Operating Room One
Please only RP here after being assigned a healer
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Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:23 PM
Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:37 PM
Everything had sort of become a blur and was fighting everything in her to stay awake for the sake of her baby. The whole time she cradled her bump, her tears now long dry but felt a deep sense of sadness, though with Ailsa's empathy it had helped her greatly in staying much more calm than she would be without it. She was immediately rushed from triage to one of the operating rooms and looked up at Ace with worry and shook her head, "No...no Ace, b-but she's not ready yet." She pleaded with him but he gave her a reassuring smile and gaze and once she was escorted to the room, she lay down and kept shaking her head adamantly. "Flora, no...Amara isn't ready. Not yet." Her voice dripped with fear but there wasn't much that could be done now that she was dilated and searched for Ace's hand as she tried her best to push, despite all the blood loss and wooziness, but it was to no avail. It had taken so much out of her to push the couple times she did and let out a frustrated cry, "I....can't!"
Edited by Cassandra Vandale, 15 August 2020 - 08:38 PM.
Posted 15 August 2020 - 08:55 PM
To say he was losing his shit was putting it mildly. Ace had gone into full on panic mode. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't understand what was going on and worst of all, he felt like he had completely let the situation get out of control. His mind was racing and his heart was beating so hard against his chest that he felt like it was going to jump out of his mouth. Cass was bleeding. She was bleeding from between her legs and Ace knew that wasn't good. Their little baby girl was in trouble. His wife was in trouble and he was so afraid of having to make the worst choice of it all. Ace was still up and about. His adrenaline had kept him in good shape for now and his body was unaware of his injuries. Not that he would have cared about that right now. He only cared about them both, and yet he couldn't help but think to himself of the impossible situation he would have to face if things got worse.
Ace grabbed Cass' hand as she was rushed in for a cesarean. "Shh. It will be okay," he said as calmly as he could. "She is just a little early. I guess she couldn't wait to meet us. She's going to be fine, hun." As he caught up with her, Ace looked up at the healer with the most pleading eyes. If it came down to it, he would choose his wife. Save her. And he wanted to tell Flora that, but somehow, somehow he couldn't. He just couldn't say it out loud because saying it out loud would make it all true and it would mean that he truly failed his baby. But how could he not choose Cassandra above all things. Ace felt a lump on his throat like he was going to throw up but kept it in. "Yes, you can babe," he said. "You're the strongest woman I know. You can do this. I'll be here. Hey, just look at me. I'm here."
Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:06 PM
Flora was able to quickly ascertain that Cassandra would not be able to complete a vaginal birth. Since the baby wasn't in the birth canal just yet, she knew it would be safer to do a cesarean. "Okay, Cassandra, it's okay. Just breathe. Your baby will be fine, you just need to try to stay calm for the baby." Flora looked at Ace and said, "I need to try to keep her conscious for this, okay?" Flora quickly prepared for the cesarean and readied Cassandra too. She applied a special topical potion to Cassandra's skin where she would make the incision, thus numbing it, and then used the spell to make the incision. Lots of medical terminology later, Flora could see the baby and she carefully removed her from the womb, ushering Ace to sever the umbilical chord. Once that was tended to, Flora tilted the baby and cleared out her airway and a moment later, the baby sucked in a breath and let out a strangled cry of the typical newborn baby, but Flora knew the infant would need immediate care as well. She was small and clearly premature. A fellow healer had come in to assist with the birth and took the baby to be tended to while Flora patched up Cassandra's cesarean. Several more medical terms later, and Flora said, "We're going to move her to another room for recovery. Your daughter needs care before you can see her, I'm sorry Ace, but she's going to be okay. I know it's hard, but be patient and keep your wife comfortable. Another healer will tend to your head, okay?" Flora had heard that another woman had gone into labor and needed her attention now.
Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:41 PM
This wasn't part of the plan. No. No. NO! She didn't even have her to-go bag ready. The nursery wasn't even done and hadn't finished decorating. She still had two more months to go and felt her heart rate increase and her breathing quicken all over again. This was happening whether or not she was ready for it. The baby was on her way. Ace's words didn't bring her any comfort. Instead it highlighted the worries she was already drowning in and kept shaking her head adamantly at them both. Why couldn't something else be done. She felt she had lost complete control of her own body and whimpered out as the pain below her belly became unbearably sharp. She had tried her best to push, but it was too much to handle on her body and felt her eyelids grow heavy and began to gain little control of her neck and rested her head back on the hospital bed. "Ace I'm sleepy. Take care of Amara." She told him weakly but after Flora's instructions of keeping her conscious, he was doing everything in his power to keep her awake. Cass was trying her best and every single time she started to close her eyes Ace was quick to keep her awake, telling her how strong willed she was and that she needed to just stay awake a little longer. She pleaded with him, telling him that she just needed a nap, but he wouldn't let her. In all of this Flora had performed a C section- Cass going in and out of it, but forced herself to focus as Ace stepped away to cut the umbilical cord. For the longest all she heard was silence and felt her heart break in two but then felt a HUGE sense of relief as she heard her crying. After that everything else sort of went black. She had cried! Her baby was alive and that gave her the strength for her body to fight all the trauma she had endured and passed out.
Posted 15 August 2020 - 09:47 PM
Flora knew this was a lot for Cassandra's body to handle, but she had gotten through it like a trooper. She tended to Cassandra's other medical needs and though the woman passed out, she knew she would be okay and so would her baby. It was scary and it would take time, but they would get through it. She urged her assistant healer to wheel Cassandra into the recovery room because she had another patient to tend to. The hospital was on high alert with patients flooding in.
[Operating room free to use for next patient]
Posted 16 August 2020 - 01:23 AM
Treating RED #4 Alaric Severus Byrne
The situation was terse as Aurelie walked into the operating room. While she was new to the hospital, she wasn't new to healing and had treated far worse cases that what she was witnessing right now. That still didn't help the minor panic that she felt set in as she saw a room full of unknown people and a patient who was possibly dying if not treated on time. How fragile was life, truly.
"Get the bruise-healing paste..and check the body for points of burn. Let's start solving that immediately.." She added to the one nurse who was there to assist her. The hospital was at full capacity at the moment and the beds were falling short. So were the healers and nurses. She had a mandate to not use more than 15 minutes and wrap up the surgery within that time because another patient might be incoming soon. He had been very close to the blast it seemed, and had fallen from his broom. Which warranted internal bleeding. Which required immediate attention, if yes. Hovering her wand over his body, she cast the spell. "Videre Internus.." A hologram appeared for her to check all the arteries and the internal bleeding. Her wand moved from one end of the body to another, carefully checking for red areas - that would be mean possible fatality zones - but mostly the broken bones and the dislocated bones came up. He truly had a terrible fall, but nothing in the body seemed to indicate anything serious. Now for the tough part. Casting the same spell over his brain, she gave a soft gasp as she saw the damage and the fluid that was already filling inside with alarming velocity. "Get a blood transfusion on him. Asap." The blood pressure was also falling with a great speed.
"CODE RED..CODE RED..Stabilize the pressure!" Positioning herself over his head, she didn't waste much time as she used her wand to cut through his head. The anesthesia had been administered minutes before. Making incision from her wand into the cranium was a bit tough, but just as the top part of the cranium was removed blood splurged out. "Strong signs of acute intracranial bleeding, the damage seems to be pretty internal to the brain. Get him on the ventilator." Her eyes were oscillating between the surgery at hand and the stats, and the stats didn't look good. Alaric was losing blood fast, and his heart rate was not stabilizing. Nor was his breathing. His body might as well go into shock any moment, and a septic shock at this time would be fatal. Sucking in a breath, she used her wand to clean out the blood and placed a siphoning instrument inside the brain, so that it could remove all the blood that was pooling in. They couldn't cut open the brain, and hence she had to place the hologram spell on him to get a live view of his brain as she used her instruments to probe as gingerly as possible from the opening that she had. It was very dangerous, because a wrong touch anywhere, or maybe a hard poke somewhere else would lead to permanent damage. And death. There was significant damage already, especially in the areas that accounted for memory retention. Now, if this was going to be a permanent damage or temporary one required more closer look; but she had to solve immediately whatever was possible to keep him alive. Finally having her equipment reach the required area, Aura sent the healing spell via it into the internal part of the brain, so that the vessels were repaired and were no longer open. Another siphoning movement, and the internal part of the brain was blood free. "How are we on the blood pressure? Stable?" After getting a nod from the nurse, she assessed the damage, but it wasn't solvable immediately. In fact, they will have to see if the brain comes in its normal form by the end of the day to do some other treatments.
