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Adding Moderators To Forums Doesn't Work [Acp]

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#1 OFFLINE   Prof. Alaina Balthazar

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Posted 02 December 2016 - 01:05 PM

I'm surprised no one's ever posted a ticket about this.


Description of Issue/Error: When adding moderators to a forum, I received a fatal error in the Admin Control Panel. When I go back and refresh, it says I've successfully added the moderator - the person's name is shown there. However, this doesn't translate to the forum itself. In my case, I was trying to add Prof. Maeve Marlowe to be the moderator of the School Contests forum in the Hogwarts library. The fatal error occurred, I went back and refreshed, and it shows that she's now a moderator. When you go to the school contests forum, it does not show her as a moderator; it shows Prof. Ryland Mrotek, a previous librarian, as moderator. This person isn't listed in ACP as one of the mods. And in the end, despite what ACP shows, Maeve does not receive mod power.


Adding the Hogwarts Staff secondary group, which already had mod powers prior to this happening, gave Maeve the mod powers she needed.


I'm told by Maeve's writer that they've had a similar problem with adding moderators to the Dark & Dangerous Creatures reserve in Sweden. I also think this has been an issue for months, so I was surprised no one posted a support ticket about it?


URL link of where issue/error occurred: It happened in ACP. Won't link to that for security purposes.


Your Browser: Chrome. I don't know what browsers others have had this problem in.


Screenshot of the error/issue:







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#2 OFFLINE   Aurora Hathaway

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Posted 02 December 2016 - 04:33 PM

I have had this issue ever since I have been able to assign Moderators. I was informed by a former Governor that when the site went through an issue with SQL Error, there was something that had disrupted the server. I was told that C would be able to look into it but I am unsure if he was able to do so.


HOWEVER, I did have a moment where I would assign a Moderator and a week later they would show up on both the Admin CP and the actual HO Forums so I guess it is just a time delay for a period of time.

I know this doesn't resolve the issue, but this is what I was informed of and I hope it can help! <3

#3 OFFLINE   Prof. Yves Drasche

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Posted 02 December 2016 - 04:39 PM

I've had this same issue and I did report it at the time, but the Fatal Error thing still appears. If you do a reload of the page it does the thing that you're doing. 


And the MOD thing doesn't work all the time. Sometimes it just doesn't happen -- It shows in the ACP forum that the person has MOD but in the forum it doesn't seem to work.



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