, Elisa would be there too, so maybe that’s something to look forward to. JC entered the VIP section after showing the invitation to the guard and noticed there are only few people there, including his boss, the Minister and Jared. JC approached them, deciding to greet them first out of respect. Hi Boss, as you wished, I’m here. In a way to remind her of her directive. He also gave a curt nod to the Minister, Minister Steelgrave, I’m JC del Valle, one of the Department Heads at St. Mungo’s too. He overheard how Jared introduced himself and decided to do the same since he’s not sure how formal he should be. Speaking of Jared, JC smiled at him, You came with your family? As he asked the question, he glanced at the Quidditch stands from where they are and saw a lot of people waving their banners and wearing their favorite team’s shirts. He’s suddenly excited to watch the Quidditch game, when was the last time he actually sits down and watch a game he used to like when he's still a student? Too long… JC’s also secretly hoping he’ll get a glimpse of Elisa…somewhere…she should be here, at least right? To cover the event.

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Healer Jared Wayland, Jessica Hwang and 1 other like this

#8 OFFLINE   Josef Klaasen

Josef Klaasen
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Posted 07 August 2020 - 10:09 PM

Josef wasn't really into Quidditch, with the exception of an occasional National game that he'd attend, but this event was something he had been expected to attend. As the Secretary of Transportation he had certain duties to uphold and a charitable event of this caliber called for his attendance. At first when the invite had been delivered, he cursed inwardly, mostly because he disliked the whole meet and greet spiel, despite how giftedly charismatic he was in these situations. Though as soon as he saw the extra ticket, he knew this could help him get into Maja's good graces again after the catastrophe that he been the last few weeks. He had presented the idea to her with a smile, after having a nice dinner in Napa, trying his best to bring better memories to light and had asked her to be his plus one. She had agreed, though the two were still lightly treading water- mostly from Josef after his inappropriate behavior with a certain blonde and disastrous meeting with a fellow official warranted him to be apologetic. This event would hopefully squash things and allow them to start on a new slate. Hand in hand they made their way to the VIP section, Josef whispering in her ear as they waited outside of the box for the last security sweep to be completed by the Minister's intel and commented on how gorgeous the brunette looked. After they were given the okay to enter, he looked around, foot steps slow to approach any of the heads just yet and allowed them to give their greetings before putting a charming smile and let go of Maja's hand to place it on the small of her back as he guided them both to the Minister. "Minister Steelgrave, it's great to see you." Naturally as the Minister, she'd know of the Department Secretaries, since she was privy to everything in the establishment, but a reminder never hurt since he assumed she saw so many faces in her day to day, "Josef Klaasen, Department Secretary of Magical Transportation." As he turned to introduce Maja, his smile widened a little wider, "This is Maja Moretto. I don't want to hold you for too long Minister. I hope you enjoy yourself." He turned to the rest of the group, smiling politely but made eye contact with (Jin). Although he had never met the woman knew she was the main person behind the event and heard someone mention her name in passing so to the opportunity to greet her and said, "Healer Marrow you did an amazing job. I'm Official Klaasen. Thank you for the invitation." Presenting himself in a cordial and polite manner, he turned back to Maja as they walked away and gripped her a little tight to his person. She made it a little easier to attend these events without wanting to have him avada kedavra his brains out. "I don't know how I did these things before you came along. You're my saving grace." He said with an amused chuckle as he lead them a bit further out to stand by the windows and gazed out to the fan stands. It was starting to get packed, "So who are we cheering for again? I'm team whoever you're on." He commented cheekily. 

Edited by Official Josef Klaasen, 07 August 2020 - 10:10 PM.