Falling back, she made quick work of taking out the instruments, and stitching up the required parts. Placing back the part of the cranium, she made sure to align it properly before moving back and removing her surgical mask. This was a gruesome surgery. "Clean up, please. And tend to the broken bones." She made quick work of popping his dislocated shoulder back in place, as the nurse helped place a splint. "Brackium emendo.." She repeated multiple times, directing the wand towards the required areas. There was a knock on the door, apparently another patient was already waiting. Nodding, Aura cleared herself off, disposed her surgical mask and gown before heading him. "Take him to the recovery room, the ventilator is not to be removed for the night. This is a critical case." With a final nod, she headed out to the triage area to see who all she could grab.
- Alaric, you're being transferred here. Please post your next post there -
[Operating room free to use for next patient]
Posted 16 August 2020 - 04:08 AM
Treating RED #1 Fallon Steelgrave
The moment that Jared entered the Operating room, the Junior Healers had started working on connecting the minister to various monitoring apparatus they have in the hospital. He, on the other hand, immediately went to the disinfection station on the other side of the room and made sure that there are no traces left of the dust and soot from the explosion in his hands and arms. He put on protective gear for his hair and a face mask before putting his gloves on and disinfecting that too. Assuming that JC was already done with his pre-operation procedures, "We will start with the metal on her leg." Jared waved his hand above the area to closely examine it and check if it was safe to remove the metal. "Monitor her blood pressure and prepare blood replenishing potions." Jared looked closely. "Videre Internus." The greenish holographic representation of the Minister’s leg was clear and he tried to locate each major veins and arteries as well as the in and exit wounds to make sure he can do this procedure as safely as possible. After a quick but thorough inspection, he was able to conclude that there were no arteries and veins in the way but the metal was in contact with the bone. "We are clear to remove the metal but it’s right beside the bone. Can’t pull it out. I will need to vanish it. JC, get ready with Essence of Dittany once I get rid of this metal." Just like earlier at the pitch, Jared grabbed hold of the metal with is wand hand. "Evanesco." One moment, the metal was there, and the next, it was gone. "Now!" He put pressure around the wound on her leg as blood started pooling slowly. There were no severed arteries but there are small ones that was causing the bleeding so all he can do right now was put pressure around the area to help with the bleeding before JC can work on closing the wounds.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 05:19 AM
His zest and optimism for this job didn’t change a bit even after many years of working in a Hospital. If possible, his dedication and engagement to help other people became stronger through the years. He even applied for Advance training program since he wanted to have more exposure and knowledge in surgery. He likes asking people around about what they know in surgery, making himself useful and took every opportunity available to improve his skills. JC would like to say he’s good at what he does, and he has all the right intentions while doing his job but of course there’s always room for improvement and that’s okay, his quench for knowledge and experience in this field will never change. He loves his job and his ambition did not waver. He even writes down his story as an important part of his healing experience. It’s like therapy for him. This is going to be a danse macabre, his and Jared’s skills will be tested in this complicated operation.
Having finished his pre-operations procedures, the Junior Healer informed them that Operating Room #1 is available and ready for the patient. JC nodded and looked at Jared without saying anything. He was given his hair protective gear and face mask before he went inside the room. As he requested from the emergency section, the IV fluids and blood replenishing potion were already provided along with several potions on the nearby table. The other junior healers helped him with attaching the IV fluids. Someone disinfected the skin of the Minister over the injection site, he leaned down to locate the vein and then he inserted the tube into it. He then adjusted the IV to set the correct flow. He turned to the Junior Healer to record the initial stats and to continue doing so regularly. This fluid will help the Minister combat any infections due to her injuries while they’re attending to her needs. Once he’s finished, Jared asked him to monitor the blood pressure. JC nodded and grabbed their record prepared for the Minister. He took note of the initial blood pressure and then prepared the blood replenishing potion and added it to fluid bag which is attached to the Minister. I’ve added the potion to the IV. The rate this potion will drop will be controlled and regulated together with the other fluid to avoid any complications.
He finished it just in time to see the hologram of the Minister’s impaled leg. He breathed a sigh of relief when Jared said they can remove the metal which means there was no damaged veins. He nodded and snatched the essence of dittany from the table. Whenever you’re ready. As soon as the other Healer removed the metal, JC poured few drops of essence into the affected area. A green smoke puffed upwards as the potion worked its magic to heal the wound in an accelerated rate. It’s starting to regrow the skin over the wound. Leave this to me, I’ll put it in a bandage, we still have to assess the spinal fracture..
