Emergency Ward Waiting Room
Worried relatives can wait here. One of the junior healers will keep you updated on the condition of your loved ones.
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Posted 10 August 2020 - 12:26 PM
Gabby was quite surprised that there was not that much patient in the hospital. The healers on shift have some down time despite half of the workforce being at the Quidditch game. That was unheard of so of course, this healer took advantage of it. He thought about sleeping in his office. He needed to catch some z’s anyways but he might get called for an emergency and he knew that it takes a while for him to be alert after sleeping. He could do another round with his patients but it’s going to be dinner time soon so he didn’t want to disturb anyone. He will also need to bring one of the Junior Healers with him in his rounds and he didn’t want to do that right now. The only sensible thing to do right now was to hang around the waiting room. He was inside the Junior Healers’ Station. There was no one else there aside from the one that was manning the desk for the patients’ relatives. She ignored him mostly and that was fine with him. Gabriel picked up one of the clipboards with the prescription files of one of his patients but really, he was just pretending to read it while he lounged on the seat. He almost wished that something happens so that he won’t be bored out of his mind until the end of his shift later that night. If only he knew just how much he will regret thinking that later…
Posted 10 August 2020 - 01:56 PM
Jax stifled a yawn. He's on night shift tonight and he realized that it'll be a long night. The hospital is... much quieter than usual and to say that it's weird is an understatement. However, he welcomed the peace. It's not everyday half of the healers and staff are not present. Jax wondered who would win the match. He's rooting for the Bats and as much as he wished to be there, he simply didn't win the drawlots. Yep, that's what they did. Those who got the 'yay you' went to the game and those with 'better luck next time' had to stay in the hospital. Of course, some others stayed here on their own accord and their dedication to their work is inspiring. Jax passed by the waiting room and spotted a familiar face. If he's not mistaken, his name is Gabriel. "Hey." He greeted with a smile. "You're Gabriel, right? I'm Jax, I'm one of the security wizards around here." He took a few seats away from him and leaned back. "It feels weird to have a slow night..."
Posted 11 August 2020 - 04:53 AM
It's one of those rare and miraculous lulls in a hospital. And Christian wanted to go for a nap like a normal healer usually does in these precious work hours... except he's not capable of quick naps. To Christian, there was simply 'hibernation' which he can't do since you never know when there's an emergency case that requires his attention. Since the St. Mungo's charity-slash-championship game is taking place tonight, their personnel that's currently on rotation had been severely diminished. Hence, remaining healers with the night shift are taking on some extras to cover some of their co-workers. It was okay, he never minded. This was nothing new and something he's often done in the past. Even though it means another double-shift. But Christian was currently bored so he'd decided to roam about for a bit, getting himself a cup of particularly strong coffee while he was at it. Eventually though, he's ended up in the waiting room where he saw some other people that looked as equally bored as him so he'd decided to approach them, nodding in greeting as he came. "Do any of you fancy a game of cards or something?" he asked, taking a long sip of his warm coffee.
Posted 13 August 2020 - 12:16 AM
The hospital felt like it was running on skeletal force. It’s as if more than half of its normal staff on shift is at the game instead of just a couple. He knew for a fact that the bosses are at the game because they’ve got some special invitation or something. Gabriel preferred it if the bosses are not breathing on his neck every step of the way since he was hired. For some reason, he was still being treated like a bomb that could go off any time and he’s being watched closely when it comes to his job. It was unfair, of course, but it is what it is and all he can do is do his job properly so they won’t have anything to use against him. What he was doing now, lounging and pretending to be doing something when he was not doing anything was something that could be used against him. There are no bosses around so he will do what he wants to do in his free time. He was looking at the handwriting of whoever filled out the prescription file and he noted how the rounds were a slim and the swishes at the end of the curly letters are kind of heavy handed when someone arrived. He was startled a bit and the clipboard slipped from his hand onto the table. Gabriel doesn’t know the guy personally but he had seen him around the hospital. “Yeah, that’s me.” Almost everyone at the hospital calls each other by first name which was refreshing. Here, he is only known as Gabriel. “Agreed. It feels like the calm before the storm, you know?” Gabriel put the clipboard back to where he found it and soon he and Jax was joined by Christian. The smell of coffee filled the room and he looked at the cup in the other healer’s hand. Why didn’t he think of getting some? “I’m so bored out of my mind, I am down with anything. What are we playing?” He straightened up in his seat, looking a bit more alive already.
