First Year
Charms and Spells:
Aguamenti (The Water-Making Spell)
Pronunciation: ag-wuh-MEN-tee
Color: Icy blue
Effect: Conjures a fountain or jet of clear water from the caster's wand.
Alohomora (The Unlocking Charm)
Pronunciation: al-LOH-ha-MOR-ah
Color: Invisible, blue, or yellow
Effect: Unlocks most locked objects.
Notes: Some things can be locked more permanently, making this spell useless on them.
Counterspell: see Anti-Unlocking Spell
Capillis (The Hair-Thickening Charm) ♣♣
Pronunciation: cuh-PILL-iss
Effect: Thickens the targets' hair.
Coloris Alterno
Pronunciation: kah-LOOR-ees ahl-TURN-oh
Effect: Changes an object's color to a single permanent color.
Counter: Invorto
Embros Spinthirakia ♣♣
Pronunciation: EHM-bros spin-theer-AHK-yah
Effect: Produces harmless firework-like sparks from your wand.
Notes: The fireworks do not shoot up into the air.
Pronunciation: ex-PELL-ee-ahr-muss
Color: Scarlet
Effect: Removes an object (often a wand) from the recipient's hand.
Frenonectio ♣♣
Pronunciation: freh-nih-NEK-tee-oh
Effect: Fastens someone's shoelaces together.
Hromalaxo ♣♣
Pronunciation: hro-muh-LOCK-so
Effect: Make something change color temporarily.
Hromamouallazei ♣♣
Pronunciation: hro-muh-moo-uh-LAHT-see
Effect: Make yourself change color temporarily.
Pronunciation: fih-NESS-truh
Effect: Shatters glass
Finite (The General Counterspell)
Pronunciation: fih-NEE-tay
Color: Red
Effect: Stops any current spells.
Notes: Cannot be used to stop “Stupefy” (see Renervate).
Lautus ♣♣
Pronunciation: LAO-tiss
Effect: Used to clean a pet, not causing the pet discomfort or harm.
Lumos (The Wand-Lighting Charm)
Pronunciaton: LOO-mohs
Color: White
Effect: Causes a small beam of white light to shine from the end of your wand.
Counter: Nox
Incendio (The Fire-Making Spell)
Pronunciation: in-SEHN-dee-oh
Effect: Starts a fire.
Note: According to Pottermore, one can use Incendio to create pretty blue flames, which can even be kept in a jar.
Spongify (The Softening Charm)
Pronunciation: SPUN-jif-eye
Effect: Makes an object softer, giving it a spongy texture.
Nox (The Wand-Extinguishing Charm)
Pronunciation: nocks
Effect: Extinguishes the light caused by Lumos
Notes: Counter to Lumos.
Virga Epistula ♣♣
Pronunciation: VER-guh ee-PIST-yew-lah
Effect: Shoots ribbons out of a wand that form letters, numbers, and words.
Wingardium Leviosa (The Levitation Charm)
Pronunciation: win-GAHR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sah
Effect: Makes an object fly with little control from the caster.
Jinxes and Curses:
Flipendo (The Knockback Jinx)
Pronunciation: flih-PEN-doh
Effect: Knocks people, objects, and creatures back
Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse or Body-Freezing Spell)
Pronunciation: peh-TRIH-fih-kuss toh-TAL-uss
Effect: Paralyzes the opponent.
Second Year
Charms and Spells:
Alterno (The Bed-Making Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: al-TER-no
Effect: Makes a bed.
Aqua Eructo ♠♠
Pronunciation: AH-quah er-UK-toe
Color: Ice blue
Effect: Creates a jet of icy clear water, which the caster can control.
Aqua Feruentem (The Boiling Water Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: AH-quah fer-oo-EN-tem
Effect: Heats water up to boiling point (100 C).
Amini Bourboulithres ♣♣
Pronunciation: ah-MEEN-ee boor-boo-LE-thres
Effect: Creates a screen of soap bubbles when making an escape.
Arania Exumai ♦♦
Pronunciation: ah-RAHN-ee-uh EGGS-oo-may
Color: Blue
Effect: Used to at least blast back Acromantulas or other large spiders.
Arescoripus ♣♣
Pronunciation: ah-reh-SCOR-ip-us
Effect: Dries up water.