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#9 OFFLINE   Maja Moretto

Maja Moretto

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 02:15 AM



A lot had happened in the past months, and Maja was having a hard time. Colleen had decided to move out with Ryan, and that had been a huge blow to her as they had become close and she adored Ryan; and of course, there was the Josef factor. Learning about what he had done had broken her heart, and her mature ways got her thinking that getting revenge would help with the pain, but it had only ended in her getting wasted and a quarrel between two officials because of a huge misunderstanding. And though he had apologized and sounded so genuine about it, she just forget about it. It had taken a toll of her self-esteem and, somehow, instead of pushing him away, it was so damn easy for him to get her to open to him again. He had taken her back to Naples, as if that would make her forget he had slept with someone else, but she had to admit it had worked a little bit since she was such a sucker for nostalgia. Knowing he had tickets for one of the matches had lit up her face as she had always wanted to attend one, being such a big fan and still having the dream of playing Quidditch professionally someday, without being under Luca's shadow. 


Arriving in the stadium had already placed a smile on her face, more so after learning they got seats at the VIP stand, the best seats in the whole place. She had decided she'd have fun no matter what, despite the sudden dizziness she was hit by, which Maja had contributed to the matters of the heart and how hard it all had been for her. That was why she was acting a little more playful, holding Josef's hand and acting like a little child attending her first game ever. She'd giggle at his whispers and roll her eyes every now and then since it was taking forever for them to be allowed inside, but every trace of annoyance disappeared as soon as he complimented her, and had to swallow the need to retort with some witty response about his little affair. Then came the greetings, with her putting on a smaller, cordial smile as they approached the Minister of Magic, mentally cursing at having to do this every single time they attended events. Sometimes were easier than others, but her slight dizziness -- that she kept from Josef, and her excitement for the game, she only wanted to settle down and enjoy the match. Maja nodded when introduced. "Pleasure to meet you, Minister." This would be the second one she met, and not thanks to Lirije. It made her feel somewhat important, at least in this aspect of someone's life. Unlike any other time in which she'd feel badly for him not introducing her, she was relieved she only needed to smile at the Head Healer, doing the same for the rest of the people already in the stand, and made their way for their seats. He spoke again and she glanced briefly at him, focusing on her steps to not trip. "Come on, Josef, we both how you did it." It seemed she wouldn't be able to keep the witty remarks to herself, getting annoyed at the thought of him with some other woman holding his arm. She used to feel so confident whenever he mentioned how easy she made it for him to attend events with him, feel special, but now it felt like that was the only reason he wanted her around, to keep that image of Secretary of Transportation. Maja sighed and promised herself she would keep her mouth shut as she really, really wanted to enjoy the evening, and also craved for his attention and touch. If they fought, well, she wouldn't have any of those. She sat down and looked in the same direction he was. She laughed. "The Kenmare Kestrels, the green team," and eyed him curiously. "I can't believe you're not excited in the slightlest about the match. You really don't like Quidditch? Not even a little bit?"

Edited by Maja Moretto, 08 August 2020 - 02:32 AM.

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#10 OFFLINE   Official Savannah Malcolm

Official Savannah Malcolm

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 05:07 AM

After checking the perimeters she was assigned to and making sure her department officials needed nothing more from her side, Savannah checked on her family. The area they chose had become crowded with the Joseph's and Hennings coming together to cheer for the two important family members. The badge on her Ministry robes shined green, swirling animatedly with the players faces. It had taken a whole lot for her not to be decked in green because Savannah wasn't only a fan of quidditch but loved her brother to bits and wanted to support him a 100% but duty calls.

After excusing herself from her family because the noise was starting to give her a splitting headache, she squeezed through the bodies of the attendees, guided by Jayden and finally stepped out of the fan stadium. "How am I going to get back in there?" Sav mentioned to Jayden in surprise moving along the open lane towards the VIP lounge. She stopped midway and looked at him with a smile that reached her eyes. "Thank you for coming with me." She slid her hand closer to his interlocking their fingers. The VIP lounge was on the other side with Savvi navigating the way to it. She was there early so it wasn't a feat. This space was less crowded with a handful of people.
Savannah let go off Jayden's hand but made her way inside along with him. "Minister, you look great." She turned to the woman, the Head Healer of St. Mungo's. "Healer Marrow. You've done a wonderful job here." It took a team of highly professionals and enthusiasts to pull a fantastic event as such and St.Mungos had outdone themselves indeed. "I'm Savannah Jennings, Department of International Magical Cooperation. This is Jayden Malcolm." She quickly introduced herself and Jay to the woman and turned to the Ministee. Not wanting to take much of their time. "Let me know if you need anything."