Posted 13 August 2020 - 09:06 AM
Posted 13 August 2020 - 11:32 AM
It was rather unsettling, actually—having such peace in a perpetually chaotic place. The silence was quite deafening yet also welcome. Especially down at the Emergency Ward, every time it was categorically serene is good. It was in every healer's prayer that it stays that way. Right now, Christian basked in that utter calm and nursed his coffee with a quiet sort of satisfaction as he walked in the waiting room. There was Gabriel, who had been a pain in his ass back when he worked in Durmstrang. The guy's a Junior Healer… and is now officially his colleague. There was also another man—a security wizard he recognised is named Jax. They were talking about 'the calm before the storm' and he merely sighed. Christian used to work in the Emergency Ward. "It's always that way here, always a storm waiting but you never know when it strikes," he shared then shrugged. He needed to remember everyone's not as conducive to saturnine musings as he was.
He plopped down on one of the cheery yellow plastic chairs (which, if you asked him, didn't fit in at the waiting room) and let them converse about Quidditch. Christian was not a fan of the sport, he really didn't follow it so he really didn't care who won or lost. What matters is that they were benefitting off it. Christian took a long drag of his coffee as the other two men deliberated his offer to play cards; and both ended up agreeing. He reached in his pocket to draw out his wand then cast a quick summoning spell to get a pack of cards. So… what game? "Go Fish?" he suggested, shrugging and drinking some more coffee.
Posted 13 August 2020 - 12:36 PM
“Isn’t that what we all wish for?” Gabriel replied with a chuckle. He really hopes that he was just saying words just for the sake of saying words but he has this nagging voice in his head that was kind of prophetic. The kinds that makes a dark gloomy sky part in one area and a ray of light comes from it kind of prophetic. He shut that down quickly because he doesn’t want to prematurely worry about anything. They have free time and they should enjoy it while it lasts because once the bosses are back, they will have to find things to keep them busy. He was wondering how the game was doing. He isn’t that avid of a fan but he appreciates the sport. Jax had asked him what team he was rooting for and he didn’t have to think about it. “The Bats, of course. I am friends with one of the chasers.” He considers Astrid as a friend. Whether she considers him a friend was another different topic.
Cavanaugh was his mentor back in Durmstrang and as much as he hated to admit it, he had spent so many hours alone with this guy and he did helped Gabriel out a lot when it comes to deciding whether healing was something he wanted to do for an extended period of time. He pointed out that Gabby was technically right but it was all about timing and he had to agree. “Well, let’s just hope that the storm doesn’t come tonight when we are severely understaffed.” Who’s idea was it to send half the healers to the game? Jax had offered to grab some coffee for him too since he was going to get some for himself. He nodded his head. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’ll take mine black. Thank you, Jax.” The guy was nice for a man who has his built. Compared to him, Jax was definitely buffer. No wonder he’s one of the security wizards. “I’m down with Go Fish. You deal,” he told Christian.
Posted 13 August 2020 - 05:55 PM
Posted 14 August 2020 - 01:40 AM
Jax's curiosity about healing drew off him a faint little smile. "You should try giving it a go," he encouraged. "We can always use more hands around here—or you can always go for some first aid. It pays to at least know that." Christian actually started his way toward this career path through that. Glancing back toward Gabriel, he nodded at the sentiments expressed. "We are, but we'll deal with it when it comes… as we always had." He's already gone through so many different challenges working here and they've always managed to weather through. There's always, unfortunately, some collateral damage; it was the way things work. And Christian already sent enough bodies down at the morgue to accept that that was the way of the world.
The pack of playing cards that he summoned has promptly landed on his outstretched hands. He slipped his wand back on its holster as one of the men got up to prepare more coffee. Meanwhile, Christian unboxed the cards and prepared for the game. "I'll play dealer," he said as he shuffled then cut the deck a couple of times, and then started distributing cards in three sets until they've got seven each. Some more shuffling and cutting and then, on one of the empty chairs, he placed the remaining cards facing down. Then Jax returned with two more coffee cups. "We're playing Go Fish," he answered. "Who wants to go first?"