Bullaureus ♣♣
Pronunciation: bull-AUR-ee-us
Effect: Pours non-bursting golden bubbles out of the wand.
Conseco (The Dicing Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: con-SEE-koh
Effect: Dices vegetables and fruits.
Convertendo (The Bookshelf Rearranging Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: con-ver-TEN-doe
Effect: Used to sort books, parchments, quills and the like alphabetically, according to type, etc.
Desino (The Stopping Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: deh-SEE-noh
Effect: Used to stop completely any movement from charmed objects for cleaning or doing household chores.
Diffindo (The Severing Charm)
Pronunciation: dif-FIN-doe
Color: White
Effect: It is used to rip, divide, and separate objects into parts. It can cut human flesh if used inappropriately, and can therefore cause death.
Pronunciation: dis-SEN-di-um
Effect: Opens the hump of the one-eyed witch.
Ela Bourboulithres ♣♣
Pronunciation: ELL-uh boor-boo-LE-thres
Effect: Produce harmless soap bubbles from your wand.
Ejicio (The Garbage Disposal Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: ej-IH-see-oh
Effect: Chops garbage up.
Escolo (The Shoe-Cleaning Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: es-KO-lo
Effect: Polishes shoes.
Ferrum Veste (The Clothes-Ironing Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: FAIR-uhm VES-tee
Effect: Irons clothes.
Finite Incantatem (General Counterspell)
Pronunciation: fih-NEE-tay in-kan-TAH-tum
Color: Red
Effect: Stops multiple spell effects.
Fluo (The Liquid-Pouring Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: FLOO-oh
Effect: Makes liquid pour.
Fusilis (The Cushioning Charm) ♣♣
Pronunciation: FEW-sil-iss or few-SIL-iss
Effect: Cushions the seat of a broomstick, giving the rider more comfort.
Immobulus (The Freezing Charm)
Pronunciation: ihm-MO-bew-luss
Color: Blue
Effect: Freezes objects.
Pronunciation: im-PURR-vee-iss
Effect: Makes an object repel water.
Induviae (The Sorting/Folding Clothes Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: in-DOO-vee-ay
Effect: Sorts and folds clothes.
Infirmo (The Vortex/Shake Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: in-FEAR-moh
Effect: Used in cooking to shake/mix ingredients together.
Laboro (The Toilet-Cleaning Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: lah-BOH-roh
Effect: Cleans toilets.
Lava Fenestras (The Window-Washing Charm)
Pronunciation: LA-va fen-ES-tras
Effect: Washes windows.
Lava Vestimenta (The Laundry Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: LAH-vuh ves-tih-MEN-tuh
Effect: Launders/washes clothes.
Livignis ♣♣
Pronunciation: lih-VIG-niss or lih-VIN-yiss
Effect: Creates a bluebell flame which can be directed to a specific place. It can also be saved in jars and, unlike regular fire, it only heats from the top of the flames, making the jar possible to carry.
Pronunciation: loh-coh-MOH-tohr
Effect: Moves an object.
Locomotor Wibbly
Pronunciation: loh-coh-MOH-tohr WIB-blee
Color: Red
Effect: Causes the opponent's legs to collapse.
Lubricus (The Food-Cutting Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: LOO-bree-cuss
Effect: Used to cut pieces of materials in a proportionate and precise manner.
Lumos Maxima
Pronunciation: LOO-mos MAK-sih-muh
Color: White
Effect: Produces a blinding flash of white light from the tip of the wand.
Mendus (The Dusting Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: MEN-diss
Effect: Dusts objects.
Mensa (The Table-Setting Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: MEN-suh
Effect: Sets a table.
Pronunciation: moh-bill-ee-AHR-bus
Effect: Allows the caster to move trees with the wand.
Pronunciation: moh-bill-ee-CORE-puss
Effect: Moves unconscious bodies.
Nakriono ♣♣
Pronunciation: nah-KREE-oh-no
Effect: Cool yourself down if you're in a hot place.
Nazesteno ♣♣
Pronunciation: nots-eh-STEH-no
Effect: Warm yourself up if you're in a cold place.
Pack ♠♠
Effect: Packs a trunk or any luggage; makes items assemble themselves into a trunk.
Wand movement: Tap your bag twice with your wand and then do one large counterclockwise circle above the items you want packed while saying the word "Pack".