Moving away, Savvi guided Jayden close to the corner where the boards with Kestrels faces switched animatedly. "I am so worried for Jace, he looks so nervous. I hope he's fine." Her twin never spoke much but his mind did and the telepathic connection she shared with him told her all. Savannah tried to focus on her mind, drowning out all the other sounds trying to reach for her brother. If he was within a close proximity, she can speak to him. Her heart was beating fast as she worried for Jason. It was his first game and he needed as much support as possible. "I got you your Kestrels badge." Savannah fished out a similar badge from her pocket and turned to pin it on his chest, a quick look at his face and caught his eyes. She smiled, her heart beat faster and stepped back. "Now you are officially supporting Kestrels."
  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Jessica Hwang, Official Jayden Malcolm and 1 other like this

#11 OFFLINE   Cayden Charmaine

Cayden Charmaine

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 08:15 AM

Consider it coincidence or his luck, Cayden shared the same idea as the event currently in progress to the Head Healer on the day of his interview. He found out that something similar was in the pipeline for the hospital and ever since, they have been working hard on the project. For a fresh graduate, to step out of schooling and get a project to show off his abilities was more than a dream come true. There was so much learning which toned down his desire for higher education.

They worked their arse off, the entire team of St. Mungos and when it was the day for the game, Cayden couldn’t be more nervous. It wasn’t his style to show it off so he wore his best confident expression and stood outside the stadium waiting for his plus 1. For someone who lacks punctuality, Isabelle was there on time for once in his life. Credit goes to him for emotionally blackmailing her into coming on time. He might be a badger, but Cayden has tricks upon his sleeves when it comes to dealing with Isabelle Hyland.

Planting a kiss on her cheek, he held out his arm and escorted her to the lounge. It looked so good, the view of the stadium, the set up and artistic designs. A few officials and healers filled the lounge, the only faces he recognized was the healers and the Minister. Cayden passed a look towards Izzy making sure she felt comfortable. He gave her a soothing smile leading way inside the lounge. However, Isabelle excuses herself and he nodded making way to the two women accompanied by the Healers. She was not a fan of introductions and he wouldn’t push her. “Jin, hope you’re doing well.” Ever the polite American. Jin was pregnant so extra kudos to her for being the best mentor and head to pull this off. He turned to the Minister with a smile. “I am Cayden, Philanthropy Liaison.” He turned to Jin with a smile, “Do you need anything from my side?”
  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Jessica Hwang and Fallon Steelgrave like this

#12 OFFLINE   Hunter Bennett

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 08:50 AM

Hunter excused himself from the Quidditch stands, he trusted Harper can handle himself just fine while he's on his way to the VIP section. He’s not so worried for his son simply because the Wolmalds and the Smiths are there and he’s in the company of his friends, so Hunter knew his son is in good hands. For now, he will visit the VIP section and checked who got the special pass and maybe…if his teammates are there, he could talk a bit before the game begins. The guard stationed by the door asked for his invitation which he gave right away. The man nodded and opened the door for him, he mumbled his thanks and then paused by the door to take a good look around the place. There’s just one reason why this was called the VIP section, you got a good view of the Quidditch pitch and the game. Harper would have loved to see this but there’s no use dragging his son here, he’s sure the boy would still prefer sitting with his friends. He noted the presence of the Minister as well as the Head Healer of St. Mungo’s, which is expected since this is a charity game too. His eyes then landed on his teammate, Blaine, and his partner. Hunter grinned and approached them, “Hey man, glad to see you here. I got the invite too, but I’m just passing by though. My son wanted to watch from the stands together with his friends.” He shrugged, and then turned to the pregnant woman (Nienor) sitting beside Blaine, “Hello, I'm Hunter Bennett.” He looked around some more, “How’s everything here?” It’s different from the situation outside, the audience’ cheers and the preparation done by the fans, you’ll really feel the excitement of everyone, but in here, it's very silent.