Posted 15 August 2020 - 01:04 AM
[Jax told me I could join ]
It was her first week as a healer with St. Mungo's and she was still in the process of transferring all her belongings from France to UK. And on top of that, she had been assigned the emergency ward duty in her first week itself. As Aura looked around the rather empty hospital, she was left wondering what was even the urgency of assigning her emergency duty in the first week itself. Not like she was needed anyways. She could have just spent the time setting up her home or something, because staying in a hotel was no fun.
It was pretty late at night, and the quidditch finals were already underway. While Aura had been sure she would attend the finals herself, she had been unable to get the tickets and had sorta hoped to find a broadcasting television or something in the hospital. In most muggle hospitals, they generally were present in the waiting room and as she reached that area, she could see a group of people..playing cards? Is it that slow a night, that healers are now playing cards. Interesting. Walking closer, she took a sip of the coffee in her hands. "Hey, any idea of the finale scores?" She asked the group, finally reaching the three guys as they just finished dealing. "Don't we have a broadcast here somewhere?"
Posted 16 August 2020 - 04:19 AM
Bad news travelled fast. Way too fast. The explosion had happened in the UK and had arrived to Aitutaki just a couple minutes after, all newspapers and wizarding radio stations shifting to what had happened at the Ballycastle Bats Stadium. Call it a coincidence or faith, but Franky had been inside her house, helping her mom with some teaching material for the last week of summer classes she taught. They were listening to music when the song was interrupted to break the news. She was so very far, but knowing Mason had attended that game, she lost it. The newspapers and locutors couldn't agree, as some confirmed the entirety of the stadium had been bombarded, while others spoke of an attempt against the british Minister of Magic. Franky just couldn't sit down and wait to hear from Mace, mostly since she knew he had lied to his family, and it downed on her she was the only person who knew he had gone to that game. It took her parents some time to calm her down as she wasn't thinking straight and wanted to leave without thinking things through, but they finally managed to get her a portkey the Maori and other people that lived on an island used to travel to specific parts on the world and countries that considerably shortened the distance. Franky was seventeen already, so she was allowed to go on her own. She had arrived in the designed area and, for her good luck, she wouldn't need to spend an awful amount of time travelling by the Floo Network, airplane and train to get to the UK, and she took this a sign of Mason being safe. She needed to stay positive to think clearly. With the amount of people who had attended the match from around the world, the different Ministries had decided to create and allow several portkeys that would take family to St. Mungo's, and she didn't lose time.
The explosion had happened around an hour ago, and she had arrived to a busy hospital, crowded with Healers and people waiting to hear about the ones who had been injured. Franky made it directly to the Welcome Witches, or any other Healer really, feeling a bit dizzy from the portkey and from her worry. "I need to know if a person was brought here from the Bats Stadium. His name is Mason Conway... brunette, tall, with a Maori tattoo on his arm." Her face was red as she tried to fight her tears, but the worry was killing her. "He's seventeen, brown eyes... Mason Conway, british. Grindylow for the Camp Avalon and a Slytherin. His parents don't know he was in the match." Franky made sure to give all of the information she could think of, practically holding her breath as she awaited for an answer.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 07:59 AM
Posted 16 August 2020 - 08:18 AM
The night had been way too hectic for everyone. In fact, she had not been able to catch a break and the slew of patients was still not stopping. Any time she got done with one, she would rush over to the triage room to check up on another one who had just been brought in. There were few very critical cases that were already known to the emergency healers, because even though they were in recovery they had to be checked up on very often to see if they were recovering or not. She had a feeling some of them would make their way to the long term spell damage ward, and it was certainly not a good thing. Such bright witches and wizards, who had just gone out for a night of fun.