Posted 16 August 2020 - 07:50 AM
Jared was putting pressure on the area around the Minister’s leg wound. He did not move his hands from it until the bleeding stopped and the wound closed up, the tissues regenerating by themselves. It left a pink mark where the puncture wound was and that was something they can check off their list of things to work on. "Great work." he told JC as he took over the leg injury. Once he was done bandaging the leg, he asked the junior healers to help him out with the minister. "We need to turn her over. Mobilicorpus." Jared waved is hand again and levitated the minister’s unconscious body and have the other junior healers assisting them turn her around before he lowered her back down again. Her back was now exposed and the bright light trained on the operating table helped him see.
With the minister’s back exposed, put his hand over her spine again to carefully check each vertebra to find which ones are fractured. "Videre Internus." He looked at each vertebrae closely until he found the ones that needs attention. He counted in his head. One… Two… Three… after passing through each vertebrae, his dread was getting worse. Four… Five… Five vertebrae are broken. With a grim expression, he turned to look at JC again and. "Five. We need general anesthesia." Jared moved towards the minister’s head and made sure the tube that was in her mouth to help her breathing was properly in place. They are lucky the fractured parts of her spine were not in the cervical region. "Three in the thoracic and two lumbar. Get Skelegro for the operation." Jared grabbed the long hollow instruments needed for the procedure and made sure that everything he needed were in place. He took the lead on the operation. "JC, I need you to use videre internus while I am operating on the minister. I need to be able to see what I am working on." JC was already one of the department heads but Jared has been a healer for longer than he was. Anyways, they can always switch whenever needed. There’s too much to cover when it comes to the operation.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 09:26 AM
JC thought he had already adapted to the fast-paced and stressful environment which the emergency section brought to hospital staff, but seeing the Minister’s condition reminded him every day is different and there’s no same condition when it comes to their patients. Life-threatening decisions, highly taxing circumstances and moral impasses are all part of this environment which JC is familiar by now but despite this harsh reality, he still had chosen to work within this environment and he wouldn’t have it any other way. All of them always try to provide the quality care that their patients truly deserve despite how dire the situation is. By necessity, critically ill patients are linked to variety of negative feelings such as helplessness due to their severe ailment and compromised body function like what happened to the Minister now. JC briefly glanced at her face before focusing on the bandage. He tapped the Minister’s affected leg with his wand and muttered Ferula. Bandages rolled around her leg, strapping it firmly to a splint. It will also ease the pain.
Once he’s done with that, he helped Jared and the Junior Healers to turn the Minister over so they can finally focus on the most complicated issue. He went to Jared’s side as soon as the man used the hologram spell to see the extent of the issue in her spinal. He didn’t even know he's holding his breath while Jared was making his assessment and when he finally told him the impact, he was shocked. 5 Vertebrae… he breathed out. She will need body brace after this. Poor woman she will need to use that for few months. The lumbar bears most of the body’s weight and it helps with flexibility. JC can’t imagine what else the Minister will need to endure if ever she will overcome this surgery. He nodded at Jared, his expression serious as he turned around to prepare the Draught of the Living Death to put the Minister into deep sleep while they’re operating on her spinal cord. He also added it to the IV since they can't administer it via consumption. One of the Junior Healers gave him the Skelegro in preparation for the operation. He put in a phial large enough for the required amount to fix the fractured vertebra. He put the phial beside Jared and nodded once again when the man indicated he will perform the complicated procedure while he assists by showing the parts he needs. We do this one vertebra after the other. He tapped the wand on her back, Videre Internus! He motioned for Jared to start the operation. One of the Junior Healers fixed the lighting and focused it on the Minister’s back. The other one wiped the sweat off his and Jared’s faces. This is going to be a slow and difficult feat both of them would need to endure.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 12:04 PM