Edited by Hunter Bennett, 08 August 2020 - 08:53 AM.

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#13 OFFLINE   Josef Klaasen

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 09:42 AM

It was a long road of groveling for Josef and as someone who never apologized, this was completely foreign territory to him. A large part of him knew Maja had every right to be upset at him, but a small part- the selfish one- thought she had little right to get mad, since they never labeled their "relationship." Though the same could be said for him after losing his cool and getting into a physical altercation with another official. He'd seen red and wanted to pummel the man he thought that had gotten intimate with her, worse since she had gotten so drunk, and thought there was a possibility he'd taken advantage of her. This wasn't the case and Josef pushed those thoughts out of his mind, knowing damn well Maja didn't go through with it, but it was hard not to project his own screw ups on someone else. In any case, he'd been actively working to gain her trust once more because Josef did care tremendously about her. Hell, it had evolved to more than that but was still coming to terms with those feelings. After the whole meet and greet he just wanted to get away and relax with her. It didn't take long for her to make a witty comment and simply clenched his jaw, having gotten used to the little blows she'd throw in his direction every now and then. He knew he deserved them and felt slight annoyance brew, but just as quickly died down and instead leaned in to whiper, "You look absolutely radiant today. I don't know...I feel there is something different about you. In a good way." He leaned back, eyes on her lips and so terribly tempted to kiss her, but didn't want to get ahead of himself. They'd shared a few kisses here and there since all the drama, but Maja rightfully kept him at an arm's length. Instead, he winked at her as he added, "I like it." They both had no way of knowing that the radiance he saw was something else and was completely oblivious to her not feeling well, since she was hiding it so well. He turned to one of the wait staff that were walking with trays and offered the two champagne, to which Josef took with a polite nod as he held the two glasses from the stem and handed one to her with a chuckle, since she had commented her surprise on his lack of enthusiasm for the sport. "International or important national games when there is money involved grab my attention. This is fun to watch, too...with you of course. I wouldn't come by myself, perhaps just to make an appearance, but would slink away before it really started. So I'm happy you came. Maybe I'll grow a new fondness for it."
  • Maja Moretto likes this

#14 OFFLINE   Jessica Hwang

Jessica Hwang

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 09:58 AM

{{With permission to post from Ms. Jin Marrow}}


It hadn't been long since Jessica started as sports reporter for The Daily Prophet and now she is assigned to cover her first championship event. Working in the press is not a new thing for her but it has been five years since she worked in this field. Back in her home country, she used to cover current and exclusives reports, most of which were criminal and political issues. It's only when she moved to the UK when she started having interest in Quidditch. Her former boss, who runs a Quidditch supplies store wouldn't stop babbling about his favorite team, the Kenmare Kestrels. The guy had every single merchandise of the team which made Jessica  wonder why some people, especially the male population were so obsessed with sports. As a perk of having a generous and quidditch-obsessed boss, Jessica has been able to watch live games whether it was a regular season or championships. It was an interesting sport indeed. Over time, she learned and studied the players moves as a hobby and become a self-proclaimed quidditch enthusiast.