Aura had gone out to get a shot of coffee before she had to jump back in. It was then at the welcome desk, she saw a young girl (Francoise) almost tearful as she asked for details from the welcome witch. Her face was red from crying and it seemed like she would pass out because of the stress. Picking a glass of water from the coffee dispenser, Aura was by her side immediately, giving a nod to the frazzled welcome witch as if to say that she would take care of this. "Here.. have some. Calm down, else you wont be of any help to your friend." She added in a calming tone, and handed over the cup. "Mason Conway you say?" She picked up the roster that they had, searching for the name, and checking for his status after finding it. Her lips pursed. It had been a critical surgery as well for this young man and she wasn't sure how much she should tell to someone who wasn't family, and was already pressured. "He had a surgery, there was some internal bleeding. He is currently being transferred to the recovery room. We would need to possibly keep him there for some time." She regarded the girl with kind eyes. "Take a seat. You can visit him once he is stable and in the recovery room okay? The welcome witch will let you know." The welcome witch nodded in response, and giving a smile to the young girl, Aura placed the file back where it was and headed back inside.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 06:22 PM
As Lucy paced the waiting room, really starting to feel her heart thud in her chest like it might just explode, another face surfaced in her mind. Don. How had she forgotten he was there at the stadium? What was more, she had no idea where he had been sitting... whether he was close to the blast zone or not. She stopped pacing and stood with her hands in fists, her eyes wide. She rushed over to the reception and asked them if anyone named Selwyn had been brought in. The reception said no and she turned in relief to walk back into the waiting room, but that didn't completely calm her nerves. She wanted to go back to the stadium to look for him, just to be certain, but also knew she couldn't leave the waiting room because she needed to be there when Zoey came to. Besides, she didn't have her wand so she couldn't disapparate. Sighing in frustration, Lucy finally collapsed into a chair and held her head in her hands, bent over and trying to remain as calm and collected as she could.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 06:44 PM
Carina arrived to St. Mungo's, dirty and dissheveled but otherwise fine. She'd flown around looking for Lavi, but hadn't been able to spot her. She hoped to sweet Merlin that Al's twin had just left the premises and hadn't been completely buried in the wreckage. Alaric had been carried off by a Healer a while ago, and with nowhere else to go, she wanted to check up on him. She'd apparated with her broom and everything, still in uniform as she wandered between people to the waiting room. It sounded chaotic out there, and she certainly didn't envy all those Healers right now. Rubbing off her forehead with the back of her dusty hand, she pinpointed those who looked to be Healers. "Excuse me," she said, coming up to one of them. "Do you know if an Alaric Byrne was brought in? Is he...okay? And do you know if his twin has been here? Her name's Lavinia Byrne." She hoped for answers, though she knew she was unlikely to get any.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 08:19 PM
Posted 16 August 2020 - 08:26 PM
Posted 16 August 2020 - 08:46 PM
Posted 17 August 2020 - 12:28 AM
Please, let him be alright, please... She hoped they would say they didn't have anyone with that name and with those characteristics, that he had been able to leave the stadium unscathered. Franky fidgeted with her fingers as she awaited for the welcome witch to answer, but was soon approached by a Healer who had offered her a glass of water. She forced a smile her way, so grateful for the gesture, but she wanted answers. Her mouth and throat were dry, and ended up taking long chugs of the cool liquid. The woman was right, and she simply nodded, promptly cleaning a falling tear from her cheek. As she was told Mace's name for her to confirm, Franky felt a pang in her chest, nodding again. "Y-yes," please, tell me he isn't here, tell me he isn't injured... Learning he had had surgery, she pursed her lips in attempts to not cry but it was inevitable. Internal bleeding sounded too gruesome, and she was utterly worried about him. She covered her mouth and sobbed in silence. He had gone through the surgery without any complications, but just picturing him all by himself, with eyes closed and connected to some apparatus, well, it broke her heart. The Healer told her she would be able to come see him, and she swallowed hard, taking slow and deep breaths. "Thank you, really." She needed, really needed to see him, and wanted to be there with him, next to his bed, holding his hand if possible. Franky didn't know the extent of his injuries, but they had to be severe if he had required surgery. The girl murmured a thank you to the welcome witch and watched as the Healer walked back inside, running her fingers through her hair out of frustration and worry. She searched the area for an empty seat as it was filling in rather quickly, and hugged herself, her eyes set on the magical screen that showed the names of those who had arrived, and those who were in the operation room. Franky wasn't the most patient ever, and was already thinking of ways to break into his room, not the smartest choice, though. What she did know was that she'd wait and stay there for as long as she needed to.
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