Papyrus Reparo
Pronunciation: puh-PIE-russ reh-PAIR-oh
Effects: Mends torn pieces of paper
Pexeimona ♣♣
Pronunciation: peck-see-MOH-nah
Effect: Make musical instruments play themselves (no guarantee that it will be either pleasant or in tune).
Pollahroma ♣♣
Pronunciation: po-LAH hro-MAH
Effect: Make a group of things multicolored.
Pronunciation: pro-TAY-goh
Color: Bright, transparent blue
Effect: Creates a magical barrier that will deflect hexes thrown at the caster.
Protego Maxima
Pronunciation: pro-TAY-goh MAX-eema
Effect: A powerful shield charm
Protego Totalum
Pronunciation: pro-TAY-goh toh-TAH-lum
Effect: Protects an area for an extended period of time
Rennervate (The Reviving Spell)
Pronunciation: REHN-ner-vait
Effect: Awakens a victim.
Note: Counters Stupefy.
Reparo (The Mending Charm)
Pronunciation: rih-PAH-row
Effect: Undoes damage to an object.
Rictusempra (Tickling Charm)
Pronunciation: rik-tuh-SEM-pruh
Color: Silver
Effect: Tickles opponent.
Roto (The Food-Flipping Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: ROH-toh
Effect: In cooking, this spell flips foods like pancakes or steak so that they can be cooked on the other side.
Serpensortia (Snake Summons Spell)
Pronunciation: ser-pehn-SOHR-tee-uh
Color: White
Effect: Produces a snake.
Stupefy (Stunning Spell)
Pronunciation: STOO-pih-fy
Color: Red
Effect: Knocks out opponent.
Tersus (The Dishwashing Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: TURR-siss
Effect: Wahses dishes.
Umbrus (The Umbrella Charm)
Pronunciation: UM-bruss
Effect: Produces an umbrella from your wand
Vacuum Lautus (The Vacuuming Charm)
Pronunciation: vac-UUM LOW-u-tus
Wand movement: a forward and backward motion, as though using a vacuum cleaner
Effect: Turns your wand into a vacuum, getting rid of dust and debris from carpets
Pronunciation: VEN-tuss
Effect: Shoots a jet of strong spiraling wind
Verrimus (The Sweeping Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: VAIR-ih-miss
Effect: Sweeps debris away.
Vipera Evanesca
Pronunciation: vee-PAIR-uh eh-vuh-NES-kuh
Effect: Counter-spell for the Snake-Summoning Charm
Vorto Vellum (The Curtain-Changing Charm) ♣♣*
Pronunciation: VOHR-toh VELL-uhm
Effect: Changes curtains according to color or type.
Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses:
Anteoculatia (The Color-Changing Charm)
Pronunciation: an-tee-oh-kyo-LAY-chee-ah
Effect: Causes the target to grow antlers
Aurifero ♥♥
Pronunciation: oar-IF-err-oh
Effect: Causes the ears of the victim to wiggle and twitch uncontrollably.
Cantare ♥♥
Pronunciation: kahn-TAHR-ay
Effect: Makes victim to start singing uncontrollably (in tune or not). Speech cannot be controlled.
Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse)
Pronunciation: loh-coh-MOH-tohr MOHR-tiss
Color: Purple
Effect: Locks together the legs of the victim, making the victim unable to walk.
Makrenimalli ♥♥
Pronunciation: mah-KREN-ih-mah-lee
Effect: Make someone's hair suddenly grow.
Niaourizi ♥♥
Pronunciation: nyow-REET-see
Effect: Make someone "meow" like a cat every time they speak.
Revetai Bourboulithres ♥♥
Pronunciation: REH-veh-teh boor-boo-LEE-thress
Effect: Make someone belch harmless bubbles.
Tarantallegra (Dancing Feet Spell)
Pronunciation: tair-en-tuh-LEG-ruh
Color: Green
Effect: Forces the victim to start dancing uncontrollably.
Titillando (Tickling Hex)
Pronunciation: tih-tuh-LAWN-doh
Effect: Tickles the opponent, making it difficult for them to stop laughing and twitching.
Vomitus Earum (The Slug-Vomiting Jinx) ♥♥
Pronunciation: voh-MEE-tiss AIR-uhm
Effect: Causes the victim to belch up slugs.
Yellatrella ♥♥
Pronunciation: YELL-uh-TRELL-uh
Effect: Gives someone a major attack of the giggles.