So much for her life story, she has a game to cover. The head of the Prophet, her boss, Vladislav assigned her to the VIP area, much to her disappointment. It was much more fun in the stands, where it is loud and noisy and full of screaming fans. Once you're out there, even though one is not a quidditch fan, the feeling of excitement is really contagious. Apparently, the VIP pass were given to the high-ranking officials and members of the National Team so it was not a bad thing at all. She was really hoping to meet her quidditch hero, Ms. Roisin Doyle there but her source said she was seated among the fans. Awwww! As she entered the VIP area, Jessica found a several people inside, including the Minister of Magic herself. She began feeling nervous, her sweat from her palm has moisten a page of the journal she was holding. "Hello everyone. Good day, Minister Steegrave." She greeted them, the  dimples in her cheeks deepened as she smiled broadly at everyone. "My name is Jessica Hwang of The Daily Prophet." Jessica made a 45 degree bow, as a sign of respect. Even though she has been living in the UK for several years, she cannot simply take away her country's tradition off her system. After that, she headed to where the National players at. Of course, Jessica knows them pretty well. Blaine Totterdale and Hunter Bennett were formerly players of minor leagues. Now that they have gone international, their game statistics have been more impressive as well. "Excuse me, I hope you don't mind to give me a few minutes and answer my questions?" She addressed the two men and gave a smile to the companion who seemed to be Mr. Totterdale's girlfriend? She had no idea and clearly does not read gossips. Jessica was not as polite as right now when she used to work in current affairs. She's blunt and fearless and didn't mind she was intruding someone's personal's space. But now she's in the field of sports, she does not think being too eager to ask for answers was necessary. It was more fun and less stressful, to be honest.

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#15 OFFLINE   Émilie Selwyn

Émilie Selwyn

    French Canon, Beauxbatons Transfer, Official Hufflepuff Alumna, Philanthropist Liaison

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  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 08 August 2020 - 04:11 PM

For this event to happen following her graduation was just the best opportunity to prove herself and jump into action sooner that she would have expected. Émilie had been working hard ever since being hired, and the amount of people that'd show to this match would prove how successful it all had been, not that she had played a major role in it just yet, but it felt good to be part of it. Honestly, she already looked up to Jin Marrow for being pregnant and capable of running a hospital and planning the event. This also served as Don's birthday gift, VIP tickets to a match, knowing he was a former Quidditch player at school and how passionate he could get over the game. Her, on the contrary, had never been too excited by it, but she was happy to attend and see a professional match for the first time in her life. She was beyond elated to be able to bring Don with her and to have the chance to meet with people that could be potential new investers on a prolonged amount of time. That was why she might looked overdressed, but Émilie Millefeuille was never, because that term was wrongfully used as such thing didn't exist.
By the time they arrived, her wrapped in his arms all the time while waiting to be allowed into the VIP stand, Ém noticed the many Head Healers and Jin, the Minister of Magic, and some couples that she assumed had to be high ranked officials or people with deep pockets. She wouldn't be able to recognise the men as she hadn't met anyone from the Ministry just yet, and as stated before, her knowledge on Quidditch players was zero. "Look, there's Jin Marrow, my boss. Oh and do you remember Isabelle Hyland? She seems to be here with Cayden, a former Hufflepuff and a co-worker now." She had moved her head closer to Don's ear so he could hear her. Of course she'd introduce him, and as they were all gathered around the Minister, she had no choice but to approach them despite being mildly worried because of both their family names. They were so different from their parents, but maybe the Officials didn't share that thought. Ém put on her best smile. "Good afternoon, everyone! Minister. Jin." She nodded politely at both women, not wanting to inferfere much as it seemed they were preparing an interview for the Minister. "This is Donovan Selwyn, my fiancé," she might have blush a little at this. "Don, this is Jin Marrow." Ém greeted her with a kiss in both cheeks, and the same happened when she turned to face Cayden and Izzy. "You remember Don, right?"

  • Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau, Malcolm Vaughn and Fallon Steelgrave like this

#16 OFFLINE   Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

Head Healer Jin Marrow-Chauveau

    St. Mungo's Head Healer, Tyr Alumni; Spell Damage and Potions & Poisons Healer

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 04:20 PM

Jin has her one hand on top of her baby bump while the other is on her waist, her fingers massaging the skin there just to ease some pain. Lately, her waist and back have started throbbing in pain for some reason and when she went to Flora to ask if it's normal, her best friend assured her that it's totally normal. Of course, Jin already knew that but she trusts Flora's assurance more than her own knowledge. Yeah, pregnancy tends to make you less sure of yourself, at least on her part. Today though, aside from the pain on her waist and back, her little peanut kept kicking around inside her stomach, like she can't find the most comfortable position. It's cool to feel her kick, but when she's doing it every minute, she swears it's not good for her mood and patience.
Her attention diverted to Jared, one of the department heads at St. Mungo's. She girnned and kissed his cheeks, too. "You're just saying that. I'm glad you came." Not that he has a choice in the matter. Jin pretty much told her department heads to take a break and use this quidditch match as the opportunity to get away from work. But of cours, not all of them wanted that. JC got there, too, and she gave him a smirk at his greeting. "You'll thank me later, JC, I'm telling you." The young department head is working way too much for her liking. Yeah, normally, bosses should be fine with that but so far, Jin had grown closer to all the department heads. She treats them as friends more than co-workers. Hearing JC's question to Jared, she can't help but laugh. "I think I spotted tons of redheads somewhere earlier. They're your family, I assume?" The Waylands are amazing to look at and believe her, she had never seen a lot of redheads in one place! It's mind-boggling. 
More people came. A certain Official Klaasen greeted her and Jin smiled widely. "This was definitely a group effort, but thank you, Official Klaasen. You're welcome and it's nice to meet you." Another woman was there, Savannah Hennings. "Thank you, Savannah." Cayden came next, whom she nodded at. "Cayden, I'm good, thanks. Ready to start my maternity leave tomorrow." She said teasingly. "I need you to just enjoy the game, okay?" There's a table full of refreshments for everyone in the VIP lounge and so there's really nothing much to do. Emilie was there, too, accompanied by a man, who happens to be her fiance. They make one striking couple, that's for sure. "Hi, Em." She turned to the man beside her. "Hello Mr. Selwyn, a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations to you both." Jin said with a smile. Em and Cayden were a big help for this event and so she's very thankful for their presence here. "Please, help yourself. We have unlimited food." 
Jin's feet are hurting, so she took a seat and took a deep breath once she felt comfortable. God, this ball in her tummy also called pregnancy is taking a toll on her already. Jin's hella tired but she told herself that after today, she can enjoy her time at home until she gives birth. She took another look around her and pouted. Conrad's still not here. Will he even make it? A bit distracted, the arrival of a woman (Jessica) from the Prophet caught her attention. So long as she's not gonna make a scene, then it's all good.

  • Healer Jared Wayland, Émilie Selwyn and Fallon Steelgrave like this

#17 OFFLINE   Donovan Selwyn

Donovan Selwyn

    Hogwarts Canon, Psychokinesis, Official Slytherin Alumnus

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  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Married