Jared has been a healer for a very long time now. He had treated an immeasurable number of people of all ages. Yet, he was never this nervous before. He had done the same procedure a couple of times and he knew that the survival rate is very high. In fact, the patient was only held down for a night for monitoring and for the skelegro to do its magic and they can be discharged the very next day. This time, there are several. He agreed with JC and his statement. "That’s the least of our worries for now." Though it was true that the minister will need to be in back braces for month after this procedure, it was for the best and for her healing. Rushing this operation and recovery won’t do anything good for them or the minister. Everything that he needed was by his side. This is literally a life and death situation and that life was in his hands. Jared took a deep breath and went to work. "Keep monitoring her blood pressure and breathing. Any changes, let me know immediately." He told the junior healers in the room with them and they all nodded. "Once I retracted the needle, close the wound immediately with dittany." he barked his last orders before going ahead with the operation. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the scalpel and made two incision on the minister’s back. JC was already helping him out by getting the spell going while he does the procedure. He could clearly see the vertebra that needs to be worked on. Grabbing the instrument for it, he inserted the narrow tube in the incision and into the bone. Jared kept a close eye on the spine and the needle to make sure he was deep enough to proceed to the next step. The soft porous inside of the bone was easy to penetrate but the bone was fractured so after making space inside the bone to fix it and injected skelegro into the bone directly. The potion should act like a glue as well as a filler in the bone to give it more structural integrity. They can’t heal the bone itself. They can only help it to heal itself over time. Jared watched as the potion filled the cavity inside the bone and carefully extracted the needles from her back. "Close the wound." One of the junior healers went and put some drops of the essence of dittany on the two incisions. The small wound healed almost instantly and he watched on the hologram as the bone started healing itself. It was very minimal but he had done this before and it was the subtle changes on the bone structure than tells him it was working. That was the first fractured Lumbar bone and he moved on to the next. "Move here," he pointed to its location. Once he got a good view of the vertebra, Jared went back to work with doing the incisions, putting the needle in and injecting the potion into the bone to fill it up and let it heal itself. It felt like an eternity for Jared as he worked on the minister’s spine, but in reality, only a couple of minutes have passed. Soon, he was on the last one. Putting incision on her back one last time, he put the needle in and in through the bone and filled it up with the potion. He retracted the needle and the wound was closed up. Jared was profusely sweating by now and one of the junior healers wiped the sweat off his face to avoid contaminating his hands. "How’s the blood pressure and heart rate?" One junior healer reported that the minister’s vitals are strong and she is in good shape. All she needs is some rest. Now, they have one more problem here, which was the head injury. He looked at JC and let him check on the head wound again as Jared pressed his hand gently down the minister’s spine to make sure that everything is aligned properly.
Posted 17 August 2020 - 12:59 AM
JC’s wand moved across the Minister’s back to provide them the images or pictures of the woman’s spinal cord whilst Jared performed the incision to fix and inject the skelegro. Further instructions were provided to the Junior Healers who were assisting them with the operation, JC smiled to the young healers, appreciating their efforts and professionalism in the midst of this gruelling procedure. Everyone knows what they need to do based on what he and Jared requested them to do and without their help, this wouldn’t have progressed well. He was just watching the image before them as Jared fill in the damaged vertebra with the skelegro. It’ll usually take 12 hours before it can repair or regrow the damaged bone. When they finally reached the last one, JC watched as the other healer finally withdrew the needle followed closely by essence of dittany to close the slit. He took a deep breath and smiled at Jared, You did it, great job. He ran his wand along her back again to make sure everything’s been filled while Jared was talking the Junior Healers about the Minister’s stats. One last thing before they end this, JC’s wand went to the Minister’s head to check the head injury. There’s no visible sign of injury in her head, but the interior might be different. He paused and check the upper part of her head. She has contusion. JC declared when he noticed bleeding and swelling of the brain. He motioned for the Junior Healer to give him the Deflating Draught potion which they will need to add to the Minister’s IV. JC added that to the tube and then gave further instructions to the healers in the room. Continue to give her the potion and monitor the swelling in her brain. We’ll examine her again tomorrow to check the progress or issues which may have occurred overnight. While explaining that to them, he’s writing everything in the patient’s record, adding all the potions given and the operations performed for record-keeping and reference. He then give the document to the one of the Junior Healers, Any issues, big or small, call me or Jared ASAP. Understood? I'll be checking with you regularly. They all nodded at him in understanding. Please transfer her to the recovery room now. Once you did, can you please put neck brace on her. JC then looked at Jared, Nice work, I think we’re done here…..for now. He gave a curt nod to the man as he went out of the operating room. Now he can finally breathe and get himself a cup of steaming tea. He needs a freaking break.