Posted 08 August 2020 - 05:04 PM

Don rarely liked formal gatherings, however, this was a big exception considering the nature of the event. He had been more than thrilled to attend after Ém presented him with the VIP tickets, his baby blues sparkled as if Christmas morning had arrived early. He was backing the luck of the Irish today and had put a substantial amount of money on the Kenmare Kestrels because what was watching sports if you didn't make it worth your while? He was more of a Montrose Magpies fan himself, but the Irish were a good bet according to all the sports statistics and player classifications that he followed diligently. He was also happy to see part of Ém's work come into fruition. Don knew there were so many hands in the pot, but the fact that his fiancée played a role - no matter how big or small- in the large success of this event elated him with pride and it showed as he looked around completely impressed by how packed the seats were. The real show stopper, however, was how amazingly gorgeous his blonde bombshell of a future wife looked and it took a great amount of will power not to get handsy (though he had discreetly copped a feel without anyone looking). As they waited to enter the VIP booth, he whispered in her ear, "I feel you wear these outfits just to tease me" Though let's face it, she could be wearing a potato sack and Donovan would feel the same. His attire was business casual, and smirked as they were finally let inside. Don's eyes turned to the people that Ém was gesturing towards. listening avidly as she gave him the 411 on who was who. He nodded in acknowledgement to her words. They then approached the Minister and like Ém felt the same uneasiness, mostly due to his direct involvement in unsavory activities, but no one knew he followed in his father's footsteps and as far as everyone was concerned he was his own business man. Don, having the knack of being a charmer, put on his smile and greeted everyone politely as he approached them, turning his sights directly to the Minister and spoke in a reverent tone, "Minister. Pleasure to meet you." Though she seemed to be in the middle of the start of an interview, which he was thankful for, and turned to Jin with a much more relaxed smile. "Healer Marrow. Ém speaks highly of you. It's good to put a face to the name and also congratulations are in order as well." He gestured towards her baby bump and watched she walked away, looking visibly tired. He remembered Isabella, being from the same house, and had remembered Cayden vaguely, "Good to see you two. So who's rooting for who? I'm behind the green today." He said with a grin as his hand went to the small of Ém's back and discreetly surveyed the room around them. It was in his nature to always know where all the exit and entrance points were due to his line of work, "Babe, do you want something to drink?" Though the glint in his eyes told her if they could take a quick walk to the refreshment table. Besides it would be a good idea to do a lap around the room so she could pick out any potential deep pocketed individuals. 

  • Émilie Selwyn and Fallon Steelgrave like this

#18 OFFLINE   Malcolm Vaughn

Malcolm Vaughn

    Daily Prophet Crime & Courtroom Journalist

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 05:18 PM

[Have permission from Jin to post here]


Malcolm seemed to have been assigned the VIP area along with Jessica. Though Mal wasn't a veteran in the the field like his partner for the day, he had learned a lot of tips and tricks over the course of his involvement with the ministry as a spy to pass off as a decent journalist. His partner was pretty strong in this way though, Jessica had told him to not goof up and talk to real high ranking officials and to leave that to her - well in polite words; but the gist was the same. Mal rolled his eyes, he wasn't here to make any brownie points in all honesty. The only reason he had accepted the assignment was because he had to keep the guise of a reporter, and he knew there would be some big names walking inside for this particular game - it was always good to have these connections in case they needed to be investigated for his side job.


As they entered the VIP section, Jessica had already picked out her target and had gone over to the popular quidditch players. Malcolm figured he would say his greetings as well, before finding out people he needed to interview. Walking towards where the minister was seated, Mal did a brief bow. "Hello everyone. Good evening Minister. Malcolm Vaughn from the Daily Prophet as well. We will just be taking a couple of interviews and would out of here soon." He added with a professional smile before looking around. It was pretty obvious that people didn't really like having reporters around. But it was a necessary job they did, of bringing out the relevant news. And for all relevant news, and big events, there were coverages like these where they needed to have statements from every important person. More so because it would eventually help in forming a story.


He spotted the head healer of the hospital, who had organized these matches, and had figured he would talk to her - but she looked tired, and not in a mood to give interviews. Shifting his eyes next, he noticed the Philanthropy people from the hospital as well - the people who had been key in organizing this. Figuring out the blonde would be easier to talk to, since she seemed to be the kind who would like to be on the papers, Malcolm made his way to Emilie, who was there with a guy he assumed to be her partner. "Ms. Millefeuille. Malcolm from the Prophet. I was wondering if it would be a good time to ask you some questions about the event." He put on an easy, charming smile

Edited by Malcolm Vaughn, 08 August 2020 - 05:18 PM.