-OR#1 available for the next patient-
Posted 20 August 2020 - 09:56 PM
[Treating Orange # 4 Levi Amherst]
Ailsa takes just a little moment to be starstruck by the OR as she walks in after washing up and changing into different Healer robes. Relatively new to St. Mungo’s, she typically only got to observe on surgeries. Luckily for her, her patient didn’t appear to have internal issues, so she received a pass on conducting the procedure herself, with the promise that if she needed extra help, she’d tag in a more experienced healer. She would, too, because hello, she still wants to keep her job. Ailsa rolls her shoulders and with a nod to the healer keeping an eye on her patient’s vital signs, breathing, and anesthesia, turns to her patient. Hang a blood-replenishing potion for him please. Videre Internus. She says, with a slight movement of her wand and a holographic display appears, and she grasps the greenish screen to start moving it down the man’s body. She remembers his hearing loss from the field, but a glance at the screen proves there’s nothing serious there. Maybe slight damage to the ear drums, but both are still intact. She casts an Episkey on both ears to knit up the help along the healing. Internally the man looks okay, she notes to herself, despite the second degree burns. Ailsa leaves the display floating for a moment and holds out her hand to one of the nurses. Burn healing paste. A container is placed in her hand, and she liberally applies the orange paste to the man’s right side with an applicator. That done, she hands both back to her nurse and grabs up the display once more. Clear for the rest of his body until that left leg. Ailsa frowns at it and waves her wand letting the display disappear as it had confirmed what she already knew. The man’s leg was an absolute mess of meat and bones. Half speaking to herself and half to the unconscious man, she muses out loud. Absolutely trashed. No use bothering with Brackium Emendo. The bones wouldn’t even know where to go. If we were muggles, I’d amputate it and prescribe you a prosthetic. But oh no, have to sort you. She scrunches up her face a moment in thought before reaching down and patting the very top of his left leg where his leg meets his pelvis. Intact. Good, and you proved you have nerve connection. Ailsa reaches down and feels the man’s foot and nods to herself. Pulse. Okay, so fine you’ve gone and proven you should keep it. But no femur,, patella, tibia, or fibula is nothing to scoff at. She nods again to herself, making a decision and gestures over the nurse to help. We are going to remove the shards of bone and close up the leg. Can give him Skele-Gro to regrow the bones back. It’ll hurt like a bitch and take time, but it’s better than no leg. With that, Ailsa gets to work with help from the nurse, some forceps, and an almost constant use of Tergeo. It takes time and several uses of the internal display spell to make sure they’ve gotten all the shards. When that’s done, she applies Essence of Dittany to close the wound and Essence of Murtlap over the top to prevent infection. Ferula. Ailsa says and uses the produced bandage to wrap the leg and splint to hold the leg in place while it healed back its bones. Please wheel him to recovery and start him on a drip of Skele-Gro. Let me know when he's awake. That order issued, she leaves to go clean herself up and check to see if anyone needed assistance in ED intake. She'd check on him later.
-OR#1 available for the next patient-
Posted 19 January 2021 - 08:51 AM
One moment, Tally was chasing down a wizard and casting spells to get them and the next thing she knew she was waking up on the ground with a throbbing headache. She hadn't got a clue how she managed to end up down there but landing on solid concrete wasn't exactly her idea of good job performance, it was quite the opposite and Lulah continued scolding herself as she slowly got back onto her feet and felt pretty woozy. There was just no-way she could go home and take care of her son when she was in this state, let alone try and make a coherent sentence and report for her boss over what happened. She was still trying to prove herself and now she felt like a complete muppet!
Knowing that feeling like this in the middle of an alley way in some backwater town in Northern England, she did the smart thing and apparated to St. Mungo's to get herself sorted out.
Getting carefully settled into a room, the Ministry Worker was given a bowl to be on the safe-side and was told not to close her eyes and fall asleep. No matter how much she wanted too, or how comfortable the bed she was sitting on looked...
Edited by Official Tallulah Brimstone, 19 January 2021 - 08:53 AM.
Posted 18 January 2022 - 12:58 AM
Okay, so sometimes you are having waaaay too much fun on stage and you kind of forget where everything is and... that's what happened to Jeff. He was playing the guitar, and dancing all excited, and all of a sudden the stage ended and down he went, along with the guitar, whatever was tangled there, and then the stage was kind of floating over the people who, BY THE WAY, after the shock, decided to have a piece of him before security came to pull him out. By then, his leg was broken. He knew the leg was broken because his foot was kind of twisted all the way around and that was not normal.
So, was he in pain? Heck yeah. Was he going to let a little bitty thing like pain make him weep like a little girl? Heck yeah, if no one gave him something for that pain soon, yes he was!
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