  • Jessica Hwang, Émilie Selwyn and Fallon Steelgrave like this

#19 OFFLINE   Isabelle Hyland

Isabelle Hyland

    Animal Telepathy, Official Slytherin Alumna, Owner of Bayside Distillery (Kenmare)

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  • Wand Type:11" 3/4, Cherrywood, Kelpie Heartstring
  • Nickname(s):Izzy
  • Blood Status:Pure Blood
  • Relationship Status:Complicated

Posted 08 August 2020 - 06:27 PM

Not fond of crowded events unless its a party with incentives, Isabelle found herself struggling to make up her mind even after accepting Cayden's invitation. She eventually decided to go since he's put himself through hell for her and it was extremely selfish if she bailed on him. As a friend, Isabelle wanted to support him for his first-ever event, hence she decided to suck it up and stick to her words. It wasn't like she didn't love the sports; give her a broom and she'll fly for the peace of her mind. It was a stress buster for her and she didn't want to turn it into a competition. Once her mind was made, Izzy was excited at the prospect of watching the game. The one time she had seen the Kestrels play was when she was super young and her dad had taken her for the game. They were Irish and it made sense for her to support her country. It was a struggle to decide what to wear since her wardrobe pretty much consisted of party, clubbing scene type outfits but she ended up selecting a one-piece culottes suit, which she deemed suitable for the event. It was green which was obviously for the Kestrels although the color is darker than their jerseys.


Apparating at the meeting point, she found Cayden waiting on her but the smile said a lot. For once, Izzy was on time which is a lot to say since punctuality is nowhere near her name. They were soon entering the lounge with fewer officials than she had witnessed in the stands. She was surprisingly happy with the less crowded space and slipped away from Cayd to observe the view as he went on to greet his co-workers. It took him long pushing Izzy to venture towards him, giving a brief nod to the woman who she assumed to be the person-in-charge. Isabelle turned to Émilie and Donovan, who she remembers from her classes. They had a way of making their presence prominent wherever they were, so to speak. Izzy greeted the woman back with a warm smile, "Stunning as always, Émilie. Donovan. That makes the two of us, doesn't it Cayden?" She glanced at Cayd with a smile knowing very well he is a fan of the Bats but supporting the Kestrels for her. They nodded and moved ahead, leaving the couple to their privacy, Izzy slid her arm in Cayden's and glanced around. "My throat feels like it's been parched by the sun. Let's get something to drink, please."

  • Émilie Selwyn likes this

#20 OFFLINE   Hunter Bennett

Hunter Bennett

    Republic of Ireland Team Keeper, Salem Alumni, Animagus, Lycan Telepathy, Celebrity

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  • Relationship Status:Complicated

Posted 08 August 2020 - 11:12 PM

If there’s one thing Hunter loved being in VIP section, is that the experience includes complimentary beer, wine and food and special access to view the game. Part of the perk includes the meet and greet with the players right after the game. He never mentioned that to his son yet, he wanted it as a surprise for later. The boy is dying to get his photos and autographs with the Bats players, something his special pass can provide him. As soon as Hunter took his it beside Blaine and his partner, someone offered him wine, he smiled and indulged himself with one glass of white wine. There’s no harm in taking advantage of the freebies, yeah? He took a sip and appreciated the taste and the warmth running down his throat. While enjoying the drink, Hunter noticed more people are arriving at the VIP section and greeting the Minister and the Head Healer. He’ll probably do the same later before leaving the place to go back to the stands. What he didn’t expect while being there was the Daily Prophet interview. He’d been dodging the reporters ever since he came in, after-all he already provided his comments while outside the stadium, but then he should have expected that they’ll still find the chance to interview the National Quidditch players and get their opinion about the final match. Hunter put his wine glass on the table as he gave his consent to the lady who introduced herself as Jessica Hwang. “Sure, be glad to.” He smiled, “Fire away Miss Hwang.”

Edited by Hunter Bennett, 08 August 2020 - 11:15 PM.

  • Jessica Hwang likes this

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